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Everything posted by NickelCity

  1. Way past due, but really happy for 83.
  2. I have to imagine there's a very high likelihood of that occurring.
  3. Well would ya look at that.
  4. I noticed that earlier today. I wont lie, I laughed. Obviously.
  5. I imagine they will end up taking one in the 4th. I bet we get a better "prospect" than we think, too.
  6. Well I hate it because he's awful and we're doomed, but also because he's going to be poached next offseason after doing well, continuing our merry-go-round of coaches.
  7. Hmm. I wouldn't compare Skov to Kiko. In fact, I'd describe him as a run-stuffing LB who would nicely compliment Kiko. I don't think Skov will be able to regularly drop into coverage in the NFL...
  8. Everyone has a plan 'til they get punched in the mouth.
  9. By and large, I like players who are "classy," a la Peyton Manning. However, I think Sherman is pretty funny. Absolutely ridiculous and outrageous, but funny. And sharp.
  10. Lived for years in Denver. I could not agree more. Honestly, what the hell is with Broncos fans?
  11. Hackett (probably) and Crossman for another year…sigh.
  12. Eight months to go...
  13. Or we could just add to your list: "the special teams coach sucks." They're not mutually exclusive.
  14. This pisses me off.
  15. Love the blue pants.
  16. I'd sprint to the podium. And he may very well be there. I'm a Murray fan for sure.
  17. Isn't this just the beginning of 'rant' season? Out of playoff contention, then the brutally long wait until the draft, then the divide between the optimists/completesuckers and realists/pessimists/asshats gets exacerbated until the season starts, and then we have around 10 weeks of semi-reasonable "let's see where this thing goes" posts….no?
  18. I hope/expect them to take the leash off EJJ. As a consequence I expect more yards, tds, and ints.
  19. To each their own, but man I just can't understand this. Not only would I not be a fan anymore, I'd probably dislike the new team even more. I would hope they wouldn't keep the Bills mascot/logo/etc to add insult to injury (see: Colts, Baltimore, as mentioned above). At least that way we could keep this board strong with hope that we'll be the next Browns-style expansion, ha.
  20. I like it. But I'm still crushed by our last game.
  21. Ugh. Yesterday was a brutal loss.
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