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Buffalo Beeeews

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Everything posted by Buffalo Beeeews

  1. Thats right folks, another Buffalo Bill outcast may be signing with the Pats. I can see it now: Game 1 2010, Pats 45 Bills 6. Game 2: Pats 739 Bills 2. Josh Reed and Sam Aiken. Forget Welker and Moss. When you leave Buffalo, its like your career is reborn. Look at Coy Wire, Willis McGahee, and Jason FREAKIN Peters. Why is that? All those guys sucked when they were here. Mark it down, if Reed signs with the Pats, we will NEVER drop a ball, he WILL block like Hinds Ward, and WILL catch at least 5 TD's in the two games vs. Buffalo next year. Ya know, I'm so frickin sick of this bullsht! Hey Buffalo, you know why people don't take you seriously and think you suck...BECAUSE YOU DO! When we signed Owens last spring, everyone thought the dominant Bills were back. Let me put it to you like this: MARKETING PLOY! And I too bought into it, I'm as guilty as anyone. When people said "yeah, they have T.O., but who's throwing him the ball?" We didn't want to hear it! We didn't care! We had the greatest aquisition of the '09 offseason. And, at the end of the day (season), we lost one more game than the previous 3 seasons. I hate to pile on, but my 8 year old son is a Bills fan, loves 'em win or lose. But I refuse to expose him to this garbage by buying A ticket to a game. How do any of you stomach buying SEASON tickets? Trent Edwards WILL be our QB next year (until he's concussed again, of course), then who the hell else knows. Oh, I know, Brian Brohm! Woohooooooo! BRIAN BROHM SUCKSSSSSSSSSS. He was a backup for a reason, a clipboard holder for a reason. In April, at the draft, I want to see Buffalo get aggressive, trade something or someone for another 1st round pick. Get your QB and OT, then in the ladder rounds, get some friggin depth via free-agency. You know, you don't have to be the same old Bills every offseason. You can actually grow some balls and IMPROVE instead of just trying to sell tickets and merchandise. Plain and simply put, the Bills management needs to wake the hell up, try to actually improve this club with talent. Otherwise, take Ralph, Buddy, Chan, the guy who pisses in the sink in the stadium bathroom, the stupid "shout" song, and this worthless franchise, and flush the whole damn thing down the commode. This is Buffalo, we are crazy about football. We aren't like Dallas fans, or Giant fans or Jets fans, its like a cult following. We spend our hard earned dollars on a product that is just like that terd in the toilet. And thats what it is, SH*T! We deserve better. WE dont have to come to your out-dated stadium and "hope" our team wins. We want to KNOW our team is going to win. We want to bloody Tom Brady's pretty little face. We want more than 7-10 points on the board every game. Us Bills fans, we're blood thirsty. I HATE losing every year, and every year to New England. Its pathetic, you're pathetic. Get us a better product or go to friggin Canada for god sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. THE PROBLEM IS THE QUARTERBACK AND THE OFFENSIVE (literally) LINE! Last year we had a future hall of famer on one side and a guy with world-class speed and, by the way, wasting what could be a hall of fame career here in the toilet bowl of the NFL. Take a look at Indy, is Pierre Garcon a household name? How about Austin Collie? NEITHER of them will be in the hall of fame. You take Peyton and that O-line away and the Colts are the equivelent of, well...US!
  3. To quote another washed-up, has been who coincidentally wears #81: "No, not really"!
  4. Well! Now we are officially a winner!!!!....
  5. Yeah, thats the same...
  7. Those BASTARDS! How dare they say we are a small market team with no quarterback, no offensive line, defensive issues! How dare they say that we have no money to spend in free-agency! I do however want to point out what LaCanfora stated that we "could't get the draft wrong thi year"...No comment
  8. If I may...We had Terrell Owens last year, opposite Lee Evans. NEWS FLASH: WE NEED A FREAKING QB!
  9. I think Andre went over the middle one too many times!
  10. Ok, I'm going to contradict myself a little bit, so go ahead and pile on if you wish. I know we are all looking for the future franchise QB. But lets think about somthing: We brought in J.P. Losman, he got about two years and had to learn two different systems while starting. Same with Trent Edwards when he took over, and Trent looked at his best when Jason Peters was here. In my opinion, we need to draft a LT at 9, then look for a FA veteren QB. I mean, is it really fair to these guys to just give them two years to learn how to be an NFL QB. Look at Peyton and Eli, their first two years were an atrosity and now look at them. Just an idea...
