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Beastly Dareus

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Everything posted by Beastly Dareus

  1. And I care about your input because.........
  2. Peter Forsberg said hes looking to make a comeback. Wonder if he has anything left in the tank.
  3. Yes... such a die hard fan would make a topic like this with that title
  4. hehe, keep throwing insults. I like seeing the maturity of your generation. Maybe it was because of the high drop out rates in that generation that resulted in such mature people your age
  5. No you mocked my social life by suggesting that I graduated high school in 2035 (was it?) hence an insult... Then I called you immature (immature is a statement to someone thats not acting their age) and the fact that your a moderator (suppose to be keeping things under control and in a good environment) and an adult and started the insult bandwagon in this thread just shows my statement was in fact true And the fact that you didnt bother to stop the insults and mockery and continue to do so, just confirms it more
  6. Thats the same EXACT way I took it... But I got jumped all over for saying it first and then insulted and then mocked and tried to be made a fool of because I didnt see a movie that doesnt interest me
  7. Rudy! was the man. Loved that movie Proved his brother and family/friends wrong. Had a goal in life and fulfilled it. Se people I have seen alot of movies. But Ones that fit my TASTE of a movie... Or does that still make me a nerd or someone with no social life and all those other comments you guys where saying?
  8. I only insult others if they insult me or mock me first. In which case you did. And then I called you immature (which is hardly an insult)
  9. Already took a look... it just doesnt garner my interest
  10. Exactly, thanks for proving my point... You dont like a movie, that MANY other people liked. So that means you have a DIFFERENT TASTE OF MOVIES, for those other immature people here that think its such a crime
  11. Backdraft is a good movie (I like Kurt Russell, well my mom is a big fan)... So is that other movie about a Fire Department (cant think of the name) And hell no Volunteer Fire departments are one of the most important things in our society
  12. Again, Maybe you should look back on the post.. where people call me a nerd, that has no social life because I haven't seen the movie. You gotta be a blind bat to miss it
  13. Maybe you should look back on the post.. where people call me a nerd, that has no social life because I haven't seen the movie. You gotta be a blind bat to miss it
  14. OMG your such a nerd, all the kids in college like it.. Or is it the fact that you have a different movie preference and taste of style than other people? ps I personally loved it
  15. Yes, I get insulted for not seeing a movie because I only watch movies when I go to the movie theaters with friends and I have a movie preference , that makes me in the wrong. I think its more like a group of posters here are highly immature (most of them being adults, which makes it funnier) and throwing insults out at little things
  16. Hes better than what we have had in the past decade.
  17. So how many of you have seen Hangover?
  18. Again Just in case you missed it "Idk, Ive never been a "big" old movie person. I usually only watch movies when I go to the movie theaters with my friends. And when I watch movies its based on history or sports. Because people so have preferences you know? Maybe I will have to go rent it, since I have nothing to do this weekend anyways, and since you guys think its such a big deal that I haven't ever seen it"
  19. Nope, cant afford to pay $100,000 to go to an Ivy League school. When you can get basically the same education at a college like Nazareth
  20. Idk, Ive never been a "big" old movie person. I usually only watch movies when I go to the movie theaters with my friends. And when I watch movies its based on history or sports. Because people so have preferences you know? Maybe I will have to go rent it, since I have nothing to do this weekend anyways.
  21. Nope already have graduated High School, with a 94.567% GPA thank you very much, currently in college with a 3.689 GPA Gotta love adults that like to insult other people over something so small (like me not seeing a movie). Shows how "mature" alot of adults like you are
  22. Not good... BUT that Pro Bowl LT tackle showed up to play only when he felt like it and same with that LG we had (Peters and Dockery)
  23. Nope never seen Animal House, sounds like a bad reference for history? Or just a funny movie? lol
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