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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. I blame violent video games and rap music.
  2. Huge distinction between legalization and decriminalization. Also big difference between legal for recreational use and legal for medical use. This was less about legalizing pot, and more about the failed “war on drugs.” Interesting that it even made it to a vote in the house, but yes, sure to get shot down in the senate. Here in Vermont is is legal for recreational and medical use. Dispensaries are scheduled to open by fall 2021. The “private market” dealers here in VT, it seems, has gone to a delivery system. You pay a fee for handling and delivery, but the cannabis is on the house! 😂 You see cars with signs advertising cannabis delivery all over the place. Nothing the police can do about it here.
  3. Sadly true. The woman who is the current curriculum director in my district is a former building level administrator. She was so bad at her job and so hated in the community that they promoted her to curriculum director because they couldn’t fire her.
  4. Having worked in the education field for nearly 2 decades, I can say confidently that there a plenty of people who can’t do or teach.
  5. Boners McGurnikey?
  6. Phony cheater 😒
  7. Story of my (married) life, brotha. My wife is total type A....if she’s not doing something or preparing to do something she gets anxious. I’m, well, pretty laid back 😂 It has its advantages and disadvantages. With regard to our marriage....our differences often present challenges.
  8. “Size doesn’t matter” is complete BS also. Too big is usually not good, and too small is definitely not good. Ask any woman who you know will give you an honest answer.
  9. “There’s nothing to it but to do it.” My Father used to say this to me all the time. Pissed me off to no end. Some things are really hard to do 😂
  10. I was going to guess Clapton, but then I thought that the photo was too new to be him.
  11. Just for a roll in the hay? Hell YES!
  12. Correct-a-mundo! Also correct.
  13. Is it just me, or does Klein always look hungover as hell?
  14. J. Geils 👍
  15. What does he do now if he is no longer involved in sports?
  16. So a man is on his way home from work and he stops to buy a bouquet of roses for his lovely wife. He walks in the door and hands the flowers over to his bride with a big smile on his face. Snidely, his wife says “Great, now I guess I have to spread my legs.” The man replies “Don’t you have a vase or something?”
  17. Did he ever break any records in this sport?
  18. I only go to orgies where food is served. I mean meth and crack too, but I like to munch on Swedish meatballs while I’m sanding the ol’ hardwood 😉
  19. He’s absolutely crushing puss. Who knew?
  20. Someone making bank in that Texans locker room.
  21. Mickey Rooney. Alright, I’m thinking of a person....from Greenland, female, alive but on life support.
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