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Everything posted by Leroi

  1. Could be an issue when the seahawks, ravens, eagles, falcons and cardinals come to town... We need to be environmentally friendly, in all aspects. This isn't the ignorant 1900s. Respect. Imo
  2. He cancelled his interview because he was offered the OC job in Jax. Chances are good he will accept that position. Marrone got played hard and everyone got what they wanted except the assistants, they got screwed. Imo
  3. A big splash is in the works. A few things have to go right for the puzzle to come together. Reborn...
  4. Marrone was on the same talent level as Jauron. One of the worst, in our short history. We have definetly upgraded and the cancer is gone. Two birds, One Stone. Imo
  5. Breaking Bread with Roman this afternoon ... Imo
  6. What a night here in Boca!! Truly special. Ink is drying, coffee is flowing. Let the Pegula Chapter begin!! Roman this afternoon. ReBorn!!! Imo
  7. Too gullible. They have no relation. Roman will be the OC if this plays out. Imo
  8. Trestman and Rex have NO relation. Roman will be OC if this plays out... Imo
  9. This is just the tip of the iceberg. The things I am hearing will literally blow your mind. (QB situation,Free Agency,'draft) it's all really amazing. Are you prepared for the Pegula Bills? Reborn... Imo
  10. This info comes from a text received this morning.
  11. I just heard that Rex is scheduled for a second interview next week. He is our favorite candidate. Gregg Roman is also our #1 choice for OC if we hire Rex. Should be a awesome package. Let's hope it works out. Imo
  12. Buffalo will never get out from under the Gray Cloud. The worse luck city in the world. Stubbornness of the FO is disgusting and most are still here. Imo
  13. Zero. He is not on the Bills. It's a stupid scenerio to try and guess. You are wrong either way. Imo
  14. Where the Hell are the Bills odds?
  15. The cost of Watkins was too much when there is no established QB. A terrible decision. Watkins was just average when the ball went his way; drops, injuries, trips over his big feet. He is nothing special. Imo The Trade wasn't worh it. PERIOD JMO
  16. We are due to get it right. This next coach must be better than Marrone. We all know the team won in spite of Him.
  17. Even my 2 year old daughter was booing. That was how bad of a performance it was. Historically Bad!! We may be witnessing history here, folks: 1. Historically The Worse team in history. 2. Historically The Worse GM in History. 3. Historically The Worse Coach in History. 4. Historically The Worse QB in History. I think it may be time for a new owner. IMO
  18. A pretty pathetic performance by our starting QB. This is going to be a long year. IMO
  19. The key is not to fall for r. Brandon's marketing genius. Is this team better than last year? No, not even close. Don't get your hopes up and don't get emotionally involved. "Best time to be a Bills fan is the Offseason" IMO
  20. This is just another distraction and excuse why the Bills blew this year. Sell the Team Before the Season Starts!!! IMO
  21. Absolutely in la la land. This team has the potential to win 8 games. Will they? history says hell no!! Max potential for this team is 8 games anything more is gravy. Playoffs this year or the new owner will clean house. IMO
  22. Lol. More like down the toilet.
  23. It was a cool fight. Wood gets in fights every year, I like his fire. IMO
  24. It seems as if the upgrades are just money makers for the Bills. Where is the public money going?
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