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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Right on. I appreciate your candor and sense of humor. You’ll need that around here with these clowns. Glad you turned things around for the positive. Cheers, and go Bills ?
  2. I think @BringBackFergy scared him off with his glove joke. Maybe we’ll never know ??‍♂️ A lot to unpack here, and I intend to get to the bottom of this.
  3. What up, Nate? Not trying to be rude at all, just curious how you ended up getting hit by a train. Care to share? One of my teammates in college got hit by a train and killed, but he was severely intoxicated and a lot of folks thought it was suicide (he had MH issues and recently got dumped by his GF). Some people thought he passed out on the tracks.
  4. Morse, Ford, Williams or Morse, Feliciano, Ford
  5. Glab’s voice is really, really annoying. Sounds like a cat torturing contest.
  6. If I had a nickle for every time some random woman massaged by grundles on an airplane... #hetoo
  7. He’s got more chins than a Chinese phone book.
  8. Biscuit punched my older brother right in the mouth at a bar on Chippewa back during the SB years. My brother is a wise ass, so I’m sure he deserved it though ?
  9. George Lopez!!!
  10. I just saw something on FB. Tyson vs Holyfield 4 round exhibition on July 11th. Location TBD. Can’t find anything about it online though. Must be FAKE NEWS...SAD!
  11. I was wondering if maybe his savings account was getting a little light. Can you imagine how much $ he would bring in for just 1 UFC fight? I know I would pay to see it.
  12. Is Tyson really going to fight someone? Like UFC?
  13. Uggghhh...when they announced we were trading up I was doing my “Mack dance” in my living room. What a disappointment.
  14. Common man!! I’m not having another child. Surgical measures have made reproduction impossible. Plus I’m 41. Too late to be having babies. It’s my buddy in SF whose wife is having a baby. Her due date is literally a week after the Bills/49ers MNF game. He don’t think wife would take kindly to him gettting all hammered out in Santa Clara (1.5 hour drive from the hospital) so close to the due date.
  15. I may be coming. I have a 49ers fan friend who lives in Napa, and he has invited me out for the game (apparently the winery he works for has a block of season tix). The only issue is that his wife is pregnant and her due date is 12/14. Cutting it kind of close....we'll see.
  16. Interesting to learn that there’s actually a functional purpose as pickle brine is loaded with sodium, potassium and electrolytes. Helps to hydrate and mitigate hangover “symptoms.” Interesting that I’m just learning about this now ?
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