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Buffalo Beeeews

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Everything posted by Buffalo Beeeews

  1. Or players who don't talk smack to other teammates
  2. Okay, I get it. This is the proverbial vomit moment for Bills nation. I get it. I was just as let down as anyone yesterday. Chan "FREAKING" Gailey???!!!! But, we have to deal with it. Forget the guy(s) who wrote on the board after the announcement "Farewell" addresses or what have you. I am a fan of this team, till the day I die or til the team moves...well, wherever (whichever comes first). As furious as this team and its owner makes me, I'll stick with them. Even if I accumulate a few more ulcers along the way. The point is, we can't change who the coach is. Its Chan Gailey. No matter if we like it or not, we can't change that. The guys been the head coach for 18 hours and hasn't lost nor won a game yet. He hasn't essembled a staff yet nor drafted anybody, nor said who the quarterback is going to be nor finished with a losing record. I'm not going to say if the guys a bad coach after 18 hours and hasn't coached a game yet. I'm just gonna see what he brings to the table and live with it. I'm going to give Gailey a chance. Not saying anyone else has to. But I am. Even if I have ten years of reasons not to. Call me a sucker, but....
  3. While I did enjoy having Owens on this team last year, lets face it: He's not going to be here next year. And its probably for the best. We need to see what guys like Stevie Johnson, James Hardy and who ever they draft and/or get in free agency this year have. Owens was supposed to get us over last year but the problem was we had nobody to throw to him. And, when someone finally did (Fitzpatrick), it was like T.O. was the only reciever out there, when Fitz wasn't getting clobbered every other play, that is. Look for T.O. to sign on with either Chicago or Arizona, as Anquan Boldin will likely be elsewhere next year and the Bears will be looking for 2010's official "Missing Piece" to their puzzle.
  5. YOU'RE (You Are) probably wishing you had the last 20 seconds of your (meaning possession) life back, huh?
  6. _________________ has declined to interview with the Buffalo Bills, ESPN's Adam Schefter reports. In a conflicting report, NFL.com's Jason LaCanfora stated__________________ stated he was never asked to interview.
  7. I've said this before, I'll say it again. Don't be a jackass with these comments! Don't wish death upon anybody. Its just not good karma. This is a game, and we're only fans who spectate. Enough, don't be classless!
  8. Ralph: "Congradulations, Leslie! You are our choice to lead our team in 2010! Frazier: "It's an honor, Mr. Wilson. (Extends hand for handshake...) SIIIIIKE!!!!!!"
  9. Lets be reasonable here. For the last few weeks, a few assistant coaches have turned down the Bills head-coaching postition. Let me send a message to all of them. Here goes... I can understand that guys like Cowher and Shannahan turning us down. I understand that the future of the franchise is up in the air. I understand guys like the two mentioned above don't want to tarnish THEIR winning legacies by coming here. I also understand you assistants have playoff games you are preparing for. I further understand that the weather sucks in Buffalo, the stadium is old, the market is small and the team you could inherit is lousy, dreadful, hideous and woeful. But reasonably, are you the ones losing out in the long term? You're turning down the opportunity to: 1.) Make significantly more money. 2.) Make a name for YOURSELF 3.) In the process, make a better life for your family by doing #1 and #2, yourself. Fine, we get it. The Buffalo job is the worst in the NFL. hahaha, we get it, we suck. Nobody else needs to turn us down for us to realize that. We've known it for ten years. But what we are, even though we're a "small-market". We are a very proud, dedicated fan base. We can live with losing, alot of us say at the conclusion of every year: "I'm done with this team". But the diehards, like myself, will stick with the Bills. Yeah, its an embarrassing time to be a Bills fan, but at the end of the day, we are just that. We love our Bills...even when its not our proudest era. So, in closing. You can all continue to turn us down. But now, especially in these economic tumulutous times, don't all be jackasses. What's the worst that happens? You take a job in "NFL Hell", make a ton more money, it doesn't work out...in the end, you can go back and be a ......oh yeah....Coordinator (a wealthy-er Coordinator, too!)... Just a thought!
  10. The future looks awful Grimm... (BUD-UMP-CHHHHHHH......LOLOLOL)
  12. ...Hookers!
