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Johnny Hammersticks

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Posts posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. I really think I'd pass out if this even came close to happening (not that it couldn't, just wouldn't be expecting it). Would love Taylor at #28 (who many have the Jets taking at #30) and the #17 pick would be interesting just to see who is there then (such as Kerrigan).


    This may be why Belichick has been stockpiling picks, just hope it would be us he (or anyone else for that matter) would be wanting to trade up with.


    I'd love to see the Bills trade down a few spots if given the chance to do so and get extra picks. With no consensus #1 QB or player overall in this draft, the #3 pick seems to be more of a risk than normal at this point.


    Although obtaining NE's 17, 28, & 33 would be incredible, I highly doubt that the Bills would do such business with the Pat's (or any other team in the AFC East for that matter). Stranger things have happened though....I guess?

  2. Logically if there were MULTIPLE resets of a MAJOR standardized test, it would be pretty unusual for the Wonderlic to not undergo a scoring reset as well over the past 15 years.


    Especially if low scorers can improve their scores so easily:

    - Losman improved from 14 to 31

    - Vince Young improved from 6 to 16


    So I stand by my statements

    - 21 is not that good of a score for Cam Newton, especially when he's projected as a top 5-10 pick. It's another Con which increases his risk. Especially with the 2nd tier prospects all hitting Home Runs with their scores.

    - A wonderlic score of 20 isn't the same as a score of 20 fifteen years ago.


    Standardized cognitive instruments are re-normed periodically because, essentially, the nature of the population by which the test was previously normed has changed to some degree. A person's performance on a cognitive test, such as the Wonderlic, is compared to the performance of the normative sample (thousands of people who take the test prior to it being published). As a general trend, longitudinal research demonstrates that IQ scores have risen over time. As theorized, this phenomenon is due to multiple contributing factors (i.e., education, health care, nutrition, etc...). So, a Wonderlic score of 20 does mean the same thing as a Wonderlic score of 20 fifteen years ago. It means that you attained an average score, as compared to the normative sample.


    Players such as Losman and Vince Young are able to improve their scores dramatically due to practice effects. Essentially, when the test is re-administered, they are better able to respond to the nature of the tasks presented to them. Quite possibly, their improved score is more representative of their actual aptitude in a given area (in this case fluid reasoning abilities). In other words, we are not interested in what these players know, but rather, how quickly and efficiently they can process information.

  3. I will eat my hat if Carimi falls past (or is it passed in this case?) the Gmen. He is a stud RT and I give the G Men a lot of credit when it comes to scouting lineman. I wouldn’t be against trading back from 3 and selecting him around 12-15 either (assuming c.Jordan/JJ Watt/Quinn are gone by that point)


    Its good to know he likes Buffalo though (well I assume he does, if it’s a lot like Madison and he chose to attend Wisconsin, then exo-facto he likes Buffalo). I would love to add him and his buddy Moffit too.


    Oh my, imagine the right side of our offensive line with Moffit and Carimi? I know it's pretty common for tackles to switch sides, and the transition is fairly manageable. I wonder if the same is true for guards; Moffit making the transition from LG to RG...would that be a difficult transition for him?


    In an case....there is no way Carimi makes it to #34. We could have possibly a Moffit - Ijalana/Barksdale/Carpenter combination on that right side :thumbsup:

  4. This is the most unbelieveable thing i have ever heard of in the nfl....Cant hit a qb in the act of throwing...So lets give mmanning and brady more time and why dont we jsut take the whole offensive line out of the game. If we cant hit the qb their is no point to a offensive line unless you are running the ball. The nfl is a joke man taking a challenge out of the equation and now not hitting the qb in the act of throwing..It will never happen but that they even are considering it is mind boggeling.