  11. To quote T.O.: "No, not really!"
  12. ...I like what I'm seeing so far with this new regime. I've been saying for months now that the Bills need to actually start rebuilding and stop trying to appease all the fans with insulting our intelligence with all of these quick fixes. (i.e.: T.O., Bledsoe, etc.). Although I will miss T.O. and Josh Reed, neither one realisticly lived up to the hype. T.O. was "supposed to be the guy to take us to the next level, instead we lost one more game than the previous 3 years (Granted, he had the absolute worst QB's he's ever had throwing him the ball). Reed was supposed to be Hinds Ward every year he was here. That's not easy to do, and probably not very fair to Josh. Hinds Ward is a one of a kind player, and there's nobody like him and probably never will be. Just because someone looks the part doesn't mean anything. James Hardy is just as tall as Randy Moss...get it? Bottom line is, and many might disagree, but I like that the Bills are starting fresh. New coach, new GM and hopefully, a rookie QB to build the franchise around the right way. I know it's only natural to be pessimistic being a Bills fan, but to me, this is like a breath of fresh air for me.
  13. Instead of a "charging" Buffalo on the dome, they'll have a 100 dollar bill on the helmets. It'll be like having 53 Ted DiBiase's on the field! Incredible!
  14. I just read what Mike Shannahan said to the press about his decision to not coach the Bills, and I thought I'd offer my take on the whole situation. I gotta admit, I have all the respect in the world for Mike. I always thought he was an excellent NFL head coach. He took Denver out of the "laughing stock" of SuperBowl teams to winning two straight in '98 & '99. And when it was reported that he met with Ralph Wilson last year about coming here I was estatic! But did I really think he would come here?...Never in a "million" years. Look, the way I see it is Shannahan is totally patronizing us. He comes out and says he didn't want to come here because "My wife and kids didn't like the weather"...What?! Hey Mike, its not like you got a gig in San Diego or Tampa Bay! Just to fill you in, DC just got run with about 35 inches of snow the last couple of days! Another thing...its just as freaking cold in the nation's capital in December as it is in Buffalo. Maybe not as much snow, but if you're really trying to sell this to us, don't waste your time. He goes on to say the following, "Its a class organization and well ran". Um, no! We are not well ran, but yet again, neither are the "Dead-skins". Take the owner, Dan Snyder. I mean, here's a guy who is one of the wealthiest owners in the NFL, and yet he drops the ball on his head-coaches, and player personnel just about every time he has to make a decision. I can't tell you how happy I was to hear that they are going to tender Jason Campell and keep him on for the next few years, "allegedly". The fact is, I'd much rather gut it out over the next few years with a rookie, go 4-12, and build something rather than have a guy who will never amount to anything in the league. Let me put it like this: Jason Campell is to Donovan McNabb as Rick Mirer is to Joe Montana. Trust me fellow Bills fan, don't lose any sleep over not getting Jason Campell! Look, I get that guys like Bill Cowher and Shanny think that Buffalo needs a pat on the dome, and to be let down gently, but we don't. If you're part of the associated press, don't waste your time asking those guys about why they didn't want the job here. I can't speak for everone, but I honestly don't care. It's as simple as yes or no! I never asked why, because I know why, just like all of you know why. We have Chan Gailey. No, it doesn't sound pretty, matter of fact it sounds like Dick Jauron. (Hideous). But think about something, Chan want to coach here. His goal is to make us successful, and he hasn't won nor lost anything yet. He's 0-0. I know it's hard, but we need to trust that he will get us to being a contender again. Its not like Ralph hasn't tried to get us talent on the team. I don't know about you, but when Owens signed here last year, I was floored. Its not like RW didn't attept to get us a high profiled coach, he did try, and as the old saying goes, you have to pley the hand you're dealt. So good luck in that tropical paradise that is Washington, DC Mikey. Good luck to Bill Cowher next year on beating out Dan, Shannon and Boomer on the weekly picks next year and finding a gig to coach scabs in 2011. Best of luck to both of you, but just remember one thing guys: We are still Bills fans, the proudest fans in the NFL...And we don't need nor do we care for your patronizing.