  13. Ron writes: LenDale White says he slimmed down? What? Did he poop?
  14. Imagine yourself as an assistant coach in the NFL. Is your ultimate goal in this league to make a name for yourself, and become a head coach in the NFL, and win pro-football's ultimate prize??? I mean, I can understand Bill Cowher not wanting to tarnish his legacy by coming here. But coordinators not wanting to be an NFL head coach because of this organization makes it utterly, hideously embarrasing to admit to being a fan of this team. I mean, what exactly does this team do if nobody wants this job. I wrote a post earlier about how nice it seems that they're taking there time picking there guy. But whats to say Frazier doesnt take a job somewhere between now and when they DO decide who there guy is. To all people who are still pipedreaming about Cowher coming here, here is a list of assistants who "apparently" don't even want to talk to Buffalo. Why would a guy who already has a SuperBowl championship want this job? Brian Schottenheimer Russ Grimm Perry Fewell (taking Bears DC job-per ESPN) Jason Garrett
  15. He said that if Buffalo continues to get rejected by EVERY-FREAKING-ONE, they will bring back Dick Jauron and give Dick the BIGGEST FREAKING EXTENTION of his life, a lifetime contract because nobody wants the job.
  16. ...that Buffalo hasn't hired a head coach yet. I am! It's actually comforting to me personally that the Bills didn't just jump and hire the first guy out there. It makes me think these guys are actually going to put some thought into who the next head man will be on the sidelines. That being said, I think the right choice should be Brian Schottenheimer. I understand we all want someone with head coaching experience. But think about this, how many NFL head coaches, successful or otherwise, have returned to the league and have been successful again? I think this organization is in dire need of a fresh start completely. Plus, look at what he did with Sanchez in his first year in the league. Chances are we will be drafting a QB with our first pick. Just makes alot of sense to me. Just my opinion.
  17. Her assistants... OC - Betty White DC - Bea Arthur ST - The mother... (Sadly, these guys would probably do better than Jauron, Maularkey and Williams, COMBINED!)
  18. Is it not time to, I dunno...MOVE ON!!!
  19. Lynch SUCKS, doesn't care about winning, and will be outta-here by Sept. 2010...PERIOD!
  20. 2010 Buffalo Bills Defensive Starters (3-4 PLZ?!?!?!) LE - Schobel (will return if Cowher or Billick are announced) RE - Kelsay (sorry....unless they get someone in FA) DT- Kyle Williams (deserves it over Stroud) LOLB - Mitchell MLB - Nick Harris MLB- Poz ROLB - Maybin CB- McKelvin CB- Corner NCB - Florence (Bye Bye, Youbouty! Good FREAKIN riddance!) FS - Byrd SS - Cary Harris (not going by that last game, but SOMEONE's gotta replace Whitner!) K - ANYONE but Lindell P- Mr. Player of the Decade...#8!!!!!!!!.....Hey-O!!!!
  21. NFL.com is reporting that an individual who will be intrumental in the building of a stadium in Los Angeles stated that The Bills and Jaguars will be the top two candidates to relocated to the city. Can we just move this disaster of a team TODAY and get this crap over with. I'm tired of all this.. EVERYTHING about this team I'm tired of. I am as big of a diehard fan of this team, but they have Coaches turning them down to work pre-game shows and others saying on national television that nobody wants to coach here. Just get rid of 'em, BABY!
  22. I'll put it to ya all like this. Cowher cold-shouldered the Bills once, and he'll do it again. So just STOP IT with Bill Cowher! He DOES NOT want to coach here. Think about something, he is choosing to remain on a silly pre-game show to argue about how many first downs the Lions will or won't have that afternoon rather than make substantially more money in the NFL coaching. Second of all, he's won pro-footballs ultimate prize already, why would he want to come back and "rebuild" a franchise like Buffalo, Tampa Bay, Cleveland, Oakland, etc. The only place he'd really have a good shot at adding another Lombardi to his resume is Chicago. They already have most of the pieces in place, but it appears as though Lovie Smith will be retained. Now I'm with alot of you, It's Cowher, and then everyone else. But be realistic...ITS NOT HAPPENING! I'd also like Brian Billick, but he's told NFL "Who'd want to coach in Buffalo"? Billick would've been my #2...until he said THAT! See, I know people have "Changes of heart", but he totally lost me when he said that. Note to REAL Bills fans: I know things stink right now (and have for ten years), but if they don't wanna be here, whatever! I want a coach who cares about this team and wants wholeheartedly to build a winning tradition here, and is not here just for the money. So whoever it is, whatever he's paid, I just want the Bills to be good again. If its Jim Harbaugh, Charlie Weis, or any other "C" list coach, fine. Lets get this team back on track and turn this thing around. I'm not gonna speculate or read rumors about who has flown in or sleeping over in town. I just want this frickin nightmare over!!! - Charlie in Sayre, PA
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