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Everything posted by zazie

  1. Oh I thought he was here a bit longer. Great career in any event.
  2. Yup, this was not his anticipated role at all. He cannot be faulted for occasionally getting one wrong in an area that really should not even be his pervue. The Ray Rice assault was really a matter for the police....
  3. He was in Buffalo for quite a few years, I don't think we lost him after his rookie contract, did we? Who could know he would last for many more years in other towns? He is like London Fletcher in that regard.
  4. Here is some info for you re artificial selection of dogs: http://www.nature.co...og-breeding-434 http://www.direwolfproject.com/selective-breeding.html Pits did not become aggressive by accident, and were not bred for some other trait and by mistake their aggression was some collateral damage. They were bred to be aggressive, specifically, over thousands of years. Maybe you don't believe in Darwin though, so the above will not be meaningful for you. For the less god-fearing among us, that is how it happened. Just like Poodles were bred for being pretty. I stay in Thailand but travel about 6 months per annum.
  5. uh huh. Sure. I hope your pit kills no other dog, and attacks no person. I will not rely on you to make it so, though. A 9-year (1979–88) review of fatal dog attacks in the United States determined that, of the 101 attacks in which breed was recorded, pit bulls were implicated in 42 of those attacks (42%).[23] A 1991 study found that 94% of attacks on children by pit bulls were unprovoked, compared to 43% for other breeds.[24] A 5-year (1989–94) review of fatal dog attacks in the U.S. determined that pit bulls and pit bull mixed breeds were implicated in 24 (29%) of the 84 deaths in which breed was recorded.[25] A 20-year (1979-1998) study by the American Veterinary Medical Association into fatal dog attacks on humans[26] concluded that "fatal attacks on humans appear to be a breed-specific problem (pit bull-type dogs and Rottweilers)," and that "pit bull-type dogs and Rottweilers were involved in more than half" (67%) of all the 238 recorded dog bite-related fatalities (DBRF) in the United States during that period, with pit bulls accounting for 66 deaths. They also wrote that: "It is extremely unlikely that they accounted for anywhere near 60% of dogs in the United States during that same period and, thus, there appears to be a breed-specific problem with fatalities."[26] A 15-year (1991–2005) review of dog attack fatalities investigated by the Kentucky Medical Examiner determined that pit bulls were implicated in 5 of the 11 fatal attacks (45%).[27] Another 15-year (1994–2009) review of patients admitted to a Level I Trauma Center with dog bites determined that pit bulls were most often involved in these attacks: of the 228 patients treated, the breed of dog was recorded in 82 attacks, and of these, 29 (35%) of the attacks were by pit bulls.[28] In 45% of the attacks, the dog belonged to the victim's family.[28] A 5-year (2001–05) review of dog attack victims admitted to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia determined that pit bull terriers were implicated in more than half of the bites where breed was identified. Of the 269 patients where breed was identified, 137 (51%) were attacked by pit bulls.[29] The authors wrote: "...the overwhelming number of bites involving pit bull terriers in this study and others certainly has some degree of validity when it comes to identifying bite-prone breeds. Pit bull terriers, German shepherds, and Rottweilers were the offending breeds implicated in our study, and have accounted for the majority of dog bites according to other investigators."[29] A review of the medical literature found that pit bulls and pit bull cross-breeds were involved in 42–45% of dog attacks.[30] Fatalities were most often reported when children were attacked, with 70% of victims being under the age of 10.[30] Some other studies on the number of human deaths caused by dog bite trauma have surveyed news media stories for reports of dog-bite-related fatalities. This methodology is subject to potential errors, as some fatal attacks may not have been reported, a study might not find all relevant news reports, and the dog breed might be misidentified.[31] Courts in the United States[32][33] and Canada[34][35] have ruled that expert identification, when using published breed standards, is sufficient for the enforcement of breed-specific legislation.
  6. hopefully not a jinx prediction - a sack for Hughes, an interception for Robey....
  7. Well, Rogers does have more catches and more touchdowns in his career, and you can say what you want, but Hogan does NOT have the physical attributes. That said, seems they are both pretty much wasting a roster spot for the tiem being, on their respective teams. Hogans so called prowess on special teams does not compare to Easley, Dixon, or at least 6 other Bills.....
  8. Fitz blows. MAX wins he can get is 8, I am thinking 6-7 is more his style. This one CAN be won! and SHOULD be won.
  9. wow that is some in depth analysis!
  10. anyway this is not correct. Even the nicest and best trained dogs of these breeds have triggers that will set them into attack mode. Not always against humans but certainly against other, less formidable dogs.. Pits are dangerous, and need to be muzzled. Sorry for the truth here. And Rotts, for sure too. Dobermans go crazy later in life, I have heard their brain gets too big for their skull, not sure if that is an urban myth or not, but I have known 2 people whose peaceful Dobermans went nuts and had to be put down. It is not how you raise your particuloar dog, it is how the dogs were selected for violent behaviour by other humans over the last 10,000 years, their behaviour is not always learned, often instinctual. And their instinct, bred for, is violence.
  11. First he is a tackle not a guard. We have fine tackles. Second, his arthritic knee is degenarative, it is not going to get better but worse. He will be out of the league (IMO) by next year, and certainly the year after. He will never play.
  12. he is not the first guy to stop trying as hard once he got his big, guaranteed contract. he is phoning it in and praying that he does not get dementia later in life. That is all.
  13. Now it seems like nothing to him but I am thinking at some point in his 40s or 50s Williams may want to have that 11k. better just obey the dress code. At least it was red socks on his feet and not a sock in the mouth for his wife!
  14. If you look at Hardys career at Indiana, it is difficult to understand how he sucked so bad in the NFL. The game really is completely different, I guess.
  15. Apples and oranges. I was talking about name recognition, not writing skill. And I had never heard of Mr. Simmons until this incident.
  16. To find a guy to replace Easley it would not be a WR, it would be a tough ST linebacker.... Easley is not really a WR at all in the NFL. he is a pure specialist in ST play.
  17. Levitre said from the beginning of his third year that he was going to wait until he was a free agent and test the market. It is a myth we had a legit opportunity to sign him. He was ready to risk injury and not sign a new deal.
  18. I never hear of Simmons either until this happened. But I don't live in the USA so never watch ESPN. He's no Howard Cosell or Chris Berman in terms of name recognition, though.
  19. Sign Incognito, and have Richardson pan out over the next few games, and we could be just fine. I assume Henderson is a bit tougher than Jonathan Martin, likely Richardson too, and Richie has likely learned his lesson anyway and will keep his mouth shut and do his work. If the attitude is to win this year, this should be considered. Martin is a p**sy. IMO. who cares.
  20. easley had a couple of year injured with non-football stuff IIRC. last couple of years he has played every game, no?
  21. maybe with some better coaching even in the NFL. They let go last years WR coach pretty quickly after the season last year, Ike. But being cut from the Titans was not a good sign.
  22. either way it should have been Henderson at RT. He is way better than Pears. Maybe Urbik should have been left in at RG though.
  23. can you imagine how bad things would be if we had not gotten COMPLETELY lucky with our 7th rounder who was quite NFL ready?
  24. Personally I appreciate his complete lack of tattoos. It should not matter, but when these guys have tattoos all over (especially the neck), well, hmmm...
  25. Freeney has been at the top of his game for many years and obviously puts the time and effort into preparation for the specific opponent he is facing week to week. Some guys are just going to get production, nature of the beast. I would take Cordy overt almost any LT in the game at this point, he has youth and skill. we are lucky to have him. Seantrel looks to be our 2nd best line-man by a wide margin already. the bookends are in place. now if we could just shore up the middle....
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