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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. My uncle is a police lieutenant, and I don’t even speak to him at Thanksgiving. “Johnny will you pass the stuffing?” “I don’t have to speak to you, Uncle Brian.” “Am I being detained, or may I take my plate into the den and watch football?”
  2. I guess, but she has no boobs. That’d be like mask debating for me.
  3. @BringBackFergy care to weigh in as an attorney in NYS?
  4. https://research.msu.edu/innocent-african-americans-more-likely-to-be-wrongfully-convicted/
  5. Thank you. Exactly my point, and I would venture to guess that there are FAR more white drug dealers than black/minority drug dealers.
  6. You do understand that there are white drug dealers too, correct? You also understand that there are white people who reside in “economically bad neighborhoods,” right? Drug related crimes and poverty are not just a black thing, dude. You are doing a great job demonstrating your ignorance.
  7. Some people just don’t like facts ??‍♂️
  8. So you don’t believe that there are instances of black people being treated unfairly purely because of their race? Racism is a thing. It’s not everything, but it’s real and it’s heavily embedded in our criminal justice system. You don’t like facts?
  9. So there is an abundance of information to support why he shouldn’t have been arrested and taken into custody, and you speculate based on nothing that there probably was a reason he was arrested but it was covered up after the fact due to his celebrity status? Uh huh. Okay ?
  10. He feels as though he was treated unjustly by the police due to his race. Why is that so hard to understand? A person does not have to be murdered to be treated unfairly. Sounds like he might have a point ??‍♂️
  11. There’s not enough beer in Milwaukee.
  12. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive him for that drop in the EZ. Brutal.
  13. I’m a rhombus earther. Only a dumb moron would believe the earth is flat.
  14. Silver Therapeutics in Williamstown.
  15. I heard Choom is nice. The dispensaries I go to in Mass are just like normal stores. Walk in, pick what you want from the menu, pay and you’re on your way. The first dispensary I ever went to was in Vegas. That place was like a freaking night club! Scantily clad “bud tenders” waiting on people, music bumping, strobe lights going off. It was pretty cool. Plus, they sell the high octane edibles. WRT buffets, I’m not a big fan. Except a Chinese buffet. I’ll hit one of those up every once in a while. This place we usually go to has these wok fried salt and pepper shrimp with the shells still on. I could eat 3-4 plates of those alone.
  16. Just saw this thread as I was finishing my coffee and about to start chores and packing for our trip back to CNY this week. My wife doesn’t mind the GD, but my kids hate when I put them on. Nevertheless, we are blaring one of my favorite shows ever, Winterland 1973, from beginning to end. I heard Dark Star Orchestra “replicate” this set at a bar up in Fairbanks, Alaska back in 2012. Love this show.
  17. 78 receptions, 1,476 yards, 9 TDs
  18. I actually muted my mic and played a few games of Call of Duty during a lengthy online meeting on Monday. Left for about 10 minutes between games to make a sandwich.
  19. Wife and I had to cancel a 7 day trip to Jamaica. We usually go to Wells Beach in Maine, which is relatively safe I guess, but we still opted to skip this year. My parents own a beach house in North Myrtle. We usually go down during the week of spring break and then one week during the summer. We decided not to, but I’m amazed that they were able to rent it out all summer long. I guess it’s much safer than the hotels down there that are running at full capacity ?
  20. “Blasting fudge monkeys” ?
  21. I responded both, but I prefer flats. The only place near me that has decent wings will not honor requests for just flats or drums. I even told the waitress that I'd pay extra. It's all good though.
  22. Looks like the guy who really killed Andy’s wife in The Shawshank Redemption.
  23. Can anyone post the Brandi Chastain plaque?
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