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Johnny Hammersticks

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Posts posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. I'm not a believer in the "NFL draft pick value" system. Whoever drew it up has waaaay too much time on their hands...and IMO, is absolutely clueless. Whoever thinks that trading up 6 spots in te draft is worth a 1st 2nd 3rd and 5th rounder doesn't know jack. Give me a top ten pick and an additional 2 rounder and we call it even. If nix and co are trying to get equal "value" according to some stupid chart, we will be picking at 3 because its not gonna happen, imo


    Well then it's a good thing that you're not an NFL General Manager. Whether you think the "NFL draft pick value" chart is silly or not, there is a HUGE difference between picking at #3 and picking at #9. This difference cannot be compensated for by simply adding a 2nd round pick. If it were as simple as this, then teams would be more apt to trade up into the top 5. Truth is...it very rarely happens.


    If the Bills traded back to #9, and only got an additional 2nd rounder as compensation, Buddy Nix would be burned at the stake.

  2. he threw 16tds this season. can someone who watched all of his games this year explain why he threw for so few? they passed a ton (over 3,500 years) and didnt have a dominant rb. listen people ill will believe the hype with this kid because he's tall, strong arm, accurate(65%) and intelligent. but the 16tds this year sticks out as a major red flag. please advise.


    Agreed...the lack of TD passes with so many passing yards is a red flag. What was Missouri doing in the red zone? Did they settle for a lot of field goals? Did Blaine rush for a bunch of TD's?

  3. I know I'm being particular, but (based on the draft value chart) it would likely take Dallas' 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and their 5th round pick to make this a fair trade. That being said...hell yes I would trade back to #9 to acquire all of those additional picks! What rebuilding team wouldn't make that deal in a heartbeat!?!?


    Now that I think about it....I doubt any team covets Patrick Peterson to the extent that they would give away their entire draft for him. I think the same could be said for any other player in this draft. We're going to pick at #3.

  4. Unless Mallet is there in the 2nd, I say going QB with that pick is a waste of time. There will a developmental QB worth drafting in the 3rd or 4th. I like the Dareus pick, and I full agree with your logic, but I think it's necessary to come back in the 2nd and draft the best LB available (Martez Wilson if he's still there). I like the Luke Stocker and Marcus Gilbert picks. I'm not really a big fan of the Casey Matthews pick. From what I saw this season, he really tends to get blown up by blockers in the run game...also plays out of control at times.

  5. He's the best match for our O-system? If we strictly ran a pistol option offense then I would agree. But at Nevada, Kaep ran a 1 read or run system. He's very, very raw. He'd require at least 2 years of work before he would be ready to produce in a pro style offense.


    Which is exactly what he would get (barring injury) playing behind Fitz for the next couple seasons. That being said, I'd rather have Mallett, Ponder, or Stanzi (in that order) as a developmental QB prospect.

  6. Man what an odd year for QBs. I'm also not sold on the 'top' prospects (especially Gabbert...hype job). Ponder and Stanzi have just as much potential with a lower risk imo.


    We all have our opinions.


    Agreed....this year's group reminds me a lot of 1999's QB class. There were five QB's taken in the first round that year (1. Couch 2. McNabb 3. Akili Smith 11. Culpepper 12. Cade McNown), and only one actually turned out to be a "franchise" caliber QB. Strangely enough it was the athletic, strong-armed QB from Syracuse...one of the most unheralded QB's of the group, perhaps because he ran the option offense (remember philly fans booing the selection?).


    Perhaps history will repeat itself and Cam Newton will prove to be the best QB of this class? Not saying that Cam Newton=Donovan McNabb, but there are some similarities between them (besides them being black QB's).


    I don't want Cam at #3, but it is an interesting thought.

  7. The guy is a monster. At 250lbs he had a 42" vertical and a 4.45 40 time, with a 1.62 10 yard split. I don't care how you look at it, he's linebacker big with WR combine numbers. I'm still going through and watching the rest of his combine so I don't know about the rest.

    It looks like he could play DE in a 3/4, 4/3, and rush OLB in a 3/4. I'd take him any day of the week and twice on Sundays.



  8. Would you then draft a qb and why if you have a starter? No qb needed this year then?


    If you have a quality starting QB (and I think we do) then you draft a QB ONLY if you are lacking depth at that position. We certainly lack depth at the QB position, so if we can find a good developmental prospect in rounds 3-7....then we pull the trigger and draft that player.


    There is absolutely no need, given the QB's available in this draft, to draft a QB with the #3 overall pick. That's my opinion :thumbsup:


    Giving up draft picks for Carson Palmer is an absolutely ridiculous idea...IMO.


    Why in the world would we give up a high draft pick or anything else of value for a guy whose former backup is already on our team and outplayed him last year?!?!!!!! :blink:


    This is also a very good point.

  9. Sounds good to me. Although I could see us shocking tsw and taking a CB in round 2. If we lose Florence, adding a cb that can play will be a priority as well. Although, I'd if we're gonna take a cb, I'd prefer it to be in the first round 1. Peterson is gonna be a big play guy and prince is a stud as well. The depth in the front 7 is better than cb. Grrrr, this draft really has me baffled. The only 2 positions that Im sure we won't be drafting at #3 are RB and OL. I could see DL (Dareus, fairley, bowers, jordan), LB (miller or Quinn), db (Peterson or prince), qb (cam or gabbert) or wr (green). Most years it's between 1-3 positions. Usually between 3-4 players, this year seems like there's 10 players we're deciding between. I know it's VERY unlikely, but this would be the best year to trade down with. Especially of we traded down with a team in the top 10 or so. Having 3 picks in the top 45 would be huge for this team. Imagine having Quinn/Jordan/Watt/Aldon smith/kerriga/Gabbert/Prince then adding 2 of these guys (Houston, wilson, heyward, austin, carimi, cannon, mallet, kaepernick, locker, Taylor, Ballard, Paea, etc. I know I know, we're probably not gonna be able to find someone that wants to give up a 2nd round pick to move up a few picks, but one can dream can't he?


