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Everything posted by NickelCity

  1. Eight months to go...
  2. Or we could just add to your list: "the special teams coach sucks." They're not mutually exclusive.
  3. This pisses me off.
  4. Love the blue pants.
  5. I'd sprint to the podium. And he may very well be there. I'm a Murray fan for sure.
  6. Isn't this just the beginning of 'rant' season? Out of playoff contention, then the brutally long wait until the draft, then the divide between the optimists/completesuckers and realists/pessimists/asshats gets exacerbated until the season starts, and then we have around 10 weeks of semi-reasonable "let's see where this thing goes" posts….no?
  7. I hope/expect them to take the leash off EJJ. As a consequence I expect more yards, tds, and ints.
  8. To each their own, but man I just can't understand this. Not only would I not be a fan anymore, I'd probably dislike the new team even more. I would hope they wouldn't keep the Bills mascot/logo/etc to add insult to injury (see: Colts, Baltimore, as mentioned above). At least that way we could keep this board strong with hope that we'll be the next Browns-style expansion, ha.
  9. I like it. But I'm still crushed by our last game.
  10. Ugh. Yesterday was a brutal loss.
  11. This was one of the worst I have watched in...geez, a long time. I am utterly devastated.
  12. Well obviously. We're Bills fans.
  13. I can't tell if I want the falcons to lose today so they look weak, or win so that they're not coming into our game with an even bigger chip on their shoulder after the tampa embarrassment
  14. Richardson over Kiko just seems crazy to me.
  15. We're goin' all the way.
  16. My thoughts exactly.
  17. I certainly like the evolution of our defense, but I don't consider it top-10. Still some issues to be fixed. Hopefully this means Pettine stays.
  18. The QB snuck a 1st down and we FB rushed in a goal line stance?? (I actually did see the latter in highlights) Holy smokes that IS good news.
  19. All solid responses, thanks. (bandit - I did hear there were one or two such throws to Hogan in the first half) Specifically addressing a few points: minimizing turnovers - this is valid speculation on why EJ might be avoiding such throws. Coaching - Tuel and Lewis were more willing to make such throws, and maybe this ties into the above point (minimizing turnovers) - the coaches were more willing to let Tuel and Lewis gamble/fail. However, I feel like if the coaches are holding EJ back in that part of the field, perhaps they need to let the leash out a little bit. Coaching cont. (Hackett) - I get the impression that Hackett is scared of the middle of the field. The first game against the jets saw how many idiotic fade routes along the sidelines? Hackett is the biggest disappointment of the season for me so far. I've seen EJ make some great throws in the middle (preseason to Dickerson, one of the early games to Woods, there are others), and I'd like him to have the opportunity to make more.
  20. Ok I've waited until the rabble has subsided a bit. I only got to watch the second half. This undoubtedly has an impact on my takeaways. My thoughts - the first two series I watched were a series of poor throws and frustrating check downs. This bummed me out. Then there was the two-play 80-some yard drive. Great ball to Marquise. The throws I keep looking for are the 10-20 yard completions (and NOT of the fade route/jump ball variety). These are the most important throws in the NFL imo. The throw to Chandler in the 4th was the best pass I saw EJ complete yesterday. He floated one to him earlier that was nearly a completion (during this one I actually yelled aloud "yes! he actually threw past the 1st down marker!!"...but then the ball hung up there and chandler got a bit goofy). We all hope EJ is the guy. When he starts hitting throws that aren't bombs/fades (man were we lucky on that first TD to TJ), and are more than 8ish yards, I'll be a very happy camper. I'm cautiously optimistic right now...
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