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Everything posted by NickelCity

  1. Sammy is going to have a fantastic career. Unless it's for a proven quarterback, I don't want to trade him.
  2. Don't know much about Schwartz in Detroit, other than his teams were quite chippy. I'm guessing he will be our next coach, and I don't mind that at all. By all accounts, the team will be happy with that as well. However, I don't really know the details of his time in Detroit. What are your thoughts on why he didn't pan out long term? Was it unique to that team/time, or is it a systemic problem with Schwartz? Your best guess...
  3. I'd wouldn't be upset with Glennon at all. I would like a couple brought in, but I'd be happy if he was one of 'em.
  4. Are Jason Campbell and Kellen Moore the best of the (current) free agents?
  5. I envy your optimism amgio, and I'd be over the moon if you were right. I can't see it, but what the heck do I know.
  6. Every time I've watched him he has impressed me...granted my sample size is only a handful of games. But there wasn't a moment where I was happy to have EJ instead of him. In short, I'd love to get Glennon. I think he can be successful in this league. My list (in no particular order): Bradford, Foles, Glennon, Moore
  7. Too bad about the retirement. He was an asset.
  8. The part where Garrapolo getting experience is something to be feared is my favorite part.
  9. I play it fast and loose brother.
  10. This is kind of where I'm at with him. If the price is reasonable, I'd be intrigued. I just don't want to overpay. Don't know what he'll generate in free agency though...
  11. I got frustrated when I looked at the Raiders game all week long after our big win and just knew we would blow it, but somehow managed to get emotionally invested, as per usual. I trick myself into believing I'm more detached with every year, until a "big game" rolls around and I get wrapped up in it.
  12. While we chase our QBs in free agency, we also need to be taking a 2-3rd round qb and a 5-6th round qb every !@#$ing year.
  13. Seems pretty uncanny to me as well.
  14. Utterly disgusted.
  15. How many seasons of this assclown Hackett need we endure? I had the tar and feathers ready after last season.
  16. Hahaha In other news, we're never a sure thing. I want the W and our slim hopes to be alive going into the NE game!
  17. +1 He can be a decent all around receiver I think. His health is what's frustrating.
  18. Fine with Marrone staying, desperately hoping Hackett gets replaced.
  19. Always hard to predict who will suck and who will turn dominant. We need ourselves an offense and then we're in business regardless!
  20. Can't overlook Oakland.
  21. Orton is at his worst with a bad OLine. Build him an OLine and he's the best placeholder we've had in awhile. This team with a 'good' qb would be a force.
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