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Everything posted by zazie

  1. It is my feeling that finally we have in Whaley a guy who can both create a gameplan and execute on it. the only decision re the above that was truly owned by Whaley is the trade up to get Watkins. A move I like and certainly has not been a proven bad decision. Whitner, jesus, that was the worst draft day ever (excepting perhaps McGahee when we needed a player at every position EXCEPT RB). I think just about everyone knew Whitner was a bad decision literally within seconds. From the pundits to the casual fan. the only winner was Ngata who avoided being stuck with such bad management and coaching for his whole career.
  2. we will win this game, they have Fitzmagic starting!
  3. I dunno man, he has not shown it yet this year. When he is supposedly injury free. If Robey weren't so short he would be a far better CB instinctually than Gilmore is. true that. Maybe someone should go torch HIS lawn.
  4. yes he is that horrible. Only started for 3 years at Florida State and won won won and now is a premiere athlete in the highest version of American Football in the world, and has one of 32 jobs. He effing blows. the ocean has nothing to fear from this guy at all.
  5. alcohol and drugs, usual suspects.
  6. Agreed, did not appear to be an a-hole. He just can't catch very well.
  7. Yup. He begged for it... and he got it.
  8. he was on the opening day roster so he is getting paid for the whole year. Plus I think that makes 3 years of service so he can get the pension Start saving your bucks, TJ!
  9. this story is certainly getting weird! guy was some kind of psycho evidently. And his wife knew it, calling the cops an hour after he left the house. Glad the ponly one killed was him, clearly could have been worse outcomes, from the 911 calls.
  10. QBs really need to sit and watch for 2-3 years before starting. the new look league does not allow that. So these guys are all getting thrown into the deep end too early. EJ will be fine, in a couple of years, IMO.
  11. Some of those drops were pretty annoying!
  12. I care, I like Stevie. He was a Bill for many years and gave good service to the team especially considering he was a 7th round pick. Boldin - don't care.
  13. Is the Gragg experiment almost over now?
  14. Losman raked leaves too.
  15. texting was there already....
  16. Never drink, sleep or text when driving. Almost certainly one of these things got in the way of the road for Mr. Bironas. RIP.
  17. Exactly. If you are not Tiger Woods, it does not matter how many dimples are on your golf ball. But for Tiger.... For these guys every nuance matters.
  18. the league folding is not really in the cards, but I do think in 15 years the NFL will be unrecognizable, there will be MUCH less hitting, much more finesse. the head injury issue is just starting, going to get a lot worse and change a lot of rules before it is done. And then where is the fun of it? I remember Sabres-flyers games in the 1970s were just so excellent with Dave Schultz mixing it up every night. Hockey became less fun with the decline in violence/fighting. I expect the same for the NFL
  19. For this guy more than most, Buffalo is the right place to be. Temptations are limited to Applebees as we all know. If he was in Miami or NY or Atlanta, maybe would be more difficult for him to remain focused. According to Beoheim, that is how he always gets a great NYC recruiting class - he tells the mothers there is nothing in Syracuse but study and basketball for their sons. Same principal.
  20. For all the talk about Brown missing some assignments and not experienced/good enough, he IS third in the league just now with 20 tackles. playing from two separate positions. He can't be all bad!
  21. Shocking coincidence, huh? Ralph leaves the building... and the Bills start winning.... Hmm..... St. Ralph is always going to be revisionist history.
  22. how about some love for the great Doug Whaley, for giving us pieces that nobody since John Butler has been able to. piece after piece after piece. LBs yes, but also, everyone was screaming about back-up Qb and about punter in preseason. Seems like we have one of the best LB corps in the league, one of the best back-up qbs, and, a fantastic young punter.
  23. I don't know why, I just like Seantrel. What could he have done more, to get the top jackstrap rating. A rookie 7th round pick, in game 2 of his career, who shut down last week's best player in the league, and a last season all-pro. What more is there, did he need to break Wake's leg to get the nudge up?
  24. sad, they are within a touchdown still
  25. man if we end yup with 6 points from being inside the the twice.....
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