My buddy moved to the Dallas/Ft Worth area in September. He is home visiting now, and he told me that beer, wine, and liquor are really expensive where they live, comparatively. What's up with Texas, CGF?
Haha...I'm sorry man I was just bustin balls. I actually watched it and it was pretty amazing.
For those weight lifters out there...has anyone's sphincter/colon ever come flying out during this lift? Serious question.
Just finished watching Bloodline season 2. Very good show, and the second season was better than the first, IMO. Lots of cliffhangers at the end of S2 so I expect that there will be a third season.
Looks like it's between York and Ogunquit. I'll have to see what I can find in terms of lodging. Definitely need to find something with a bedroom and a living room, so we can hang out after the kids go to bed.
Definitely looking for sandy beaches. Anyone ever been to Ogunquit?
I cup from the front now and set them down safely in the bowl. Problem solved.
Oh, we definitely need a hotel with a bedroom/living room deal.
I'm thinking about taking the family to Maine for a short get-away at the end of July. The wife and I have two young children (6 & 2), so family friendly activities are important. A colleague of mine recommended Ogunquit as a good option.
Any recommendations for nice little beach towns to visit? Also, good hotels/resorts geared toward families? Thanks in advance you filthy animals!!
Don't worry. By that time in the season the fish will be 1-5 and you'll be able to get those same tickets for $10. Pretty close to the worst fans in the NFL, IMO.
It's amazing, the hype surrounding Heady Topper. I bought a 4 pack last summer, it was pretty good, but I'll probably never buy it again. I love beer...especially a good IPA, but I don't get the hype.
For Vermont beers I would take Fiddlehead IPA any day of the week over the mystical HT.
Although not confirmed, I heard the delay was due to an NCAA review of a summer class he was taking to meet eligibility requirements. I can't understand why that would prevent him from committing, but that's all I got.
HUGE get....