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Everything posted by zazie

  1. richardson must be beyond thrilled with this deal. a well run contender. Good for him.
  2. Bo Jackson redux?
  3. yes. Stevie has his mulligan for the year, and it is an expensive one for the Bills. In crunch time, I suggest EJ look for Mr. Woods. Stevie kinda sux when he needs to be good. Has for years.
  4. Yes, that was my point from earlier in the thread. it would happen, for certain, at some point, that the line was crossed and the cops were inciting the bad behaviour. Glad at least one person comprehends the slippery slope putting cops in that position, would be. ugly terminology and quite un-called for.
  5. it would be a special irony if we lost game 1 because Stevie does not catch the ball I may have been able to catch, and lost game 2 becuase he DID catch a hard one and was stopped short. glad that did not happen.
  6. point well taken. I have to concede that one. neither rape nor violence is ever acceptable.
  7. they must have just fixed it.
  8. Just ask Trent Edwards
  9. I guess maybe if christians like Tebow would not try to force people to be pro life, anti-gay, anti-everything else that does not conform to his particular worldview, I might like him better. As it stands, I am pretty much for everything he is against, and either way, I don't try to convert others to any behaviours or beliefs, xenophobic or not. Which is what Tebow does every single day, from the pulpit he created by being a truly special college qb. I wonder if he gets laid or is waiting for marraige?
  10. if he keeps up this pace he will have 30+ sacks this year. Meanwhile, is Marcel Dareus even playing?
  11. It is actually a hip problem for most people, that manifests in the arch of the foot. Generally tight hammies or tight hip flexors gradually make you walk differently, throwing everything out of alignment. the key to long term healing is actually consistant stretching of the hip flexors and hamstrings. short term healing is all about icing it and using orthotics. I am sure Byrd hasd the best treatment, in any event.
  12. Because Buffalo is a broke-ass city. In a broke-ass country. Enough money being wasted on BS. I have not been to a game in about ten years now, I am an expat. So in the end it really does not matter to me.
  13. does seem quite odd that they cannot get the stats right. It is unambiguous. raw numbers.
  14. this is the one I was referring to: http://www.nfl.com/stats/statslab direct from the NFL.
  15. and yet, even at its worst as you describe, I cannot find reason to have a special cop detail for that. THey are going to arrest people for high-fiving? or for 'accidentally' hitting someone (pretty casually) in a crowded stadium, in a crowded world?
  16. I went to the NFL.com stats page, no mention of Mario anywhere as a sack leader. In fact, no mention of any bills, anywhere. I guess we don't rate?
  17. I got banned from the board for a year for saying what I think of Tebow's godliness (and cleanliness), so I will recuse myself from this thread going forward. Enjoy!
  18. No, I am for Police upholding the law. that is the point., The police are where they need to be, to uphold the law. wearing other teams jerseys in hopes of finding a cirminal, does not seem to m to be an efffective or wise use of the limited rescouces the polica have. at least, not to me. I would be very happy for the NFL to pony up police OT money and have them wear other teams jerseys. Have not seen the NFL offer that though. And again, one guy got hurt, by raiders fans, years ago. Some beer being spilled on someone or someone yelling at them, well, get over it. or - don't wear provacative clothing.
  19. God does love him, no doubt about it. Lucky guy, great college football payer, will never have to look too hard for a job anywhere in Florida.
  20. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? Where are these cops going to come from? The balance of Buffalo still needs cops on a Sunday, and the regular stadium duties they have will still need to be attended to. So they would have to pay EXTRA cops, to work this silly detail of wearing other teams jerseys, in the odd and I would guess, generally fruitless hopes that someone will attack them.
  21. We agree 100%. And I am no Christian.
  22. http://www.nflshop.com/Jerseys http://www.indeed.com/salary/q-Police-Officer-l-Buffalo,-NY.html Inedeed I am quite the short-bus mouthbreather.
  23. I remember the one guy got beat up by some Raiders fans a couple of years back. That is about it for real violence. If you wear another teams jersey to the game, you can expect a bit of verbal banter. Which incidentally is not illegal. This is not an endemic problem that we need to regulate and police, so much. Less regulation = greater freedom. Good thing for most.
  24. pretty common knowledge about PF. google it. You will see lots of opinions from doctors.
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