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Everything posted by zazie

  1. Unless there is a HUGE signing bonus, SJ would have to be an idiot to not test the FA market. The Bills needed to wrap him up this time last year. Jarius Byrd / Levitre anyone? And he was already thinking about where he would be next year about halfway through this past season. California dreamin'
  2. He claims that but I think the chances are very small that he will come through. Importance-wise for Mario Jr., Staten Island>>>>Buffalo
  3. as a starter in the NFL I find him to be a solid player but not a game changing superstar. He is indeed a little better than the avaerage starting LB in the NFL. He is 100x better than Poz. Who is below average.
  4. He is not a top 10 LB. He is easily a top 20 LB. Slightly above avaerage......
  5. please use more descriptive headers thanks
  6. Poz is a catholic who went to Penn State. Isn't that a bit akin to being an english teacher in Cambodia? Don't let your kids play over at his house, anyway.
  7. The problem the Bils face in any of these in-demand FA competitions with other teams, as that Littman will have not not just pay more, but substantially more than any other team. Otherwise why would WIlliams agree to come to a cold, small city with a long-time losing tradition and a suspect coaching staff and facility. Applebees is not enough to get a top FA. it will take a much better deal.
  8. I apologize for saying anything negative. I wish you success in your union's pay struggle, we certainly need corrections officers as the usa is seemingly the world leader by far in breeding folks who need correction. Success to you sir, and too bad you can't knock some heads anymore!
  9. repeatedly and relentlessly so. He did not learn, and he did not listen. Good thing he never married OJ, he would be missing his head by now.
  10. If you are a prison guard please take it out on the inmates, knock some heads! I do not work for the state and I do not B word about my job either, knowing I am free (like you) to seek emplyment anywhere. In any event lets get back on the subject before some moderator arbitrarily bans us both.
  11. Do you actually do some work for the state, or mostly sit around with your coworkers and B word about the rotten contract a broke state is offering? You should move to California, ther you would fit right in working at the DMV. Regarding the topic at hand, I think Cuomo is pretty much in a no win and no lose situation. If he spends some taxpayer money on RW stadium, that is defensible. If he does not, that is also defensible. Paying you more money to B word about tenured job with your erstwhile employer... not so much defensible.
  12. Wade WAS the best of the sorry bunch,you are correct!
  13. Since Levy was coach: Mularkey>chan>williams>>>>>Jauron. Chan is making a case for being = Greggo though, he has not improved the situation much in 2 years. It is very sad to reflect on the Bills coaching.
  14. Cuomo will see the state like all governors have past and present, what is best for NYC is what matters rpstate is an afterthought. RW stadium has no chance of state funding, we may as well forget that right now. I am not sure it should anyway, I have always questioned the good of the few vs. the good of the many in publically funding projects that will benefit a few directly (workers at the Ralph) some more indirectly (increased sales at stores in Orchard Park etc.), and most not at all (everyone who does not go to games or have some connection to the team or Orchard Park). The main beneficiary of course,would be the man whom the stadium is named after.... one guy and his family. Eff him......
  15. Barnett was a huge upgrade and Barnett is perhaps slightly above average himself. Poz kinda sucks. Jax gave him the 'great white hope' raise, same as if he was the last white guy on the Knicks.
  16. Wow! Excellent!
  17. Neither guy is a Buffalo Bill currently, let's stop talking abiout them. David Nelson anyone?
  18. It is indeed a nice idea but the notion that the other owners would wold accept Hunters Hope to own the Bills seems farfetched. And anyway Kelly seems like a good intentioned guy who is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
  19. Your niavete is indeed refreshing!
  20. A decade plus of no winning has embittered me and solidified my opinion of the Wilson clan right out to second cousins!
  21. He certainly can if he wants to. He does not want to. Not that he CAN not, he WILL not. Of course he can control who the team is sold to, it is called a last will and testament. Or he can set it up now with his death as a trigger.
  22. It may be true at present but if RW hangs on for another ten years (completely feasible, given modern medicine) who knows what the landscape will be like then. Kelly will be about 60, Pegula may have lost some of his fortune, etc. etc. And in any event I believe RW when he says, quite simply, the team will be sold to the highest bidder when he passes. Full stop. He has made no moves to get a minority stake owner in there like Kelly, which would bode well for the idea. I think he is a cheap old bastard likely from a family of cheap old bastards and whose progeny are by now also cheap old bitches, so the team will be sold to the highest bidder when he is gone. And that bidder has likely not even emerged from the woodwork yet.
  23. mine is bigger than yours
  24. Worry about your own money, you will have a better karma. In any event, I have no idea whatsoever why you would concern yourself with RWs bloated wallet, and he is the only one that is paying Mr. Easley. Whether he can actually come back and play a single down in a single game in his career, is more apropo for you to think about, than if was able to earn some dough despite being injured.
  25. oh boy, not good. Bell will be gone and SJ also, the holes keep getting dug deeper
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