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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. There has been some buzz on Twitter about how he choked a girl at a nightclub, and consequently got his face punched in by 2 men. I don't know about the credibility of the source, however, as people are saying the story is made up. So, essentially, I have no idea what is happening....
  2. Hahaha...I even chuckled when I first read it. Never made the connection. Probably all that weed I smoked in high school/college.
  3. Richie Incognito is actually a gay black man.
  4. What about White Castle? Never been to one...
  5. Seems like what Buffalo is looking for, although I read this morning that they wouldn't be willing to part with #8 to get him. Seems like a couple very good defensemen will be around when the Sabres pick.
  6. Any thoughts about Cam for the casual NHL fan?
  7. I think Mali realizes that he is not quite ready, and that it would have been to his advantage to land on a team where he could sit back and develop for a year or two while counting his millions. Plus, Sacramento is about as far away as one can get from Trenton, New Jersey. I'm sorry...I still think he should have stayed one more year at Syracuse, and not for selfish reasons. Edit: I just got the sitting on balls reference. Haha.
  8. Mali's body language was weird when he was drafted by Sacramento. Seemed like he was disappointed...maybe expected to be drafted elsewhere. Perhaps just disappointed that he slid to #22 Anyway, congrats to both Mali and G on getting drafted. There were some pretty good college basketball players left on the board when the 2nd round concluded. I heard somewhere this morning that 44 Cuse players have now been drafted into the NBA since JB took over. Pretty cool.
  9. I tried to think if I had to draft the Bills players round by round. 1. Sammy Watkins 2. Marcel Dareus 3. LeSean McCoy 4. Cordy Glenn 5. Ronald Darby 6. Tyrod Taylor 7. Richie Incognito 8. Jerry Hughes 9. Stephon Gilmore 10. Kyle Williams
  10. I really like 5 Guys. Good burger...great fries. A little expensive, but that's okay with me.
  11. This Little Donnie guy probably understands where I'm coming from. Potentially NSFW if your workplace is stupid. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/67ffdd333d/upright-citizens-brigade-little-donny-part-one-from-thaffner?_cc=__m___&_ccid=5f70e105-ac7b-425a-94bf-746ce63f7345
  12. Now, let's not be ridiculous. This is a serious thread. There are those of us who suffer from this affliction, and we demand to be taken seriously!
  13. Apparently there is room for all! You're right. I went rogue and look what happened. Farted all over my arm fer chrissakes! Thank goodness I have you all to guide me through life's mysteries and conundrums such as this right here. Long balls be damned!!!!
  14. I don't even care to know... I met my wife when I was 27. After graduate school. I assume she has seen balls before my balls. Don't ask don't tell.
  15. Okay. I woke up at around 3:30 last night and needed to take a leak. I tried the cupping the junk method, first securing the seat to prevent for shifting (thanks JR), but I mistakenly cupped around the rear. It would have been fine, as there is enough room behind my ass for the reach, but I often pass gas when I am going pee. Especially when I am sitting down for a pee. My upper-wrist/forearm took heavy farting fire during the pee. I did not like that. I'm thinking a frontal cup method would be better. BTW...I asked my wife and she says I have long balls. Thanks for your efforts, Beerball. I love the way we all stick together here. Good times and bad... Good god, no.
  16. Sonic is, by far, the best fast food in the US of A. I don't care if it's horse meat. The burgers are pretty darn tasty.
  17. Whataburger!! So freaking good. You and RLB are making me miss the south.
  18. Hmmm. I don't know if I would take a child that age to the haunt for Pig Destroyer. The place can get pretty rowdy...more so I'm guessing for a metal show. The students will be in full force too...place will be packed. Does your boy have the "bar show" experience to be able to handle that?
  19. Cookout is the balls. Best milkshakes in the world.
  20. Get it fixed man. My buddy Jason got his junk caught in the sliding toilet seat, and subsequently went cross-eyed. Got kicked by a mule when he was 7 and they went back to normal. I don't know... I'm not willing to rule anything out at this point.
  21. Yeah. Go early, drink a lot, and try the smoked wings. Pretty decent BBQ there for a bar. Great local music venue with a nice outside deck you can retreat to when it's hot outside. Who is he going to see?
  22. GREAT bud in Ithaca. Some very nice kitty as well. My ex girlfriend went to Cornell, and I used to live with her there summers during undergrad. I'm jealous.
  23. I thought about my technique. Even did a walk through today to ensure that my mechanics were in check. Typically when I sit on my bells, it's off to the side...like under hamstring. Could be. We're not having any more babies, so maybe she wants to destroy my seed. Micro balls?
  24. You make a good point, Tom. Good suggestion.
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