  5. im sick and tired of reading about "what is buffalo gonna do in the draft...how bout we all think about the question that shud be on the minds of every fan posting here and around the world...how will the bills make the playoffs in 2011-2012...thats the focus that needs to be taken by this team in order to be successful in the nfl



    It's important to have long-term goals, but this team needs to accomplish a lot before they start thinking about making the playoffs next season (assuming there is a season). First they need to have a good draft. Then they need to be successful in free agency; re-sign our key players and bring in a couple quality free-agents. When the season begins, the Bills need to think week-to-week. That is how teams become successful...work hard in attaining short-term goals until you reach your long-term goal which is making the playoffs. The resurrection of the Buffalo Bills is not going to happen over night, but for the first time in a very long time, I feel they are headed in the right direction.


    BTW...fitzy....aren't you an Eagles fan?

  6. It's so simple, yet rarely happens. Makes sense.


    Bangarang, you're so droll. I enjoy you though. You're right, it's not at all simple to trade back when you are picking in the top five of the first round. That's why it very rarely happens. It's fun to imagine scenarios where this might happen, however, as having multiple picks in the 2nd round would be better for the Bills than picking a so called "top-tier" player at #3 (IMO). As I see it, there wouldn't be much of a drop off in talent when picking at #7 as opposed to picking at #3.


    A lowly Bills fan can dream....can't he? What else do we have?

  7. Troup is going to be one of those 10 - 12 year vet's. He and Carrington, + our #3 pick will create one of the young dominant D-Lines for years to come. And all three will make Kyle Williams better, how scary is that! Now only if we can upgrade on LB's, the Bills D will have all the pieces in place.





    1. Robert Quinn

    2. Martez Wilson


    All of a sudden our defensive line, and our run defense, looks a lot better.

  8. I think Washington may be a team willing to trade up to get a QB.


    I thought about this, but Washington doesn't have nearly the draft picks to play with that San Fran does. I believe they don't have a 3rd or 4th rounder this year. I'm not saying that they wouldn't mortgage their who draft, but I see it as unlikely.

  9. If Gabbert is a franchise QB, then why would we be trading our pick and passing up on him?


    Please read the OP again Bangarang. I never said that Gabbert is a franchise QB. A major part of the "trade scenario" was my speculation that Harbaugh covets Gabbert, and that the 49ers would be willing to trade up past Arizona and Cincinnati to get who they might perceive to be their franchise guy.

  10. I realize that it is very difficult to trade down in the first round, particularly when you are picking in the top five. The thought of trading down a few spots really intrigues me, however, as I see a lot of defensive talent in the first few rounds of this years draft. I have been thinking a lot about possible trade down scenarios, and IMHO, I have come up with one that kind of makes sense.


    Here goes...


    Buffalo trades #3 overall to San Francisco. San Francisco selects Blaine Gabbert with the #3 overall pick. Harbaugh gets his franchise QB.


    In return Buffalo receives the #7 overall pick along with the 49ers' 2nd(#45) and 4th(#107) round picks.


    Again, I know this is highly unlikely, but after racking my brain, this trade seems to make sense for both teams for a few reasons.


    1. We all know that Buffalo has a lot of holes to fill. Having that extra 2nd round pick makes it fairly likely that Buffalo walks away with 3-4 legitimate starting caliber players.


    2. Harbaugh tried to recruit Gabbert to come to Stanford, as he felt Gabbert was the best pro-style QB coming out of high school.


    3. The 49ers would be able to jump ahead of Arizona and Cincinnati....both teams that are in great need of a QB.


    4. The 49ers have 10 picks in this years draft. Even after the trade, they would still be left with the #3 overall, their 3rd round pick, a 4th round pick (obtained in a trade with San Diego), their 5th round pick, 2 sixth round picks, and 2 seventh round picks.


    What do you think? In this scenario, would Buffalo be asking for too little in return? Am I crazy in assuming that Harbaugh covets Gabbert that much? Do the 49ers' decision makers like Gabbert as much as I think Harbaugh does?


    All of this is assuming, of course, that Gabbert makes it to the #3 pick.


    Thoughts? :D

  11. This actually demonstrates why you do see the current reality as ridiculous and do not seem to understand the way this situation is laying out.