  15. So THAAAATS where Buddy Ryan's been....wow, dude got old!
  16. Yes, I'm sure...Everywhere like such as...WAR Miss Teen South Carolina!
  17. ...Who just signed Donte Stallworth. Mark it down, Owens will be in Chi-town in 2010. Gimme some young blood and FREAKING rebuild! Secondly, he's going to be 36 this year, with ZERO Superbowl rings. He's undoubtably one of the best ever, and the Bears are way closer to a ring than we are. When the press asked him if he'd be open to coming back next season, what did you want him to say? "HELL NO, BUFFALO SUCKS!" Yeah, that wasn't gonna happen. I mean, the guy had an unbelievable streak of consecutive games with a catch that was broke in the New Orleans game this past year. He won't be back, doesn't wanna be back. He wasted his time here, we wasted his time being here, and our poor play made him a laughing stock last year. So no, he won't be back, I dont want him back, I want to see what Steve Johnson, James Hardy and others have to offer. Spare me any more quick fixes. If you're going to rebuild, actually do it.
  18. I have been through a lot as many of you have with the Buffalo Bills. I am 30 years old and have been a Bills fan for 22 of them. Never switched teams, always stuck with the Bills through the good and the bad. I don't know about you, but I love this team. As horrible as they are, as much of an embarrassment as they've become, I still love them. But maybe we all should face the inevitable: The Buffalo Bills will not be here once Mr. Wilson does pass on. Look at the reality of this situation. The city of Buffalo has an NFL franchise, Los Angeles does not. The NFL is #1 in the US when it comes to popularity. So, the number one sport in the country has a franchise in a "hole-in-the-wall" that is Buffalo-(actually Orchard Park) and has none in cities like L.A., Las Vegas, Toronto, etc. The Buffalo Bills offer nothing to the NFL. They're not entertaining, they're not a winning franchise, they have the cheapest stadium tickets, and cannot build a new, modern-day stadium. And before you hit me with: "You're such a pessimist" or "Hey Sully, is that you? hehehe". I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist. I don't want the Bills to leave. That's the last thing I want. In fact, I don't watch the Sabres, or the NHL. I have no MLB team, hate the NBA, and soccer...dont even get me started on soccer. The Bills are all I have. However, they are a joke. I'm not going to waste any time writing why they're a joke, we all know why! The biggest joke of all though, is that all of you talk about the 90's. The good old days, right? "Bring Back the 90's jerseys!". "Jim Kelly needs to buy the team!" "Hire Bruce Smith as Defensive coordinator!" Here's the facts: _____________ Putting 1990 jerseys on guys such as Ryan Fitzpatrick and Jonathan Scott will not turn them into Jim Kelly and Howard Ballard. You can take the stripes off of a zebra, but its still a zebra. And the two above players will STILL suck. Jim Kelly may have been successful as the QB of this team. An NFL hall of famer-yes. An NFL team owner-not so much. Kelly would have a lesser chance of buying the Bills as Tiger Woods has of being a faithful husband.-ZZZZING! Oh, and Bruce Smith being a DC. Sure, if he could make it to practice or to a game without having to take a breath-a-lizer test resulting in him being late. And, our run defense is bad enough, without having a tequila-d up has been trying to transform Chris Kelsay into a somewhat respectable player. My solution. Call NFL Network, tell them to never show any more film on the four Superbowls, the Comeback game, Music City miracle, or anything to do with that era. Ban them from the stadium and erase anything that has to do with that era. I'd rather have the terrible Bills of these days than to have to listen to one more second of "The Glory Days". Its embarrassing, and if you bring any of the above up when you "admit" to being a Bills fan, you're an even bigger embarrassment. I'm as big of a diehard fan as anyone, but if the team doesn't give you something to talk about soon, they are better off being taken behind the shed like old-yeller was.....................................bang!
  19. This is exactly the kind of crap that I'm talking about! I wrote a post yesterday with the title: "Living in the past MAN!", and this is the stuff that is nauseats me! STOP WITH THE 1990's crap! I'm really beginning to wish none of it never even happend! This is exactly why the Buffalo Bills, my Bills, are such a joke (among other reasons)! And, oh gosh, it sure was important a few years ago to bring back Marv Levy! How about the rediculous notion that Jim Kelly should own the team? MOVE ON!!! Its been 16 years since the last Superbowl appearance. Its over! I'm ready to take a 1990's jersey and wipe my @ss with it. I'm at the point when anytime I see any one of those guys from the 90's, I wanna puke! I'm tired of being laughed at for being a Bills fan, but you know what? I deserve it! This isn't 1990 or 91 or 92 etc. Its 2010, we haven't MADE the playoffs in TEN FREAKING YEARS! Nevemind winning a playoff game, 10 years since MAKING a playoff game! So, you must believe that if we go back to the 90's uni's, that will make everything better, we'll go 13-3, lose embarrassingly to Dallas in a Superbowl, and it will all be better again, huh? Its real simple. Putting these underachieving, overpaid embarrassments in uniforms that the 90's teams wore isn't going to do anything but make more people laugh at us even more. Maybe you're okay with losing, but I'm not.
