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Everything posted by Leroi

  1. Thank You for your sacrifice. You are a true hero... Imo
  2. Monos is a cool guy. Very down to earth. Him and Whaley together are a blast, they are good friends. It would be bad if he left the Bills, but if he can land a GM job elsewhere, he surely deserves it. Imo
  3. Just place him on your ignore list, problem solved... Imo
  4. "Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground." -Theodore Roosevelt Imo
  5. He'll be back only to injure himself again. Poor porcelain, so fragile. Meow. Imo
  6. Man, being in Upstate, I wonder how often Vic says that about the women here? It must drive him nuts... Imo
  7. Just stop. You are embarrassing yourself. Imo
  8. Yes, it's looking like Reggie out, Mr. Big Puff in. The writing has been on the wall for Reggie since the Baltimore game. Plus the Kardashian curse/ virus. He is in a no win scenario. However, He is going home, after being shunned by USC. We may keep him, if he is overly motivated. http://www.latimes.com/sports/nfl/la-sp-rams-reggie-bush-20161006-snap-story.html Imo
  9. Ritalin is a banned substance in the NFL. Imo
  10. False. He hurt it in the off season, on his most recent trip to Disney World. His daughter on his shoulders, the klutz strepped into a pot hole... Imo
  11. Which was the worse pick. Maybin or Sammy? Tough choice. Imo
  12. Woods, Sammy and Tyrod all gone next year. Rebuild ahead. Imo
  13. What an embarrassing, disappointing player. He should give some money back. Probably will be bagging groceries in some small job in a couple. All the potential in the world. Only to Bust. And after mortgaging our future. Whaley really screwed us. Imo
  14. That would be the case. And why would Porcelain be twating he is good to go, last week and just a couple days ago. Leads me to believe 2 things: 1. Sammy is soft and is putting himself before the team. Or 2. The screw is in fact loose in his foot and there is a concern it could get worse or it could lead to another stress fracture. Imo
  15. Hahahaaha! Lol!Lol! That's hilarious!!! Are you a comedian?? Lol Imo
  16. You're not a cop. Are You?? Imo
  17. Tg There was an ancient Indian tribe that lived in Pittsford and at St John Fisher. They would bury their chiefs up on a hill just overlooking chasing rain pond. That ol' chief hill turn into Growney stadium. A few years back, during renovation. Remains of 8 adults and 4 children were found. During autopsy, it was found the 8 adults were in fact chiefs and the children theirs. The children remains were separated and moved. Ever since then. Cursed by injury, Cursed by selfishness, Cursed by self control! It was told, a fat coach and his brother would come, for sinister reasons only to be disguised by good intention. The end is Nigh!! Imo
  18. "Percy Harvin 2.0" lol Imo
  19. Another clown for our circus. Sign em Imo
  20. Section 133 or 134 row 15 and above to 40 are mint. Home side, 50 yard line, high enough to be over the field camera. Imo
  21. Only if we are in full tank mode and we definetly don't want to win a game. Then play him. EJ guarantees us 0-16. There is no other reason to play him. He already cost one offensive coach his job, now the entire staff? Rex and Whaley should just resign, if it gets to that point. If they think Trod had regressed to the point of no return, play CJ and pray for a miracle. The Season will be shot by then. Imo
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