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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. I drove away as quickly as I possibly could with a load of crap in my pants. There were loads of witnesses there anyway. They didn't need me
  2. During breaks from college, I was working collecting money for a furniture store on Lyell Ave in Rochester, and witnessed and execution style murder in front of a barber shop while I was driving by. We saw a guy get out of the passenger seat of a car, walk up to a man who was standing near the doorway of the barber shop, and shoot him right in the face. Hearing gun shots ring off in that neighborhood was very common. Seeing that whole thing play out in front of my eyes was deeply disturbing. They police caught the shooter within hours, BTW. Drug/gang related homicide.
  3. As someone who has been on this exact ride 4-5 times, I'd have to agree. You'd have to be acting like a complete wacko to end up in this situation. Never wish harm to anyone, of course, but it's too bad the park is going to take heat for this.
  4. This just in! John McEnroe is an a$&hole. Even if he believed it to be true (and I happen to disagree), he never should have said it.
  5. How dare these people ignore all the hard work done by Chuck Darwin? lol
  6. Great...they won't let my son on any of the good rides again this year.
  7. He's a high motor guy with a lightning quick first step.
  8. Thanks for sharing. Tyrod certainly is a class act. Last summer I took my son for our annual trip to SJF. In the past, at least 7 or 8 players will stick around after practice to sign autographs. After this particular session, however, all the players bolted for the locker room. Tyrod was the only player to sign autographs that day, and he stayed until everyone who wanted an autograph/picture got one. He earned a great deal of respect from me on that day.
  9. Jeebus! Loads of loons and ducks here. Never seen a swan. Fortunately.
  10. Just purchased a beautiful fishing kayak today. Perfect for the reservoirs, rivers and small lakes around where I live. I can't wait to try it out on Sunday! Went fishing on Wednesday with my son to a spot where we usually catch a lot of pan fish (rock bass, bluegills, perch, etc...). Out of nowhere the smallmouth started hitting. My son caught a nice 2-3 pounder, and I caught a few including one that was about 6.5 pounds. Lost another one that looked even bigger. Might have been a small pike. Snapped my line about 5 feet away from the shore.
  11. Good for Lydon. Pretty sure Uncle Drew will catch on somewhere. He's too good of a shooter not to.
  12. I stand for much of the game at home too....haha. Drives my wife up the wall. lol...seriously? Is that section primarily for the old farts? It didn't seem that way....good mix of people.
  13. IIRC...it was the Paul Maguire Club. Why? Is that the old folks club section or something
  14. This is why I will never pay to sit in the club sections again. I do think it was the case where I was sitting. I got some club tickets from a friend and brought my father and little cousin. Hardly a raucous crowd. The fans around us were absolutely brutal. I think it's permissible to stand and cheer on 3rd downs and big plays near the goal line. By no means were we standing up "every second of the game." We got berated for nearly the entire game. I certainly would never, ever pay money to sit among these pathetic trouser stain fans again in my life. It's a live football game. If you want to sit down for the entire game stay home and watch from your recliner. Weak.
  15. My wife caught me about 7 years ago. She had gone to bed and I was downstairs on the couch rubbing out some knuckle children to some HBO late-night T&A. She came downstairs abruptly and caught me in the act. It wouldn't have been so bad except for the fact that she was really, really pregnant at the time. She had hurt feelings because she felt as though I was doing it because (in her eyes) she had become sexually undesirable. No bueno. You know what's worse than getting caught? Talking about getting caught with a marriage counselor. That's fun...
  16. "There's nothing to it but to do it." My Dad when he asked me to clean out the garage.
  17. Don't they have sheep in that country?
  18. Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.
  19. Phunck yeah! Happy Gilmore? Billy Madison? Fuggettaboutitttt!!!
  20. Really? Maybe I'm drinking too slow. I'll crack a beer while I'm mowing the lawn, take a few sips and set it on the back deck stairs, and return after about 5 minutes of mowing and it's already tepid. I like my beer ice cold.
  21. I had no idea these things even existed! I'm going to order a pair right now.
  22. You can pick your friends. You can pick your nose. But you can't pick your friend's nose.
  23. So did you have a good time behind the curtain?
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