    It all depends on how the first 2 picks play out. If Gabbert makes it past Carolina and Denver, I have a sneaking suspicion that Buddy and Co. will get a phone call from Bruce Allen. Patrick Peterson is another player, if he last to #3, that I could see teams wanting to trade up for (possibly San Fran?).

  10. Would Chan bite? He has proven he can play outdoors? He wants out of Cincy, so he must be smart? He did'nt look good last year, but with T.O. yelling in one ear and Chad in another who would? Would you give up a second and say a fifth to fill in the starting Qb for the next five years with a vet?


    That's a big negative Ghost Rider. We already have a starting QB, and Carson Palmer is not going to be our QB of the future (for obvious reasons).

  11. Mallett will be loooooong gone by round 3. Book it! I would get a chub-chub if he lasted to #34 and we drafted him. Perfect guy to groom behind Fitz for a couple seasons. I agree with some previous poster that his lack of mobility doesn't worry me all that much. His ability to move around in the pocket will improve with experience and good coaching. Also, I'm not all that concerned about his supposed character/maturity issues.


    He ran a really complicated, Bobby Petrino pro-style offense at Arkansas and improved every season.

  12. We need to improve the front 7. If we grab 2 front 7 guys with our 1st 2 picks, one of them better be a LB. Inside or outside, idc. Drafting 2 DL when me mostly plan on playing a 3-4 is just stupid IMO. We have Williams and we drafted troupe and carrington in the 2nd and 3rd last year. I expect both of them to improve on their rookie season. We also have Edwards and maybe Johnson. Using our 1st 2 picks would be overkill, especially since we don't have 1 good LB on our roster. Poz is a FA, Moats has potentia, but is unproven and merriman is....no one knows. We need to add at least 1 starting caliber LB.


    Agreed....although there are some intriguing prospects that will likely be around in the 2nd round, there is no need to draft a NT this year. We would be better served, IMO, drafting the best 3-4 defensive end with the #3 pick, and then the best linebacker with pick #34. I really hope Martez Wilson lasts that long.


    The other option would be to draft the best OT available in round two, and then draft a guy like Kelvin Sheppard in round 3.

  13. All jokes aside...I think they've fallen in love with CB Peterson & go after QB Kapernick in the second round!


    I think you're right, but I think they will wait until round 3 to take a QB. Although I really want Marcell Dareus at #3....I think they'll pick Peterson in round 1 and the best ILB available in round 2 (unless Kyle Rudolph is still on the board).

  14. Wow there was talk a while back that a trade would come together: AJ Hawk for Marshawn lynch. He might be worth picking up now. His contract was ridiculous with the pack, but the Bills would not have to pay that kind of money. If he doesnt have to carry the team and just focus on his position, He can still very well be a good player. I would go after him now, then concentrate on the D-line. Any thoughts out there?


    I wouldn't mind bringing in AJ Hawk. At the very least, he could provide some good depth at linebacker. I heard recently (think it was on the NFL network) that he was likely to sign a much smaller contract to stay in Green Bay.

  15. Ok I know this will probably start a riot but so be it... Mallet storms off the stage pissy because he gets asked about being a druggy and you give him a pass but Cam says he want to be and entertainer and icon to a question about his under armor deal. But he gets labeled a arrogant and cocky guy who doesn't want to become a real qb? Come on freaking McElroy was cocky too by saying he'll be better than Cam does anybody have a problem with McElroy NO! That's what QB's are you'd never hear Manning say Brady is better or vice versa. But to say what Mallet did was ok is just wrong. But you same people get pissy bout what Cam said. You should be ashamed of yourselves, such hypocrites...


    *Puts on riot gear* BRING IT!


    "What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." -- Billy Madison

  16. After seeing Mallett's interview at the combine, I don't want him as an UDFA. The guy is a mental case.


    What about his combine interview leads you to believe that he is a "mental case." I think he handled the situation with poise and class. He was asked the same question 4 or 5 times...each time respectfully declining to respond. When he was asked the same question again, he politely excused himself from the interview.


    If anything, I think the reporters were being pushy and disrespectful.

  17. From the LSU games I wave watched, and the tape I have seen on Peterson, his talent level is very difficult to assess. It seems that LSU plays a lot of zone coverage schemes. Very rarely did I see him pressure the receiver at the line of scrimmage, and play good man-to-man defense. This does not mean that he is not a "lock down" type of cornerback....it just means that I haven't seen evidence to support this.


    Many say that he projects better to strong safety in the NFL due to stiffness in his hips. With that being said, do we want to draft a likely all-pro safety with the #3 overall pick? IMO....the answer is no.


    I am encouraged that he ran such a good 40 yard dash, however, as I see him to be the only player that teams might be willing to trade up for.

  18. I've got one leg on the bandwagon. He would be a perfect fit at 3-4 defensive end. Watching him today at the combine...he looks far too quick and agile to be a defensive lineman. He truly could be the best defensive player to come out of this draft.


    Oh yeah...and Martez Wilson looked pretty good today as well. I believe he ran the 40 at 4.49...pretty fast for 6'4" 250.


    You know what they say about guys with big hands.


    Big gloves

  19. Yea, if he is there at #34. Two big DEs would really make all of our LBs look better. I'd still like to get an ILB somewhere.


    JJ Watt definitely won't be there at #34, but Adrian Clayborn or Cam Heyward might be. I'd love to draft Dareus at #3, one of those guys at #34, and then Colin McCarthy or Kelvin Sheppard in the 3rd or 4th round.

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