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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Alchemist is good but overrated, IMO. I have yet to try Hill Farmstead, but have heard good things. Those guys were too cool to attend the Stowe brew fest last summer. My favorite IPA is a local one called Fiddlehead.
  2. Haha...yeah, sorry about the ugly name calling. No meds for me. I normally am a very docile person. You just really pissed me off with your initial reply to my post, and caught me at a bad time I guess. I've been floating around here a long time, and I can't ever recall going after another poster so rabidly. Maybe next time I'll just catch a flight out to Oakland and rearrange your teeth for you? Just kidding of course Cheers, Jim.
  3. Bells Two Hearted is one of my all time fav's. Enjoy! I can't seem to find it much here in VT, but there are quite a few suitable replacements.
  4. I used to drink Bulleit a lot. Very smooth. Also like Makers Mark.
  5. No, I don't drink and I'm quite mentally stable, thanks. I am over it now. Happy birthday, jackass. Welcome to thunderdome? Bring it...
  6. More of a stojan than a gugny if you ask me.
  7. My reply was appropriate because your question didn't make any sense. Everyone can get into a SUNY school, dummy. Yeah, I'd be willing to pay more in taxes for things like free healthcare and education for everyone. I guess I'm a communist.
  8. Haha...you make a good point. I'm not looking for an apology as much as I'm looking for Mr. Toolbox to squirm a little bit. After all, this thread began as a benign discussion about free college education in NYS on OTW. Mr. Turd face had to take it to a personal level in order to feed his own ego. You f$&k with the bull, you get the horns.
  9. Actually, those posts are in exact chronological order, and my point is that you are a turd. Own it and apologize, simpleton.
  10. You're such a puss. You have yet to intellectually defend your posts against my opinion on his topic. You continue to dodge having to engage in meaningful dialogue, by claiming that I have anger issues or I am a psychopath, because you are a dolt. What did you do in life? Run a restaurant or something? I bet the boneless wings at your Applebees were off the hook, chef!
  11. Coward. You attacked me first. Stand up for yourself and defend your assertions/opinions about me. Don't hide behind your "anger issues" defense. Of course I'm going to get angry when I'm disrespected by a narcissistic tool like yourself. You are not a man, and I question your intellect. Pound sand, Richard Head. Hahaha.
  12. That's what I thought. You have no idea what you're talking about, do you? Man up, you puke. Tell me exactly how I am a whiner. I'll wait...
  13. Okay, you Decrepit, washed-up burger flipper. Explain exactly why you think I am a "whiner." Let's see if you can string together a coherent sentence. You hairless mental midget. Thanks, Tom.
  14. Classy stuff, tough guy. I'll choose to take the high road here.
  15. Yes, of course dissenting opinions. What do you take me for? Some kind of idiot? Edit: Speaking of TBD'isms. I have to share this story. I was in a meeting with a client of mine, her therapist (doctoral), my supervisor, my district superintendent, and our district attorney. My superintendent, also holds a doctoral in educational administration, says about a new program we are running "I can't wait until this program actually comes to fruitation." I wanted to crawl under the table.
  16. Right back atcha boyst. I agree that people try to turn just about anything into a black and white political/PC issue. I am liberal about some things, and I am conservative about others. We should all be skeptics, and should seek the truth. This takes effort, and not everyone is willing to put forth such effort. We also should demand that the "decision makers" are spending our hard-earned tax dollars properly. Also, I have come to the comfortable realization that not everyone is going to agree with me...and that is healthy. I welcome descending opinions, but will offer a respectful retort based on my own beliefs/values. Awww hell....I need to go to bed. Cheers.
  17. Thanks for the advice, but I don't need any advice. I care about all humans, bub. It's convenient for you to falsely assume that I'm some sort of bleeding heart liberal. I never said that this whole thing was perfect. I said it's a step in the right direction. I think if they are to do this it should be available to all individuals regardless of SES. I also think that there should be reasonable admission requirements for this. Not everyone is meant to go to college. And by the way, I worked almost full-time during high school, and I was a 3 sport athlete. I started delivering newspapers when I was 12, and got my first job washing dishes on my 14th birthday. Neither of my parents went to college. Blue collar, hard working type folks that didn't understand the importance of saving for their child's education. I also worked nearly full-time during college to pay for as much of my tuition as possible. I worked my a$$ of...never had anything handed to me. I never claimed to be holier than thou, or wealthy by any means. My wife and I both make a decent salary. We live very modestly, and we save as much money as we can. Hell, I still drive a beat up 2009 Subaru. I'd be happy to buy you a beer or two if we ever meet though I never even intimated that you were "anti-human" or anything of the sort. I merely stated that "I care about humans" because I am willing to pay a little more in taxes to support programs like this. I never stated that you don't care about people, and quite honestly, I don't know you well enough to be able to make any assumptions about your values and beliefs. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and as I have stated, there are parts of this that I do not agree with....just like you. A step in the right direction, Boyst.
  18. Hey, it's a step in the right direction. Coming from someone who paid their own way through college and earned a doctoral degree (Psy.D.), my student loan payment is well more than my mortgage every month. I would have mopped floors at Wegmans for 4 years after my post-grad graduation if it meant that I could cut that debt in half. My wife and I make too much money, so IF we lived in NY, my kids would likely not benefit from this. I still would support this, however, as I care about other humans.
  19. I don't understand your post. Are you in favor of, or opposed to, a free college education at New York's state universities and junior colleges?
  20. Interesting. I wonder if SF is looking to trade up to 10 to nab him? In that scenario, what do you all think we would get in addition to their 2nd rounder (#34)? Probably next year's 1st and some change? Just throwing it out there...
  21. Interesting. Well, I'm off to start a Mahomes thread. Cheers!
  22. Hitchhiker Milkshake
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