Don't know enough about them to evaluate them as prospects, but I wouldn't be mad at the type of player you're describing. This defense is screaming for one (or two).
I don't think he wants to go anywhere. Either that or he's great at keeping it under wraps, because even off the cuff and away from reporters he indicates he wants to be at Stanford for a long time.
I am a SF Giants fan and, to a lesser degree, the Warriors. I was elated by both, but to compare either to my Buffalo fandom would be ludicrous. Neither is in the same stratosphere.
Honestly I've taken to not watching large portions of the games live. They still stress me out, even though I know what's coming (another Bills collapse). Gamepass changed everything for me.
Our remaining schedule looks very tough from where I'm sitting. Gotta have the Chiefs and Texans games. Hope we are up to it but the jekyll and hyde season makes me have doubts. The Billsian move would be a win against the Pats**** tonight and a dud to the chefs.