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Everything posted by Leroi

  1. I usually don't respond to careless misunderstandings... Reading comprehension is your friend and very important in everyday life, it's all in the details and it's all very specific. Imo
  2. Right now I'd trade a pack of gum for KneEJ. Anything would be an upgrade. Imo
  3. Wow. The FO must love this Clay guy. No way Phins match that offer. He is ours in 5 business days, 90%. Imo
  4. Odds are still are not in our favor. I wonder what they change to if we get a starting QB in here?? Imo
  5. This team needs a starting QB. Until then, we are doomed at .500. Marrone was a great coach, he got the best out of our players. Imo
  6. Three years in a row now we go into the season without a starter at qB, That is a major problem. If nothing changes we are worse than last year... Imo
  7. Rest In Conflict Vladimir Putin!!! Imo
  8. Great Signing. Now find a QB!!! Imo
  9. I heard they locked Harvin up in the basement and chained him to a radiator. They refused a phone call or any visitors, only chance of leaving; Sign the Contract!!! Imo
  10. Forgivin by me, obviously. I am a fan of the Bills, that is my connection. Imo
  11. Let's leave race out of this. This is the year 2015. The hate generation has passed, soon we will forget how embarrassing they were. Imo
  12. And is now the hands down favorite to start, I assume. Imo
  13. He will never be forgiven for blowing the Falcons game up in Toronto. His cap situation is similar to Freddy's. Imo
  14. Best Radio personalities around. Schoop is too funny as is his partner. Love the show, keep up the good work WGR!! Imo
  15. Whoever smelt it, delt it; my man. SBD Imo
  16. Welcome to the Genius of Russ Brandon. Renewing hope every off season for the sheeple to horde tickets. "Best Time to Be a Bills Fan is the Offseason"- Schmuggs Could this year be the year? sure. Likely? No At least the perception of improvement is working, as it does annually. Will we be as good, record wise, as last year? Imo
  17. Watkins, Woods and Harvin would be amazing!! Now go and find a starting QB. Matt Moore ahem!! Imo
  18. I beleive he is on his way to Buffalo. Not signed. Imo
  19. Terry is not a meddling owner, he trusts his GM to make personelle decisions. Never mix business with sentiments. Our new owner is a pro, he makes logical decisions, keeps emotion out of the equation, he doesn't over-react. Imo
  20. Don't believe the hype. Whaley has final say on the roster, not Pegula. Terry will/ would not disrespect his GM by going over his head. It is all Whaleys' decision. Freddy will be a cap casualty. Imo
  21. What happens when he refuses to re-structure? How long did Freddy wait for his big pay day? The problem with Fred is that: He Needs His Turn. This is just a repeat of the Lynch saga. Imo
  22. Fred is gone regardless who they bring in. We are not taking a 2.7 mill cap hit to see if there is anything left. We noticed a huge decline last year and that will continue. He should avoid the perception of disrespect and just retire. Imo
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