    The team owner/NFLPA dispute is simply NOT the same situation as you and Vandelay Industries. Thus it is no wonder why your expectations in this case simply do not apply.


    Consider this description which must more closely fits reality.


    Your pool is not a pool of applicants but actually are currently providing services and getting checks from Vandelay (do you see right away that your example is wholely different than reality with merely this distiction?)


    Now add to this the reality that you not only already have a contractual agreement with Vandelay, but the contractual agreement actually delivers you a significant majority of the total revenue garnered by Vandelay. You are not simply an employee, but actually a partner (in fact arguably the majority partner in this enterprise.


    The simple fact is that the actual cash deliverer for the latex you sell)in reality the fans and the TV networks really could give a rats behind for Vandelay industries, what they really want is your ability to make latex like no one else.


    Mr. Vandelay is a legend in his own time. He was willing to risk capital to make latex when no one else would. However, the capital risk he took when no one believed in latex has already been paid back many times over. The simple fact is that just as no one would pay any money to watch Mr. Ralph and Al Davis put on shoulder pads and butt heads (though this would be amusingly entertaining once) and they have little desire when they think about it to pay a marked up rate for latex from Vandelay if they can get it from you.


    Still a deal is a deal and you contractually agreed (lets call your agreement the CBA) that you are going to let Nr. Vandelay for historical reasons to manage delivery of your product, scrape a chunk of money of the top to do this and only then split the total revenue 60-40 your way (not unreasonable at all since the fans come to see you and Mr. Vandelay, Jerry Jones, Dan Snyder or whomever).


    Even more oddly, even though under the 60/40 arrangement with Mr. Vandelay making far more money than he ever had, he still triggers a re-opener of the contract and demands a new contract that pays you less money than he agreed to pay you.


    Even stranger, as the party hired to implement the income and outflow of the CBA, he does claim he is losing money but then refuses to let you see the full books governing this income/outflow.


    Your position in this dispute which Mr. Vandelay has triggered is merely to want to maintain the deal you and Mr. Vandelay made.


    If you have any dispute with how I have laid out the situation, please tell me as all of this open to interpretation, However, I think it is quite clear that my application of the Vandely example is a lot closer to reality than the situation you lay out.


    it is no wonder you find this situation ridiculous if you accept the example you give as describing the current dispute.


    The example you provided is very well written, and a great analogy for team owners/NFLPA dispute. I believe, however, that you may have taken my point out of context. While I never claimed to be an expert, I do believe that I have a rudimentary understanding of the current situation.


    I was referring specifically to Von Miller's involvement in the law suit against the owners. Von Miller is not currently, nor has he ever provided services to any NFL owner. He is not under contract, and has yet to receive any paychecks. Right now he is interviewing with several teams in an attempt to convince them that he is worth hiring. Ideally, he would like to be "hired" by the team that is going to pay him the most money. In my opinion, he may have damaged his reputation, and subsequently his draft position, by filing suit against his potential employers.

  12. The owners are wanting to cut a deal that will deprive him of millions..and for years to come... and you don't like that he has the brains to assert his rights. Nobody has ever held a gun to an owners head and said you must pay the player a ton of money. The owners all consuming greed has caused out of control wages in all pro leagues. In return, we pay ridiculous prices for tickets, parking, beer, and paraphernalia.


    Undoubtedly there is "all consuming" greed on both sides...not just on the part of the owners. I don't have a problem with Von asserting his rights, but I do question whether his decision to partake in this lawsuit was a good move on his part. I also question whether this was his decision, or if perhaps he was chosen by the "decertified" NFLPA to be the poster child for the 2011 draft class. His decision to join in with the lawsuit, in the long run, may negatively impact his draft status.


    Think about this real world analogy for just a moment. You and a pool of applicants have just finished interviewing for a position with Vandalay Industries (they're in the latex business). After interviewing, you learn that the employee pay scale may be reduced, so you decide to take legal action against that company. Do you think this lawsuit (whether you win or not) might affect you chances of being selected for the position?


