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Everything posted by zazie

  1. I am very hopeful on Clausen
  2. Florida has state of the art equipment and trainers, I am sure. He HAS been working out and getting the arm strngth to peak. To think that an nfl trainer will be able to visibly improve his strength I would say is very optimistic. This is not a guy coming from Division 3. Florida I am sure, might as well be the NFL in terms of wieght room and trainers.equipment etc.
  3. Exactly. For a brief shingng moment when we were 5-1 a couple of years ago, the board was very vry positive. The Bills bring negativity naturally with every draft choice, every exec or coaching hire, everything. I asked the other day what was something positive the Bills had done in the last five years, since the DJ hire. Marcus Straoud trade and Byrd draft, that about sums it up. Five year of inexplicable bad moves - not moves that were good on paper and just didn't pan out, plain bad moves like blah blah and blah. Leslie Frazier is a nice change of pace, though, I think he is going to make a real difference as our head coach. Oops....
  4. Yes Clausen AND Bradford will very likely be gone in the first 8 picks, I agree with you. Simply because they are the only legit QB prospects in the draft this year.
  5. If he is there, we will take him. Brandon will over-rule Nix and Coach Hick because Clausen is the guy that will sell the most tickets. And frankly, he does seem to have a good chance at NFL success, I would welcome the chance to have an NFL calibre QB on the team. Something we now lack. And looks like he is a fun guy. Clausen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tebow as an NFL prospect and a human being.
  6. I hope he is ANYWHERE else, him and that annoying mother he takes everywhere.
  7. Actually I saw the punch and it really was a classic sucker punch from the side, on a defenseless (ie not expecting it, could not raise his hands) guy. Looked like he knocked him out, though.
  8. Come on Chalkie, get a sense of humor. Its was not a welsh on a money bet. I think its funny the way he did it.
  9. I miss our old division rival Baltimore Colts. God for him, that is funny.
  10. They should just move the Bills to Beijing, the new corporate capital of the world. America is over, not just Buffalo. Thanks, W.
  11. I agree. We have a 70 year old career high school coach as the gm of a team with a new spent-last-year-out-of-football southern-drawl hick jesus freak coach. And you wonder why national press and everyone in the league is laughing. I am a Bills fan but it is very disconcerting that this is the package they think can bring the Bills back into contention. Next, Tim Tebow, prime candidate for a post-natal abortion as an NFL player.
  12. been discussed ad naeusuem
  13. McNab>Vick>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tebow
  14. Drop Kelsay, agreed, Other than that, you hit nothing right IMO.
  15. Just watched the punch on Youtube. Sign that kid up immediately he is a tough one!
  16. I have to admit Calusen would be an intriguing choice we DO need a qb and he does have franchise potential despite the limp wrist pictures of him. Also he would sell tickets for Brandon; qbs are sexy first round choices. If he is there at #9 my guess is we take him, for the ticket selling reason alone. He would be this years TO. Seeing as Gailey certainly is NOT this years TO and was a universwally reviled and condemned hire.
  17. 3-3 late in the third
  18. McNabb in 2010 would be a boon for the Bills he is way better even as a fading talent, than anyone we have on the roster or any of the rookie QBs coming out. He's got something left.
  19. 2 - 2 near the end of the second away at LA
  20. It would cost money, so it is not possible given our owner RW. Thats an easy one to suss out.
  21. He sounds like a perfect Bills hire......
  22. I bet he has a pretty nice house for a puppet.
  23. Yes I am sure the cancer donations are due to his losing a daughter to cancer. But the are contributiosn made for a tax advantage nonetheless. Yes, he gets to pick WHICH charities, but rest assured his tax attorney tells him how much. Or do you suppose he does not write off his charity? Or I uess you think they haven't calculated to the dime when the exact amount to give that will giv him the most benefit, this rich businessman with a life long of attorneys and accountants in his background. I don't know any of his inner thoughts but I would guess he is shrewd enough to do it the way the benefits him athe most... and he gives THAT much to the charities, that he chooses.
  24. uote name='Beebe's Kid' date='Jan 21 2010, 10:59 PM' post='1728370'] Tim Tebow stole $20 from me. Now THAT was funny sir.
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