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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Insulting to those of us whose family didn't give them jack schitt for college, and worked 2-3 jobs while going to school full-time and still have a mountain of student loan debt. I'm certain that mommy and daddy will bail her out. Turd.
  2. A little good news. Per Mike Waters of Syracuse.com, Diagne's only issues are related to his HS transcripts from overseas. Reportedly, he should be ready to go for the fall semester.
  3. Johnny Walker Blue with a splash of water. Seared fois gras with toasted French bread. Incredible fried chicken. French fries cooked in duck fat. A big bowl of gravy. Warm double chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream. Grand Marnier neat. Mia Khalifa.
  4. This is very funny to me. Dick game?
  5. That is freaking awesome. I prefer cooking over very hot charcoal as well. I only have a propane grill right now, and it's just not the same. I too am in the butter poaching camp. I poach the steaks, hit them on the grill, and then baste them with melted butter and rosemary. Delish.
  6. Maybe NSFW for language. http://www.shitsenders.com/
  7. This. I could not care less who Duke Williams goes to bed with. Move on.
  8. Welcome Kid Mamba!!! What an incredible get for JB and Hop. Looks like they're loading up for a run in 16-17. I'm drooling about the thought of Malachi Richardson (6'6") and Tyus Battle (6'6") causing havoc at the top of the zone. 1. Tyus Battle (6'6") 2. Malachi Richardson (6'6") 3. Matthew Moyer (6'8") 4. Tyler Roberson (6'8") 5. Paschal Chukwu (7'2") Oh my! FYI....I am hearing that there may be some concerns regarding the eligibility of incoming 4 star PF Moustapha Diagne. Not sure of the nature of the issue, but I am hearing that the coaching staff is concerned. Something may be coming out soon. Go CUSE!!
  9. I tried one of these at a 4th of July party. Took a few sips and almost earled on my Adidas. Fortunately they also had a keg of Sackets Harbor 1812. Where do you live that this stuff is flying off the shelves? Just curious. Mostly men or women drinking it?
  10. Yeah, see those luscious boobs? She's bound to be a fatty-fatty pig face before long. No thanks.
  11. So? How was it OP? Everything you thought it would be? Not as good as you thought it might be?
  12. Well thought out post. So what you're saying is, like me, you were not privy to their draft board. Therefore, you really have no idea who was a "need pick" versus "BPA."
  13. Are you certain that Robert Woods, Kiko Alonso, Sammy Watkins, Cyrus K., Preston Brown, Darby, and Miller were all "need picks" vs "BPA?" The only need pick I see in the bunch is EJ.
  14. I've been enjoying a nice hefe lately, Franziskaner. Great summer beer.
  15. I think McKelvin is (was) much better than you give him credit for, prior to his injury. We'll see how Darby adapts. Thing is, Rex strikes me as the type of coach who will put the best player on the field. If that is Darby great. If that is McLovin for a season also great.
  16. I get it pretty frequently here in VT. It's weird though...you almost have to have a "hook up" to get it. It is a really, really good beer. Plenty of hoppy deliciousness with citrus (I think grapefruit) flavors. Enjoy. FWIW: my favorite Vermont beer is Fiddlehead IPA. Another small batch craft brewery but more readily available than HT.
  17. My apologies, but that is pretty silly isn't it?
  18. Never had a bad experience myself, but my brother got into a fight with Cornelius Bennett at a bar in Buffalo somewhere. I remember I was just a kid. My brother is kind of an a-hole though, so chances are he deserved getting roughed up by Biscuit's "crew."
  19. The guy said twice he just likes pigs! Jeez!
  20. Ahh....the Freddy's reference flew right over my head.
  21. Great show. You're gonna end up with the "itis" eating ribs this early in the morning.
  22. Robey is a good pass rusher. Rex covets DB's who are good at rushing the passer. They will find a way to get Robey and Darby on the field plenty.
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