    The whole idea is ridiculous to me...and by the way...Von Miller will be just fine making 6-7 million per year as opposed to 10-15 million per year. In any case, I don't think we will see him in line for food stamps.

  13. Also the drafted players aren't memebers of the "union" till they sign their 1st contract.


    Only 10-15 players ,per year, get to walk out on that stage. Why would the union want to take this away from the draftees and the famalies after all their hard work.


    The 'union' is looking dumber and dumber by the day.


    I heard recently that Von Miller is one of the players (the only potential draftee) who is planning on suing the owners. If I recall correctly, his beef was specifically related to the proposed amendments to the rookie salary scale.


    For some reason....this makes me want him even less. He must have grapefruit sized testicles that 'clank' together when he walks. The guy's not even in the league yet, and he is planning on suing his potential employer?!?!

  14. Linky


    The "union formerly known as the NFLPA" has requested that top college prospects not attend the draft, essentially depriving fans the opportunity to see their top draft choices standing next to the commissioner holding up their team's jersey. Does anyone really care all that much about this?


    I was hoping to watch Cam Newton shamefully squirming around in his chair (ala Brady Quinn) as he slides into the latter part of the 1st round :devil:



  15. +1

    I think there are too many here that think there is no way some guys fall to the 2nd. The truth is, there are so many good quality players that will fall due to the fact that there are only 32 picks in each round. Some really good players will fall to us in the 2nd. If it's Carimi or Ingram or anyone else I wouldn't be suprised. We just have to hope our FO sees this and drafts one of those BPAs instead of reaching for need IMO.




    There are going to be a lot of really good players available when we pick at #34. Chances are, we will have our choice of a starting caliber player at any number of positions of need. Also, Buddy & Co. will likely be answering a ton of phone calls from other teams who might covet a player at #34. Possibly pick up another 3rd rounder just for moving back a couple slots. I think I'm more excited to see what happens on day 2 than I am about our pick at #3.


    BTW...I voted for draft A.

  16. Yeah, but everything I have read say's that Quinn is a one trick pony who does not defend well against the rush or pass...besides missing an entire year of college experience for improper dealings with his agent. We really need someone that holds up well against the run since that was our biggest weakness on defense, and handling the run is also Quinn's biggest weakness. Just curious why you want to spend the #3 pick on him??


    Yes, Quinn is best known for his pass rushing skills, but I have never read or heard anything about him being a "one trick pony." Having lived in North Carolina, I watched just about every one of his games in 2008 & 2009. He's got it all. Exceptional pass rusher...stout against the run. You just can't ignore a player of his size who possesses such tremendous athleticism. Scouts say that is best suited to play strong side LB in the 3-4, and he can certainly put his hand in the dirt and play DE in the 4-3. He fits perfectly into the multiple front defensive scheme that Chan purports to use. If Dareus is gone, then why wouldn't you strongly consider Quinn at #3?


    Also, didn't Buddy say that we needed to add more size to our linebacker corps? 6'5" 265 is a pretty good sized linebacker. Envision a faster, more athletic Tamba Hali.

  17. I wonder...will Fitz be a UFA or a RFA in 2012? I suspect the former given his years in the league.


    Depending upon how he performs next season, and if we have a young QB who is ready to take over the starting job, he could potentially fetch some decent trade compensation.


    Not saying I want Fitzy to go, but it would be better to get something for him rather than letting him sit on the sideline with a clip board.


    All this is assuming that we draft a QB this year, and that this QB is deserving of the starting job. Hmmmm....just a thought.

  18. Mallett is an absolute no-brainer pick in the 2nd round. He is by far the best pure passer in this QB class. If he turns out to be coachable, he has the potential to be the best player to come out of this draft. He would have great mentors in Gailey, Cortez, and Fitzy. IMO...it would be well worth the risk. :thumbsup:


    I read Brady was a 5.23. Mallet reminds me of him in the pocket, appearance and mannerisms only. The combine seemed to hurt his stock even without the 40 time.


    I thought Mallett performed rather well at the combine. What did you see from him that might have hurt his stock?

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