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Everything posted by Leroi

  1. Haha, too funny. SPAGS!!! Imo
  2. Exactly, who cares what the crowd was like in the 3rd quarter last week. The record comes from a small sample. I guess we agree, hombré. Imo
  3. What about the Ashley Madisons'?? Do you understand the process of setting the record? It is not a mean of loudness from the entire game, it is the loudest point, the pinnacle of loudness. Imo
  4. Socially awkward people get nervous everywhere. The Ralph is no exception. Imo
  5. Last week was the week for this. Not a great game to do this, too many Ashley Madison fans will be here... Imo
  6. Yikes!!! Get well soon, tripod.... Imo
  7. Spags!! Awsome OP, you made my day. You've got to come up to a Bills game, let me know when you are in town, I will invite you down to the field, pregame. You are hilarious and you should have your own TV show. "Spags" Late night fuhgeddaboudit. Dice Clay style... Imo
  8. This stadium used to be an intimidating place for opposing fans, today, we are welcoming. Opposing fans are welcome in our stadium and they can behave in any manner they want. Too many rules to get in trouble and nobody wants to get kicked out or arrested. So no, there is no danger for opposing fans. Bring your kids and enjoy the day... Imo
  9. T-Mob to Clay over the middle for 8 yards. 19 First Downs. Imo
  10. Awsome, she is a great talent. On a side note, are we ever going to get our Cheerleaders back? The little drummer boys just don't create any pleasant distraction. Imo
  11. The last game he played was vs Miami on 12/28. Remember when he took a nap in the end zone last year. Plus he is fragile. Imo
  12. Strange, if this is a suicide, why in the RV lot with thousands of other people? What were his intentions? I guess we will never know. Lets just have fun and be benevolent when on Bills property... Imo
  13. This was an assumed Loss when the schedule came out. It is part of our evolution to 11 wins this year, it really helps with our playoff aspirations. Imo
  14. I'll let you in on a little secret. Anyone can enter through the media gate, there is never a line... Imo
  15. The wifi still can not handle the load. The $136,350 for upgrading looks to have been a waste. A refund should be requested. The vendor misstated the facts. Imo
  16. I believe an extension is due for T-mob, this week or next. Imo
  17. Silly BF4E, Trix are for Rabbits. Thanks for your continued contributions. Imo
  18. To sterotype is offensive to ANY race or group of people. Imo
  19. Great! We agree. Unfortunately I am not familiar enough with you to form an emotional opinion. Keep Punching. Imo
  20. Are you attempting to be racist? How culturally out of touch. Imo
  21. Tyrod has been the favorite since May. After the last two games, I am firmly in the Tyrod fan-wagon. Imo
  22. No he doesn't. Don't be silly. Imo
  23. "Us" people? There is no need to segregate and why would we have to stick together? A very old fashioned saying, I bet I can guess your generation. Imo
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