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Everything posted by Leroi

  1. What else would you call it? His Instagram rant was pure hate. Did you just see the Peanuts Movie? Imo
  2. Right. But what is this nonsense that we couldn't afford him because of M. Cassel? That was way out of left field and stated. Imo
  3. With his hatred of Fans and lack of success on-field, I can see where some fans are disappointed to the point of anger. However, we mortgaged our future for him, we must give him more time to develop. There is no doubt he has the talent. He has to string together a few good games this year and continue into next. Any more soft injuries or he continues his immature rants, he will continue to lose fans. Imo
  4. I agree, I do not recall any B. Marshall speculation. He would have fit this team well, with his history etc. Imo
  5. Damn. This year has been one giant back-fire. Whaley really took some risks, and not all have panned out. I feel for Whaley, but some of his decisions are head scratchers, to say the least. #goingrouge. Imo
  6. What is this "hiccup" he had Thursday? He tweaked it. Blaming fatigue. Let's hope he didn't seriously re-aggravate it. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/14067523/sammy-watkins-buffalo-bills-definitely-play-sunday-ankle-injury Imo
  7. Definitely frustrating. Let us wait and see before rushing to such irrational judgement. He could be just taking it easy so he doesn't hurt himself again... Imo
  8. $150...must be very limited. They are cool. Imo
  9. Look at the F@$* Handles on that Phins fan!! Lol Imo
  10. What's the over/ under on porcelain Watkins? Plays or Games? Imo
  11. Integrity of the game has been compromised. Allegations will continue until one sticks. The Only way to gain back integrity is for them to admit there actions and seek forgiveness from the league or they need to be eliminated from the league. This team is the C. Tan of the NFL, and it's embarrassing. Imo
  12. Game Ball goes to the refs*, again. Imo
  13. Percy with the knee, that's new. Imo
  14. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, a sandwich is "two or more slices of bread with a filling such as meat or cheese placed between them, or a partly split long or round roll containing a filling." Imo
  15. At 27, She must be a huge Bills fan now, no? I bet she remembers it. Imo
  16. What is the point of this OP? Whaley sucks or Leo is back? I'm confused. Imo
  17. Just confirming the fact that Rex was the 11 or 12 candidate on the list. Not that it was a Kim hire. You the man Beerball!! Imo
  18. Unfortunately, you are in the minority. We work our little jobs(14), let us unwind on the weekends. Not everyone who drinks is a Loser, btw and a Bills game is no place to bring a young child. Imo
  19. I'll drink to that, You know Holes in my shoes, at least there's a hole in my head to fill me with Booze. Imo
  20. Chud, isn't that Marrones best friend/ twin?? Imo
  21. Yeah, fresh off the Still and into my mouth at 160 proof. Ah yeah it burns so good. Imo
  22. Kim's WGR interview... http://www.wgr550.com/pages/21759205.php?contentType=4&contentId=17591623 Imo
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