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Everything posted by zazie

  1. Sadly, thats the only thing I remember ab0out McKelvin this year, the lawn and the muff that caused it. Another db bomb taken high in the in the first round. We have a first round all-UFL team back there with Donte and Painted Lawn.
  2. I liked him when he was here and I do not blame him for what he did to get the paycheck, that he rightly deserved Did not see the Eagles play all year so I was going by this boards comments that he sucked; well he sucked his way right back to another pro bowl. By the way, WTF moving the probowl to Miami and before the SB??? What if a player gets hurt? Really teh SB teams, who you have to assume have some pro bown guys, would be crazy to let them play. And why take it out oif Hawaii anyway it was such a natural there.
  3. Well I am happy your name is not Buddy Nix. Fassel? Mooch? Cottrell? Leach? And Rivera below all of them? The first three are career losers, then a college guy. Why not make Haslett your first choice?
  4. Just noticed he is back in as a starter. He did not do well the last 2 weeks but he must have done something right he keeps getting the nod.
  5. Same deal that Jimbo got at Florida State. 5 mill to be the successor to Bowden. OF course that was like 5 years ago I am sure he did not expect Bowden to last so long.
  6. RW could not be happier; he has made legit-seeming offers to the big names including Shanahan and Cowher, now he can go ahead and hire a much cheaper Coordinator to take a shot, without recrimination. And he will. Frazier is not a Rooney Rule guy at all for us; Fewell handled that. Frazier is the guy that will get the job IMO.
  7. Not true Mr. Littman is a careful penny counter. The team never lost money and the capital gains appreciation over the years have been staggering to say the least. But, the Bills are certainly much better off with BRandon doing the marketting than they were before BRandon. He is really quite a marketing guys and deserves mondo credit for successfully selling a horrible product over a period of many years now. With Billy Mays gone and Ron Popeil retired, he may just be the best marketing guy around.
  8. Let's grab Pepper Johnson he is one of my alltime favorite NFL players that has never been a Bill. Get 'er done, Nixxy
  9. Things like that Colts game in the heavy snow, all over tv, do not help Buffalo's national image
  10. Dungy certainly talks a lot. I thought he would have a graceful retirement, instead is Mike Vick this and Rooney Rule that. Shut up, sit down, already.
  11. He will be a free aganet. Most of these guys will take the biggest check offered. Witness TO last year. If we offer him slightly more, he will come to Buffalo.
  12. Plus Billick will want more money than Frazier. On that basis alone, RW goes with Frazier and we hope for the best.
  13. He had a tendon issue that kept re-occuring as he 'played through it', on his throwing thumb. Once he took some real time off and got it completely healed he was back. 29-33 for 5 tds is not all on the receivers, sorry. Kurt gets a little credit for todays win and for being an excellent player. Bible thumper and all.
  14. He was injured; his thumb took a full 3 years or so to heal.
  15. He is a little over religious personally but he does not project it and try to influence others. Kurt is a great player, plain and simple. I think the movie idea is good if his life wasn't already so well documented; it is more of an NFL films documentary the way I see it. What a player though, man, Kurt Warner is fun to watch. If he does not retire whats his name from USC that always loses to Vince Young, will spend another year on the bench, or maybe even get cut. He sux.
  16. Trade? Eagles are going to cut him not give him the 5million. We can piick him up if we offer the best salary. Vet minuimum, lets take a flyer on him. The Eagles took the rap of hiring him first, now hes back in the league anyway, might as well try to improve our team.
  17. I think Jimmy assertion was that blacks had been bred to be better athlestes by their slave masters. Somewhat true I am sure but deeply offensive to verbalize.
  18. Frazier, token or not, brings something away from just being interviewed. Many head coaches do not land the fist joib the interview for but the exposure is helpful none the less. Jerry Gray interview, that was pure BS. I thought Jerry was a good guy when he was in Buffalo; since then he has been sued by Terrance Mcgee and demoted to a position coach, he was NEVER going to get that job in Washington, no how. He is not a legit head coaching candidate. Frazier is, so the interview alnone, was a benefit to him.
  19. I feel he did something wrong anyway. He should sounds like a dousch more and more
  20. I was surprised Orakpo did not make the finailst list!
  21. Maybe Marshawn felt his signature was worth $20 bucks.
  22. You think the Rooney Rule will stop them from employing the coach of their choice? They will be forced to come to heel and hire someone else? You are nuts, at most they would maybe fine the team thats all, if they deem the rooney rule was broken. Pete Carroll is the new Seahawks coach, end of story.
  23. Kane was hammered. Hate to say it, but it IS an excuse. Sometimes things go wrong with irish kids from South Bufffalo and a few beers.
  24. The allegations keep coming in like Tiger Woods and his women. So far 3 people have had minor sums stolen by Beastmode in an uncomfortable and intimidating fashion.
  25. I am really pleased that Nix is too new to the job to take a flier on Tebow. We will draft someone good, not a gimmick, hopefully, with the fiurst 3 rounds. Should Tebow be there in round 4, snatch him up. Will be a terrible waste of a first rounder, should someone select him.
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