Unles you are quite rich, the estate tax is a good thing.
Why should these few families control all the wealth forever, because their great great grandparents were good business men (ie robber barons)?
The wealth SHOULD go back into the system, leaving those exposed STILL incredibly rich.
For upper middle class, do some estate planning, most of the money will end up where you want it to.
Personally, it is not important for me to see that RW's heirs get obscene inheritance wealth for doing no work.
Anyway, sadly, it does affect the progression of ownership for the Bills and therefore likely does have a negative impact on the ability for the Wilsons to keep the Bills in BUffalo. The hope that the FO and Jim Kelly have generated that there is a succession plane to keep the Bills in Buffalo is merely a ruse to keep season ticketholders buying for another year or 2, until RW dies. Kelly is a dupe or complicit; either way.
Then, the moving trucks won't be able to pull up fast enough the Bills will hightail it to Toronto or LA.
But, keep your hopes up anything can happen.