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Buffalo Beeeews

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Everything posted by Buffalo Beeeews

  1. "We couldn't run the ball, we didn't try to run the ball, we couldn't make a first down. It SUCKED...IT STUNK"! ...hey, we'd at least get some entertaining material in post game press-conferences!
  2. I agree with a lot of Bills fans that last Sunday's schalaquin' of Miami was exciting. In fact, in my opinion, it was the best win of the season. It kind of gave you a hint that the Bills are BACK... Well, the reality is we are 4-7 and aren't going to the playoffs for a hideous tenth-straight season. There's the rational out there that suggests "If Ryan Fitzpatrick was our starter all year, we'd be "(fill in the optimistic blank)". REALITY: Fitz has been good the last two games, but its just that: TWO GAMES. He's not the future, nor is Edwards, nor Brohm, nor the Chroise (or whatever the hell you call him...) There is not ONE QB on this current roster that this franchise can build around, ZERO! Its been TEN LONG YEARS since we've been to the dance. In any professional sport: NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, it just plain unacceptable! We like to make fun of teams like the Lions (who've been to the dance since '99) and the eternally low Cardinals (who've multiple times made the playoffs since '99, and were last years NFC champs and were seconds away from winnig the damn thing) and don't forget the lowly Bengals and Saints (do I have to continue?) The point is, this offseason is THE, THEEEEE most important offseason in team history. With all the talk surrounding Shannahan, Cowher, Gruden, Holmgren, etc., The owner of this football team really needs to sensibly put all of his time, and concern into this coaching decision. He reportedly spent seven hours with Shannahan. Perry Fewell sent a resounding message in Orchard Park, himself, last Sunday, and if he runs the table, you HAVE to consider him for the permanent head coach. Just a side note, and I'm not saying Shannahan is the wrong choice, but we once brought back Marv Levy as our GM...??? The fact is in 2010, we will DEFINITELY see the following: 1. A new starting QB 2. Terrell Owens in a different city. 3. A frickin 3-4 defense for gods sake! But in 2010, will the new head coach of the Buffalo Bills be...the Right Choice?....or...... .................10 more years of misery???
  3. Last week, I posted a topic on TSW about Lee Evans' new nickname, "Money". I recieved several sarcastic remarks in return. But listen, every week "Money" is showing up. Yeah, there's been games where TE hasn't even attempted to throw to him, but one thing is undeniable, when he is called upon, he simply is "Money"! I've said it before and I'll keep saying it, Lee Evans is a class act. And I personally am tired of hearing about when a certain OTHER reciever is gonna have a breakout game, about his reality show, about his crappy-tasting cereal, his 6.5 million dollars he's making to short-arm, and/or, drop balls. I'm tired of hearing when or if he's gonna blow up on the side-line, if he's hit a wall, about him telling me to get my popcorn prepared, its all just getting old to me. Lee Evans is THE most underrated reciever in the NFL, period. And its time us Bills fans start giving this guy some well-deserved recognition. Show up at the Ralph this Sunday with you "Money-83" signs. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  4. ...NO, not THAT J.P., I'm talking about Julius Peppers. Personally, this situation scares the hell outta me! This is one of, if not, THE most dominant DE's in the league, against our o-line, and, whoever Buffalo suits up for "this week". Fitz will likely start, which scares me even more. Can you say: "Dial up screen-passes ALL DAY"??? Nah, too easy for Ivy league coach and QB. This week Trent will be better off not playing. Cuz concussion #3 would probably happen this week, and he'd end up forgetting where he lived like the much cuncussed Merrill Hoge did back in the day. Sit it out Trent, let Mr. "Savior" Fitzpatrick get schalaqued, so we can end all this rediculous talk about Fitz being the starter. PLEASE!
  5. Ryan Fitzpatrick had Chad Johnson, Ochocinco, whatever the hell you call him for now, and T.J. Houshmazada last year, to perennial pro-bowlers every year, and stunk it up. The scary thing is, Cincy's o-line was and IS better than Buffalo's this year. It will take both his and Jauron's Ivy League educations plus Doogie-fickin-Houser to make Fitz a "Real-deal"!
  6. Watching last Sunday's Jets game, I recognized that there is a "best" player on this football team. I even came up with my own personal nickname for this dude. He shall simply start being known as "Money". His name...Lee Evans. While most of the national attention is on Terrell Owens, and I, too, was thrilled when Buffalo signed T.O., there is and has been the "other" wide reciever who should be gettin the ball a lot more often or at least be getting thrown to, and its "Money". This guy rarely drops a ball, runs like a damn deer, doesn't have a self-indulgent reality show, or his own cereal, nor even a key to the city! But he does, when called upon, simply deliver! Does Owens make that catch along the sideline? (even though "Money" got robbed by the refs) Absolutely not. I really hope T.O. does start dominating like we know he all can, but I think our real focus should be gettin' "Money" the ball. This guy is simply one of the classiest players in the league and is being deprived by this team by the Edwards not throwing him the ball. I care more about Evans gettin the ball and burnin DB's than listening to the "When will T.O. blow" question on WGR EVERY-DAMN-DAY!
