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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. I'm envisioning an uncomfortable bed with thin pillows. Wires and little monitors taped all over my body. Three or four scientists at the foot of my bed taking notes on their "observations" of how many times I scratch my balls and break wind. Yeah, I don't know if I could sleep.
  2. How dare you Sir!?
  3. Thank you. I'm not opposed to ruling everything out. I do snore loudly, but my bride sleeps like the dead. Doesn't bother her. I'll talk to my doctor about this.
  4. This is for fighting, this is for fun!
  5. I guess I snore as much as the next guy. Doesn't everybody snore? Maybe a sleep study to rule out?
  6. I fart in your general direction.
  7. Thing is, I don't eat a lot of sugar. I don't really like cake, cookies, or candy...I'm more of a pickle and potato chip kind of guy. I don't even put sugar in my coffee.
  8. When I was 18 I was around 185-190, but I was in the best shape of my life and was lifting 4-5 times per week. I was much more muscular then than I am now. I went from 205 to 190 within the past few months. I have been on my wife's diet, and she has gluten/dairy sensitivities. I eat lean meat (turkey, chicken and fish) and fresh veggies for just about every meal, but will treat myself every once in a while with a nice steak. I'm not a big fan of sweets, so I don't think sugar is the issue. I'm just going to continue with my diet, drastically decrease my alcohol intake, and start to do more cardio. I'm also going to start taking Omega vitamins and whey protein. I think I can drop down to 175 if I really work hard. Given my body type, I think that's about as low as I could go without looking like I just crawled out of a POW camp. Cutting down the alcohol is the hardest part of this. I usually have 3-4 drinks per night. Can't do that anymore.
  9. Wait? Women's college basketball wasn't already a joke?
  10. I don't think so. The test was Monday, and for dinner on Sunday I had pasta with ground turkey and mushrooms in the tomato sauce. I had a steak the Friday night before the test. I will be interested to see the cholesterol level when I go for my follow up in 6 months. Well, the experts at marijuana.com say that it lowers your BP in the long term. WebMD says it increases your heart rate by 2/3 times for 3 hours and lowers your BP in the short term. Should I start smoking reefer again?
  11. My sister, who is a pharm rep (who happens to sell a lot of BP meds) told me the same thing. Use as a last resort. I'll go the exercise route, and I guess I'll restrict my diet even further. Take some omegas and smoke lots of reefer, and we're on a path to a healthy heart. Booooyah!
  12. Big woop. I'm sneakers O'Tool.
  13. Interesting. I will definitely consult with the cardiologist when I go for the Echo on 4/28. I'm not against taking meds if I need it.
  14. Thank you for the reassuring words. This is hitting me like a brick, and it has been a bit alarming given my Father's recent aneurysm. I am sort of snapping out of the "shocked" stage, and am hitting the "I gotta do what I gotta f$&@in do stage because I want to walk my daughter down the aisle some day" stage. I'll get it done.
  15. The doctor said I didn't need meds yet, but that they'd re-evaluate in 6 months. I'll probably ask the cardiologist when I go for the Echo. Not a big fan of medications. I did read about the CoQ10 and I think I'll give it a try, thanks. Beets, eh? First I've heard of that. I do like beets. Wow! That's tremndous, JR. I think I could easily get down to 180 and that would help things I believe. I do eat pretty well already though, but I suppose I could use that $3000 treadmill in my basement a little bit.
  16. What was most shocking to me is that I have always had a cholesterol screening done as part of my annual physical. Never been an issue in the past. Just snuck up on me.
  17. Haha...turmeric and green tea. Got it. Doc said no meds yet. She did say to take omega 3 and whey protein. Gonna give those a try.
  18. So, I'm 38 years old...5' 11" 190 pounds. Not in the best shape of my life, but I'm relatively active and have always been in good health. Also, I eat very well, in large part, due to my wife's dietary needs. Mostly lean meats grilled or baked with gluten-free rice and fresh veggies usually steamed. I do have the occasional pizza or sub sandwich, but I very rarely eat fast food. I do light weight training 3-4 days per week, and we do a lot of walking/hiking with the kids. The last couple times I've seen my doctor my blood pressure has been pretty high. I believe it was 138/80 this most recent time. My doctor decided to do some lab work, and she just called me with the results. My Tryglicerides (sp?) are off the charts, and my cholesterol was moderately high (total was 229). My family history is very significant for heart disease. My maternal grandfather died at age 48 of heart disease, and my Father was just diagnosed with an aneurism in his Thoracic Artery. I'm totally FREAKED OUT!! My doctor is saying that I need to eat better (I don't even know how I could do this), and she wants me to give up alcohol all together. Any words of wisdom? Encouragement? Advice? My doctor scheduled me for an Echo Cardiogram at the end of April.
  19. Funny you bring this up. My son (first grade) had his first school performance last night. These kids don't exactly have their "theater voices" yet, so everyone was struggling to hear their kid's lines. Well, this little girl came strolling down the middle of the auditorium aisle screaming "no!!" repeatly at the top of her lungs. No parents followed her or tried to stop her. The principal had to pick the girl up and bring her to her parents who were laughing about the whole thing. They were kind of WT though, so it was not too shocking.
  20. He'll be comfortably laid back in commonsense's recliner petting his dog and drinking his good bourbon.
  21. Wait until a big DT like Dareus wraps up those get away sticks. Snap, crackle, pop!
  22. Looks like he skipped "leg day" a few too many times.
  23. Worse. Greg LeMond
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