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Everything posted by RyanC882

  1. A great summary of the dilemma of Bills fans. There really is nothing to root for, they can't even draft well.
  2. I hope the whole thing about starting Trent w/o competition was a joke also.
  3. The Raiders are horrible evaluators of talent. Taht's prob a positive that he got cut from the Raiders.
  4. Yep. We will get crushed by the Pats, and most likely against Houston.
  5. The FO is inept. He never should have been given a contract like that, or drafted so high for that matter.
  6. Root for the other team. But of course the new Bills would win the game , further agnozing the great people of Western New York.
  7. YOu said it man. The excuse about the ticket sales is stupid, they ALREADY SOLD the tickets. They won't be selling any mroe this year, TO or no TO.
  8. I agree. Poor taste is promising people you are rebuilding, selling them tickets, taking their tax dollars, loosing, loosing again and again, and not firing the people responsible. If this team is not publicly/nationally embarrassed by its fans nothing will change.
  9. That's more like it.
  10. hahaahahah. Evans couldn't get open if no one was covering his lazy ass.
  11. I like the idea. We could dangle him between two division rivals, the bidding war between two NFC or AFC teams could net us a 2nd or 3rd rounder.
  12. Ralph in the HOF is a disgrace to owners and players that actually deserve to be there.
  13. The QB was gaining no momentum, unless the momentum you are talking about is missing wide open WR's (or not seeing them.) You are correct, the rest of the crap didn't help either, but the QB play is also terrible. There is more than one problem on the Bills.
  14. 2-14 sounds a tad optimistic.
  15. Steelers. Of course, living in Pittsburgh the steelers become your second fav to the Bills. Also, it's amazing what a good owner can do for a team. They are consistently good and actually care about winning. They are the anti-Bills. A side effect however is realizing how terribly run the Bills are.
  16. We have no choice then but to hope the Bills loose the remainder of their games. If they start winning, even against crappy teams (which is unlikely) Ralph will retain Jauron under the guise that things are "turning around."
  17. You are, sadly, correct.
  18. I won't boo Ralph, but I will boo every time the Bills do something stupid on the field.
  19. Booing is not disrespectful. What planet are you from.
  20. You are correct. I live in Pittsburgh and this is the same problem we have with the pirates. If the team is making $$ they don't have to win if the fans come anyway, but if the fans stay home, they have to put a winning product out on the feild to make $$. The only wrinkle here is that if the fans stay away, whoever buys the team next will most likely move it. so, better to go to the games now and hope for a future owner who cares, and some money from NYS to upstate NY (ok, that's a dream) to get a new stadium.
  21. You said it. He drafts very well...unlike the Bills.
  22. We will win, esp since the Browns won't have their best player. Then, after we win, Ralph will extend DJ for another three years.
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