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Everything posted by Leroi

  1. Leo heals like he talks... Give the man some more time, he'll be ready. Imo
  2. I like this idea. How EJ is playing is expected. Whaley and Rex have a plan and are following it. Imo
  3. Club seats are perfect for that business meeting or to take the kids. Congratulations!! Go Bills Imo
  4. Congratulations to You and Your Husband. A true miracle. Imo
  5. Yeah. Good Post and I agree. We are in a win-now mode with the window of opportunity closing. Financials should play no role in determining who's stays and who gets cut/traded. Imo
  6. I heard he was also put on the MUP list. (Mentally Unable to Perform) 100% Bust Imo
  7. Congratulations Russ!! The son that Ralph never had. Keep up the good work. Go Bills!! Imo
  8. Or just tell them your avatar on TBD is a Blue Butt Farting Red Gas. That will get you out guaranteed... Imo
  9. I heard they don't remove the pulmonary pleura which make their ribs rubbery. Their pulled pork is good. Good Smoke> Sticky Lips > Dinosaur Imo
  10. He is with us; He is among us Imo Let's start with Chris the trainer... Imo
  11. Oh! you are joking. Lol. Good One. Imo
  12. Let me guess; your walk to school was 10 miles, uphill both ways in 20 foot of snow. Child abuse is no longer tolerated as discipline in today's day. Our generation understands that. We have evolved. Imo
  13. Who would y'all prefer; Mario or Marcel? Imo
  14. All training camp day practices are free. Tickets are only required for night sessions and are free. VIP area has two sections: corporate and hospitality. Corporate is 100x better. Both have great views and included food and beer. This does cost some money, but not much. Go Bills!!! Imo
  15. They started the "Credit Card" seasons last year, so far the feedback has been tremendously positive. They are very convenient, if you need to sell a game, just contact the box office and they will have the tickets waiting at will call. Go Bills!!! Imo
  16. I understand this is a sensitive topic, but there is no reason to be this irrational. Your thought process seems to be heavily influenced by fear and anxiety which is leading to you acting out. My suggestion, step away from the keyboard and take a break. Now back to topic. Imo
  17. There are many factors that go into Public Relations. The short minded view: if we win, who cares. The well thought out view: this may very well come back to bite us. These people are considered role models and this is not how role models act. I'm sure Pegs will make the correct decision as he doesn't want his legacy tarnished. If he is guilty in any aspect, I assume a precedent will be made and this won't happen again. However, from what we know already, it appears this guy is a child abuser with a temper. It's a delicate topic that management will have to make a decision on, soon!! This could potentially sabotage our season. Imo
  18. Rest in Paradise, my friend. You will be missed. Imo
  19. I heard The neighbors of Kromer have hired a private security firm, for they are in fear of their lives. The emotional distress that has been put upon the families has been heavy. That anxiety has to be worth a few million dollars. Let hope Kromer doesn't follow through on his promise. Imo
  20. Sponsors are overly sensitive and don't want things to get carried away. Look at North Carolina and the Confederate Flag for a great example. Also, The media has a way of blowing thing out of proportion, it's all about ratings. This needs to be squashed before it's an out of control raging forest fire. Imo
  21. Definetly more embarrassing for Mia Khalifa. My main concern is losing MAJOR sponsors. I imagine They are growling and not happy. Imo
  22. This is becoming incredibly embarrassing for the the state of NY, the city of Buffalo, the town of Orchard Park and the Buffalo Bills. Get this guy off the payroll before we start losing sponsors!! Imo
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