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Everything posted by Leroi

  1. That is unfortunate. Sexist, racist and homophobic are just a few adjectives to describe that party. Peyton should distance himself from that hate. HGH and now this. Time to retire bud. Imo
  2. Whaley and the scouts are in love with Jack. He is the general this D needs. I expect and anticipate Whaley to be aggressive getting the player he wants . Imo
  3. Try reading the article....it's not that simple... Imo
  4. This article reads as if a 13 year old wrote it. Rex is a defensive genius. He will figure this thing out. That 2nd pats game was amazing. Numbers will follow in time, patience is key. Imo
  5. Congrats!! She earned this position. It had nothing to do with her gender, however, still significant. Imo
  6. Drastic Change is going to hurt, but in the end we will be better for it. Sacrifice for the better... Imo
  7. A lefty too. This guy is gonna be a diamond. Imo
  8. His Family misses him tremendously. Even with mental issues, having him around is much better than him being gone forever. To just quit on life... Never, Ever Give Up. Suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better. Imo
  9. Someone should ask Shady McCoy the same question... make like Elsa and just let it go. Imo
  10. Cool!! Welcome Rob. This coaching staff is really shaping up to be one of the best in the league. Imo
  11. He should Sue them for Slander. Not funny b Imo
  12. Another great re-tweet. Thanks again Op Imo
  13. Congrats Whaley!! That's great news!! Imo
  14. Haha. Too funny. Vic... You're next. Imo
  15. Looks like a great time. There is no better fan than a Bills fan. In all aspects. Haha Imo
  16. My response was who, I think, the fall guy will be. I have not turned on anything, it seems as if your grasping for support. Imo
  17. 2015- Danny Crossman 2016- Dennis Thurman 2017- Rex Ryan Imo
  18. Yes. At the very least he must be aware of the communication issue. To skirt the POINT of the question is very disturbing. Thurman VS. Clinton 2016!! Imo
  19. No and No Good Post Imo
  20. Did a 10 year old write that letter?? How immature. Way to stoop down. Typical East Carolina behavior... Imo
  21. Someone post Rex' D stats once Thurman became his DC. I'm sure there was a significant drop. Imo
  22. How can your DC be so out of the loop?? Odd. Imo
  23. Personally, I think this is a mistake, but can't blame Whaley. Hopefully he is replaced with a comparable talent. Imo
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