There is a big misconception about the bench test being indicative of functional strength. The 225lb bench press is not a test of strength for lineman, it's really a test of muscular endurance. 225lbs is just not a lot of weight for players over 270lbs. For lineman, lifting 315lbs would be better test for strength. I'd be willing to gamble the guy who had the most reps at the combine would not have the highest 1-rep max bench of all the attendees.
Back before the NFL Combine was all the rage, I witnessed a bench press challenge between 2 of my college friends, to see who could bench 225lbs the most times. One guy was a monster powerlifter who was pretty pudgy & could bench press over 450lbs, the other guy was just a regular muscular dude in good all-around shape who could max 350ish. Everybody assumed the bigger & stronger guy would win and laughed at the challenge. The big strong powerlifter only got it about 20x, while the other guy was around 25x. Obviously the guy who can bench press 450lbs was stronger, but his lifting endurance was sub-par.