  7. Just a thought. After last weeks hideous abomination at the "Razor Blade" last week, does Titans owner Bud Adams, clearly embarassed after the 59-0 "woodsheddin'" of his team last week at the hands of Brady and the Hoodie, and rightfully so, possibly force Jeff Fisher into shopping Kerry Collins before 4pm today? If so, this would be the veteran QB the Bills should bring in, in my opinion. Collins lead the Titans to a 13-3 record and home field in the playoffs last year. Its inevitable VY will take over the reigns soon anyway. And for those who keep calling for Jeff Garcia, FAT CHANCE unless Buffalo shops T.O.. Remember back in their 'Niners days together, Owens openly questioned Garcia's (throat-clear) preference of sexuality. I still clearly believe Buffalo's best chance for success is with Edwards under-center. Fitzpatrick is HORRIBLE! All those calling for him to be the starter are begging for disaster and obviously haven't watched him in Cincinnati or St. Louis in the past. Boy is pathetic! Although I'm not as much of a Edwards supporter as I have been in the past, trust me Bills fans, the REAL Bills fans who stick with this team through thick and thin, Fitz is NOT the answer!!! I say shop Roscoe & Lynch to Tennessee for Collins and a late draft pick. Thoughts???
  8. I really hope I'm wrong about this, but does anyone else get the feeling (SERIOUS replies only, please!), that we as Bills fans are witnessing the slow death of our beloved franchise? I can only hope not, but after 9 seasons without a playoff berth, countless desparate efforts to bring life to a dying, broke, yet proud franchise (i.e.: Drew Bledsoe, Takeo Spikes, and recently Terrell Owens), its seems, to me, that this is exactly what is transpiring. Throw in one (for now) "home" game in Toronto per year, an aging owner, and declining purchases in ticket sales, and this only looks even more bleak. I know we are all frustrated with the state of the Bills right now, but think about what Sundays will be like if in fact this team does move. Speaking from a personal standpoint, I don't know if I could pull for another franchise after all these years. I've heard some Bills fans say they'd start rooting for the Jets, locally. But after rooting against a division rival for so long (depending on how long you've been a fan), could you really bring yourself to do that? I must say I would remain an NFL fan, I don't know if I could cheer for the Bills if they moved to Toronto. Maybe if they stayed with the same nickname, but if they changed it, definitely not! In closing, as much as it stings like hell right now, givin the state of my beloved franchise, I hereby state that for the remainder of the season (one that looks pathetically bleak right now), I will continue to support this team, All REAL Bills fans should, thats just my opinion. I've been made fun of, picked on, and heckled for supporting this team, but for 11 more weeks of the NFL season, and hopefully seasons still to come, I'll continue to say it...........................................................GO BILLS!
  9. 16??? WTF are YOU smoking?? We scored 3 against the 30th overall defense in the NFL last week...AT HOME! We're playing the 6th ranked defense ON THE ROAD! And its a DIVISION game (Streak=L-8). 700-0, JETS.
  10. Oh, damn! I thought you wrote 95 point-dog! (MAYBE we'd cover!) lmfao
  11. How ironic! When we signed Terrell Owens months ago, the talk was he would dismantle this team, he'd be a "cancer", he'd shatter Trent Edwards' confidence, and he'd ruin this team. Sad thing is, all this was already happening before 81 even arrived at One Bills Drive to sign the deal, with the exception being Dick Jauron is actually playing the role of "cancer", rectal to be exact. Trent Edwards has not been a confident QB since the Cleveland MNF game of last year, and as far as T.O dismantling the team, well, you have to have on to dismantle. It wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Owens in a Bears uniform soon. The fact is, Buffalo blew it! He'll be on the first plane outta here come the end of the season anyways. This just proves Chris Mortensen and others were right when Owens signed with the Bills, as much as it pains me to say it. T.O had ZERO other options when he was unceramoniously "dumped" by Jerry Jones. Five years ago, Owens would've blew off Buffalo like a high-school cheerleader blows off nerds for prom dates. But he's 36, he's burned bridges in some of, and THE biggest markets in the league. But if you think of Chicago's biggest need it is WR. They've finally found their franchise QB, Forte is still young and promising at RB, and the "D" is still solid, even without Urlacher. The Bears are winning, the Bills are...well, NOT! T.O. wrote after week 3 on twitter the following, "1st time without a catch, first time 1-2. Sittin here tryin to figure out what I have to do to help this team win!". That's just it Terrell, there's nothing you CAN do, just like in the past when you thought you were bigger than the team you played for, the problems at the Buffalo Bills are MUCH bigger than you. There's no O-line, there's no QB behind the o-line, there's a thug and a waste of talent behind the QB, and running all this is a head coach who is as incompetent as the owner who hired him. From top to bottom, this team is a bigger disaster than the enigma that is Terrell Owens. You are 36 and still one of the best in the game. If I'm Russ Brandon, I do the right thing and trade this guy to Chicago, a team that actually knows how to utilize their talent, along with 29 other teams in the NFL (Sorry Oakland). ...SET HIM FREE!
