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Everything posted by Leroi

  1. We already start the season 0-2. Keeping Leo, 0-3. He is a liability, he had a okay career with the Bills but his time has come. Imo
  2. Myles Jack- ILB from UCLA will be our pick, if he falls. This is the general we need. Imo
  3. Best of Luck for the next year. Go Bills!!! Imo
  4. and we wonder why there is no leadership from the Vets... We need the leaders to be captains, enough of these games, Rex. Imo
  5. Mario is playing how he is coached. He has not givin up and is still an elite talent. Releasing him would be a huge mistake. Imo
  6. Impressed by the media? Please. Each source pushes their agenda and must be watched with a grain of salt. I personally don't believe a thing, however, jazerra is the most accurate and non-biased of the bunch. They are respected through-out the world. Imo
  7. They all are. They are more accurate than the others.... Imo
  8. Believe it or not. Al Jazeera is more accurate than both CNN and especially Fox Nexs. It is a good news source. Imo
  9. Exaggerating the situation. Kyle wants to retire in Buffalo, he doesn't want out. Imo
  10. What specifically are you looking at? Let's wait until the offseason to start pushing personal agendas. Imo
  11. This is how this should play out. Approach Rex and tell him to hire a DC who will maximize the Ds potential. If he has a problem or refuses. Give him a choice Quit or become THE Football Czar. Pay him his salary for another position. Pegs won't eat the 18 mil. And we can have our cake and eat it to. If he quits we are off the hook for his salary. Imo
  12. Square Hole meet Round Peg. He is right. Rex' hire was not well thought out, a knee jerk reaction. Mario is an all star. Releasing him would be a huge mistake. Imo
  13. lol, I would have liked Byrd and Jason Peters to remain, however, I understand the need to make more money with another team. It wasn't personal. Sometimes the grass is greener, some players just want a change. Peters is having a solid career in Philly. Byrd has had lingering injury issues since he was a Bill (Hernia & PF) it was a good decision letting him walk. Imo
  14. I heard Byrd was allergic to shellfish. Imo
  15. I read the title as Rex Ryan. Please disregard. Thanks Imo
  16. Because a player leaves for a better contract, you consider that Greed? Players have to make a lot of money in a very short career. I would definitely not paint Byrd as a "greedy" player a better adjective would be responsible. Imo
  17. The guy has been on the team for 7 years. That's the kind of 1st rounder I want. He has made some critical errors but overall he was decent. Imo
  18. Doesn't fit the scheme. Like 90% of the roster. Great knee jerk hire of Rex. Imo
  19. Shady is great!! He is surely not the problem. Imo
  20. The game ended approx. 30 mins ago. No, the game is over. Imo
  21. It appears Rex ruined him too. Imo
  22. We want fans to come on down to the Ralph, enjoy the game and spend lots of money. Imo
  23. I'll be going to both and I will have a great time. Go Bills!!! Imo
  24. Inconceivable. Tanking is for Losers. Just look at the Sabres... Imo
  25. I don't know man. A divorce may be in order. Questioning your fan hood ?? Unacceptable. Haha. JK Imo
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