OK, time to call BS on this plantar fasciitis.
Byrd is clearly just picking up his paycheck and keeping from not getting injured by not playing, citing an injury that is impossible to disprove and not permamnent.
I have had PF, and I can tell you, depending on how bad it is, 2-3 weeks of wearing an orthotic and stretching will fix it. Especially a top-grade athlete like Byrd.
So, in essence, the Bills are playing by the rules of the CBA, and mssngrs Parker and Byrd have decided not to, abide by those rules.
At what point can the Bills take action? Or the players union for that matter - the CBA is a negotiated agreement and the rules need to apply to both sides.
Byrd is a liar and is stealing 6.9m this year. There, I said it.