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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Hmmm...the face shot is kind of rough. I'd have to get a look at her sweater puppets. Inconclusive.
  2. Chronological or mental age?
  3. Well, I am a clinical psychologist and an educator. Oh yeah, and I also live in Vermont. I'm not organizing LGBT rallies or anything, but it is an issue that I encounter frequently in both my professional and personal life. I receive a great deal of professional development/training on the subject, work with these people first hand, and know and interact with these people personally. It is not untrue to say "if you have a Y you're a guy." That's just a fact. It is dismissive and flat out ignorant, however, to attribute all cases of gender confusion/fluidity as mental illness. That blanket assumption couldn't be further from the truth based on my professional and personal experience. JMO
  4. I'd keep 10 acres for my future home, and sell the rest. Is this lake-front property?
  5. You think SF is going to take him at #2? Bears at #3? Jets at #6?
  6. But pegs personally went to his workout. Buffalo must be looking to trade up to steal him from the Jets.
  7. Whatchu got on my drink, homie?!
  8. Wasn't it your generation that created the millennials? Just sayin...
  9. Tom, what are your pronouns?
  10. Just started watching Crashing on HBO. Comedy series produced by Judd Apatow about an aspiring comedian in NYC. I don't want to give away any more, but it has been pretty good. Nothing too great, but worth a watch. Artie Lange looks like walking death.
  11. /thread They will pick up his 5th year option. They would be absolutely moronic not to.
  12. It fell out of the overhead compartment and onto his head, so he put it on his plate? And then it stung him? WTF?
  13. I think the term "gender fluidity," in itself, may be inaccurate. I don't know too many GLBGQXYZ's that just woke up one morning and decided to shift genders. Most of these folks, as far as I can gather, felt "confused" about their gender from a very early age. That is to assume, however, that the etiology of gender identity is always endogenic in nature. Which I am not entirely convinced that it is.
  14. I propose a single elimination, bare knuckle cage fighting tourney at TBDAHOT. Shirtless and lots of hot oil, of course. Weed out the weakling posters. Two men enter, one man leave!!
  15. Yumm! I love a good stout. 14th Star makes a great maple stout that's my go to. How was it?
  16. Sorry buddy. Nothing personal. When you typed "undied" hair as apposed to undyed hair....I thought of underwear. Yes, I am 38 but have the sense of humor of a 12 year old at times. Cheers...
  17. A squire for a knight at Medieval Times could lead to gainful employment.
  18. I'm sorry. I keep envisioning your hair as being brown underwear, and it's very funny to me.
  19. I feel like a young 38. I thanked the girl at the grocery store today for ID'ing me for beer.
  20. Yard work. Get the furniture out onto the deck. Clean out the garage. My wife and kids are in Myrtle Beach for the week. I'll probably grill myself a nice ribeye for dinner. Peace and quiet...
  21. I want to say that I saw a Tired Hands beer at my local beer store last night. I'm going to go check this afternoon. It is the weekend, and I can have 2 beers (or drinks) per night!! Woohoo!! Rock Art, Foley Brothers, 14th Star, and Otter Creek Brewery are also putting out some really good beers in Vermont. Otter Creek has a new session IPA (the name escapes me now) that I actually like better than Founders.
  22. Alchemist is good but overrated, IMO. I have yet to try Hill Farmstead, but have heard good things. Those guys were too cool to attend the Stowe brew fest last summer. My favorite IPA is a local one called Fiddlehead.
  23. Haha...yeah, sorry about the ugly name calling. No meds for me. I normally am a very docile person. You just really pissed me off with your initial reply to my post, and caught me at a bad time I guess. I've been floating around here a long time, and I can't ever recall going after another poster so rabidly. Maybe next time I'll just catch a flight out to Oakland and rearrange your teeth for you? Just kidding of course Cheers, Jim.
  24. Bells Two Hearted is one of my all time fav's. Enjoy! I can't seem to find it much here in VT, but there are quite a few suitable replacements.
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