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Beastly Dareus

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Everything posted by Beastly Dareus

  1. Jimmy Johnson, Dick Vermeil, Marty Schottenheimer (Already stated) and John Gruden (Staying in Broadcasting) arent available coaches. And Nix said He prefers a coach with HC experience--- which isnt a guarantee or a promise
  2. lol as long as it isnt the Bills
  3. Whos that testing them out? Donte Whitner!!! haha
  4. "Bill Cowher is “nearly a lock” to coach in the NFL again in 2010. But Bills fans shouldn’t get excited quite yet. Just because the Buffalo is the only team with a help wanted sign hanging on their head coaching door, it doesn’t automatically equate to Cowher roaming the sidelines in Orchard Park next season."
  5. Apparently Cowher will be coaching: http://www.buffalosportsdaily.com/2010/01/...-coach-in-2010/
  6. The leap years of 2008, 2004, 2000, 1996, 1992 were counted
  7. Again, I love the insults Shows how immature you are internet tough boy
  8. And I care why............? People do have different taste in movies ya know?
  9. Already been discussed, and I was jump all and insulted because I didnt know the movie and have no interest to see it
  10. No im correct, maybe you should check your math skills
  11. Nope I was born 7,786 Days ago... Try again? 7,786 days= 21 years 3 months and 30 days ago to make it simple to understand.
  12. what other competition do we have? there are no other HC openings in the NFL..... Maybe Dallas and Oakland (If Dallas loses this weekend) Why not interview as many people as they can? How do we know for sure they have only interviewed Cowher, Fewell, and Frazier? They have been so secretive about it for the most part. No need to rush... they playoffs are just beginning.
  13. Can only hope it will be different this time around.
  14. Thinking the same thing... but I guess he could surprise us
  15. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt" "Insults only make people stronger" -I like the insults, keep them coming... Just shows peoples immaturity
  16. I sense some sarcasm Because the drop out rates have decreased dramatically year to year since the 70's... as evident by statistics from the National Education site: http://nces.ed.gov/FastFacts/display.asp?id=16
  17. yes your totally right: even statistics disagree with you: http://nces.ed.gov/FastFacts/display.asp?id=16 -And yes im 21 (Correct on 1 thing), Graduated in 2007. Lowest ever drop out rate year
  18. damn you got my hopes up... I thought you where announcing a press conference for today
  19. Isn't Mort the same guy that said Derek Anderson and Joey Harrington where going to be All Pro QB's among other ones hes been wrong with? Just saying....
  20. But n order for the QB to succeed and do his part, he needs protection from a O-line
  21. Exactly... the O-Line and QB are of more importance to fix right now. 1 step at a time... Hopefully the new front office will start with the o-line and work its way out
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