  20. Ya know, one of the biggest P.I.A.'s about being a Bills fan these days is you either have the fan of another team that states the obvious: "You guys suck, HA HA HA..." or the guy who tries to patronize and states the obvious: "Gosh, if you guys only had a quarterback...". But I'm beginning to really hate one thing more than those guys. Being that when I go to my dads to chill and watch the game, go to a game, go to the sports-bar to watch the game with a fellow Bills fan: "Gosh, I remember back in the 90's..." or "Boy, how could that have been a forward pass in that playoff game" and the very-tiring "Greatest comeback in NFL history". And don't forget "BILLS stands for Boy I Love Losing Superbowls-he hee he he hee". This is really what is paining me about being a Bills fan now-a-days. I mean, I'm so sick of hearing ALL of the above! I'm tired of hearing about the comeback game. Tired about hearing about the teams of the 1990's, the Oiler wildcard game, the Music City Miracle, and anything about the past of the Bills. Yes, I get it. The team is a joke. But do I really have to live 20 years ago in the past? Those years were terrific. But god all mighty, give me something to cheer about today! I cannot listen to anymore "memories" about this team. RW and RB and CG need to give me something to cheer about NOW. If there is a replay of a Bills SB or the comeback game, or youtube highlights with Kelly, Marv, Bruce, Thurman, etc., can we just burn it all. Its getting so stale that its not even funny. For example, on WGR during football season, Thurman comes on and pretty much starts every single sentence with "Well, back when I played..." or, "Back in 1993...". I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! EITHER START WINNING OR LEAVE, PLEASE!
  21. After being nauseated reading some of the suggestions on this board about what Buffalo should do to get back on track next year, I figured I'd give you my take. I've never really cared about how rediculous you people think my takes are and I'm not about to start now. I mean, come on! I've seen people suggest on this board things from Tim Tebow to Mark Bulger to FREAKING Derek Anderson, etc. So, I guess my take really couldn't be as bad as any of that. So, off I go: The fact is Tim Tebow will be an utter bust in the NFL, and whoever drafts him will simply be wasting their pick, no matter what round. Yes, he has great leadership skills, but as far as being a starter in the league, its a bad move. You wanna run him in the wildcat, fine. You wanna run some other gimmick in the league, fine. He's simply NOT going to be a successful QB in the NFL. On to Marc Bulger. Really? I mean really? Marc Bulger is on a bad team, yes. But I've never really been that impressed with the guy. He seems way to rattled behind an o-line in St. Louis that is worlds better than the one here in Buffalo. Derek Anderson. All that needs to be said: 2 for 17 - 25 yds. (Although Cleveland won the game...wow...) Anyway, Anderson has had an okay career in Cleveland, overall. But nothing sensational. Nothing that makes me say he can lead this team in the future. Brady Quinn. I'm officially declaring this guy a bust. And, I'm a big fan of this guy. I thought he was going to be the next Tom Brady in the NFL, then again, "experts" thought Rick Mirer was the next Montana. Mike Vick? This has quick fix written all over it. And I'm tired of quick fixes. Bledsoe, T.O., etc. I've had enough. Second of all, it hasn't worked in the last 8 years. I'm not the guy who Russ Brandon targets to buy into hype/merchandise at Champs Sports. I want victories, period! My Solution. Its time to actually rebuild with the right choice at QB in Round 1. That guy: Jimmy Claussen. Guy played in a pro style offense at Notre Dame. No, he didn't win national titles, or the heisman. But, he in my opinion, is the best guy to draft. He didn't run the option in college, or any other gimmick. Buffalo needs to do whatever they need to do to get this cat, and build the future around him. You wanna bring in a veteran QB to stablize things, fine. But we need to give Claussen a chance. He're it comes: Tee-off people!!!
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