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Everything posted by zazie

  1. he had the Titans playbook down evidently, he won a lot of games over there. young>thigpen. young may ell be.fitz. sorry for this reality, haters. but you are all right about one thing, Kelsay is servicable and 'quality depth'. And the Emporer IS wearing clothes, can't you see them?
  2. I am guessing the opposition will be very happy, not afraid, to see these guys in there if it means a break from our starters. The opposition has been happy to see Kelsay for several years now.
  3. Lets hope Carrington and Troup both stick, and kelsay is shown thedoor. Pretty please with sugar on top?
  4. All the VY doubters and denigrators overlook one fundamental fact - VY is a proven winner with an overhelming success rate and converting more wins than losses. Who really cares about Jeff Fisher anyway???
  5. I have been saying for years that Kelsay has to go, I do not understand at all how he is still around.
  6. Wood will not be available until Novmeber or so.
  7. Vince Young at his best > Fitz at his best VY has gone on multiple long winning streaks in his career (not the 5 game variety that Fitz supplies) and led multiple teams to the playofs. We should 100% sign him and see if we can get him back to his best.
  8. that is crazy talk! I do think Hairston will start at LT though as we go for a recieve in the draft. Bye bye Donald Jones also.
  9. no doubt about that, Peters needs a good jewish accountant or he'll be broke before his 50ish stroke and premature death. Sorry for the big man, but that seems to be the formula for O linemen from the NFL. Broke then dead young.
  10. who will file for bankruptcy first, Bell or his father Karl?
  11. Bell had some bad luck or a bad agent. He should have gotten more guaranteed money.
  12. whether he did it or not I am pretty ok with him being in jail, he seems a very dangersous guty to be running around free \
  13. Apple Orchard (Park)
  14. Took me a second to figure out the right spelling the post started as "last hurrah"!
  15. I have noticed as has everyone, that the Bills have a new attitude and willingness to spend and take concrete steps towards fielding a competetive team. Is this a shift in the philosophy of RW? Or did Brandon do a cost benefit analysis for Littman that showed he could sell enough more tickets to make the big signings worth it? I actually feel RW has given the marching orders to try and do better finally, maybe he feels mortal. The SJ signing and the Mario signing could both be attriuted to selling tickets only (a la TO a few years back), but the followup signing for good money of another in demand free agent signals something different to me. I hope these coaches can make the reality out of this fanatsy of an off season.
  16. Bell sure does not seem to be garnering the kind of interst one might think he would, for all the talk about the one free agent whoi is a pure LT. I am very surprised he is not signed anywhere yet and outside of a couple of visits, there seems t be 0 interest in him.
  17. Cant we please,please, pretty please with sugar on top, finally cut Kelsay??? He sux at everything he does on the football field, and has done, for a decade now.
  18. Another intangible about Bell is that he seems to be a very normal guy. You do not hear anything negative about him, he doesm't mouth off, just a guy who comes to play. I will miss him much more than, for instance, Marshawn.
  19. That is exactly the right answer! Finally!
  20. Levitre will take significantly more to sign i think.....
  21. of course you realize that each game that goes by injury free for these guys makes it more difficult and expensive to sign them? Waiting is a recipe for disaster.
  22. Maybe we will get lucky and a team like Philly will deal us their all-pro LT for a couple of middling draft picks?
  23. And what salary levels are appropriate? Levitre should get top 10 guard money, Byrd top 10 safety money, and fredex, the same as now but with a nice signing bonus, IMO
  24. Jackson has said very publicly that Nix promised him a new contract during this off season. If that should fail to happen I think the resentment would be very high and not just from Freddie but from others on the team, and likely a few fans as well.
  25. I think we need to have all three rewarded with new deals prior to training camp.. byrd and Levitre just so they do not get anywhere close to free agency, and Freddie as a show of good faith to a deserving player who is a team player, a leader, and one heck of a performer.
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