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Everything posted by NickelCity

  1. NOOOOOOOO!!! Not another QB that the Barbarian likes!
  2. MAN I wish we had a great mlb to pair with out dline.
  3. If all goes well, we can finally draft skill positions without feeling guilty for not beefing up the lines (the most important part of a football team).
  4. I wonder if they might keep Dickerson over Choice.
  5. Wow I did not see this coming. Not sure how I feel about it yet, I would have liked to see what he could contribute during a real game. He does fit much better as a 34 OLB, however. He was a good ambassador for the Bills while he was here, especially for potential free agents.
  6. I definitely liked Martin, but am very happy with Glenn so far. I think he is a true bright spot from camp and preseason. It's early, but I'm excited about having a legitimate LT. I can't remember the last season we weren't worried about that position.
  7. C'mon man, his name is Tank.
  8. Mentioning that the term "vanilla defense" is cliché, is rapidly becoming cliché.
  9. I posted this a few days ago: I thought he played very well. If Chan and Nix were planning on bringing in another safety, I guess it's reasonable to assume a spot is attainable. Go Cardinal.
  10. This board is so depressing right now.
  11. I imagine all of our preseason games will be somewhat iffy, and then we'll come out strong to start the regular season.
  12. I know that he will most likely be cut, but I'm surprised that there is not more chatter about Delano Howell. Anyone notice how he's been doing at camp? Nix said he wanted to add another safety, but hasn't done so yet. Maybe Howell has a fighting chance?
  13. I'd like to see Delano Howell get a legitimate chance. Hoping he turns some heads in camp.
  14. I believe he's referring to your roster, compiled of players from various seasons, and the question provided by the OP: Regardless, you put together a solid D. I might tweak it, but still.
  15. Hey Bmore, Is there some joke I'm not getting in your signature? I don't recall beating the Pats* in '08...
  16. Where is that Vincent Gallo interview on the Bills?
  17. I have fun with SketchUp. Reminds me of my lego days. http://sketchup.google.com/intl/en/download/index.html
  18. Shucks, I really did fail. Badly, ha. Long day, leaving that game to the pros.
  19. All these former Cal stars, getting DUIs . But seriously, more professional sports players should hire full-time drivers.
  20. Man the offseason is boring.
  21. I bet most of us would just break down into tears. Then go on a week long tear. I'd probably fly to Buffalo the morning after the game.
  22. I understand what you're doing with this post, but if I recall correctly, Lee was pretty "in demand" this offseason...
  23. How did I miss this awesome thread? I mean, we've got weeks to go before training camp starts.
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