  12. In the history of this franchise, Ralph Wilson has fired a head coach in mid-season once. Dick Jauron is a failure, yes he's a likeable figure, yes the players want to play hard for him. But come on, its been 10 years since this team has even sniffed the post-season. It does not appear they are playing hard for him, and if they are, they're an even more sorry team than we see every week. At one point in time, I was a big supporter of Trent Edwards, but for one reason or another, be-it the O-line disaster, or he just isn't the QB that took the job from Losman, or maybe that concussion he suffered vs. Arizona last year, he's just not the guy. I've read a couple of people say they should trade for Brady Quinn, and I couldn't agree more. Think about it, its a foregone conclusion Jauron is history after week 17. With it will come a new head coach that will want to institute his own guys from O-coordinator on down. Don't kid yourselves of the pipe-dream that is Bill Cowher as the next Bills head man, cause its not gonna happen, EVER. Bill has two world championships and Ralph doesn't have the dough nor the guts to turn over all control of football operations to one man. Same with Shannahan and Holmgren, they will not come here for one reason or another so lets look at the REALISTIC possibilities of the next head coach, feel free to shoot em down at your own discreation: JEFF FISHER - If things continue to deteriorate like they are in Nashville, Fisher may be out the door especially after 13-3 last year turned in 0-5 thus far this year. Although I think the Titans will eventually come out of this Buffalo-coma they're in, and Fisher will in all likelyhood be with Tennessee next year, he is the longest tenured Head Coach in the NFL, I think Bud Adams will simply make him cut ties with Kerry Collins, and see what VY has either this year, or Week 1 next year. DENNIS GREEN - The freshly-hatched UFL has begun and in about 2 months it will die a quick death. Nobody's watching the games and the its like watching the Bills play, well, the Bills. I commend Denny for trying to create an alternative way for the NFL to develop players but Minor-League football will never work. The USFL failed, the XFL failed, and this league will as well, and then, Dennis Green can come home where he belongs. This man was one or two plays away from sending the multi-talented Minnesota Vikings to SuperBowl XXXIII, and with the exception of Matt Leinart, has historically drafted very well. JOHN GRUDEN - My personal favorite! This is the guy the Bills need. The Bills have had a history of hiring no-personality types to run football games (ala - Gregg Williams, Mike MuMu, and whatever the hell you call the current guy on the sideline). Chucky is perfect, he gets in peoples faces, he's not afraid to bench pathetic QB's or have 35 of them to choose from. And, if he doesn't agree with the owners decisions, he will go CHUCKY on him. My dream view of 2010: Gruden - HC Mike Martz- OC Bills trade for Brady Quinn as QB for Marshawn Lynch, Roscoe Parrish and a 3rd. How bout it? (Hey, a guy can dream!)
  13. JOHN Corto. (But who cares really)
  14. Hey all, I'm new on the board and I'll be looking forward to chatting with all of you over the course of the...(clearing-of-throat)...season. I've been an avid Bills fan for the better part of 20 years now, so thanks for having me. I know that all of us as Bills fans are pissed-off to the max after last Sunday (well, actually, the last 10 years), and I've heard and read alot of things regarding the state of the Bills since Sunday's diplorable, unacceptable performance against Cleveland, and nobody wishes this team would get rid of Jauron more than me. All those comments toward the Head Coach are well-deserved. However, some of the comments I've been seeing regarding Mr. Ralph Wilson Jr., the owner of this franchise, truly sicken me. Not the comments about how much the man cares about the organization's success nor how he spends his money, or that he refuses to fire an incompetent, pathetic excuse for a head coach in Dick Jauron. But the comments stating "I wish Ralph would just die already" or "This team needs to move to LA or Toronto, hurry up and die Ralph!". Do you realize what you're saying? This is a game, granted its also a business. In fact, the most sucessful pro sport in the world. But to wish death upon anyone is just plain sick! I'm as big of a Bills fan as anyone, but dont wish death upon anyone, not even your worst enemy.
  15. You do realize that our "Star" WR once questioned the sexual preference on Jeff Garcia back in their Niners' days, right? And even if they were on good terms, this organization is notoriously bad at aquiring free agents in mid-season. They would rather sign someone off the practice-squad than do what teams who give a damn do. Look at our injuries at Linebacker. Mitchell is gone for the year, two more weeks before Poz returns (not that he's any good when he does suit up), and you have a veteran LB like Derrick Brooks sitting around in the FOX broadcast booth. Oh, and before you give me the "he's too old" reply, New England just re-signed Junior Seau, who will make more plays than any of our LB's we will field this year, COMBINED!
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