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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Obviously you don't understand women, so I'll help you out pal. She doesn't want to go sky diving! She's 36...would probably disclocate her hip on he way down! She wants to go ski diving with ME because it would be fun and special... Women.
  2. Oh, hell no.... My wife wants me to do a jump with her so badly. Tells me her boyfriend in college promised to take her, but they broke up before they could go. I tell her she should have stayed with him.
  3. Focusing on Adolphus, AW alone, and the specific incident... My question is why did he have the gun in his lap? He seemed to evade answering that question every time it was asked by the officer? In fact, I'm surprised that the officer didn't push further. Was he just being a dummy and showing it off? Was he afraid of something, and keeping it at the ready? Something fishy...
  4. I haven't yet begun to embarrass myself, thank you. My posts in this thread (and the previous) focused on the particular individual and the specific incident. Your not so bright pal, and others, can't help but sway the discussion to the whole societal gun ownership debate. Even singling out particular cross-sections of professional athletes who are also gun owners. Why? We don't need you to drop any more hints...we all know who you're talking about, slick. How did you get involved in this anyway? Now go away before I taunt you a second time!
  5. Okay. Which demographic of professional athletes were you referring to here, tough guy?
  6. Just build another wall...we'll make Aqua Net pay for it.
  7. Is this bad? Can't we just use a million tugboats and tow it to Manhattan to use for making cocktails?
  8. I'm going to take the high road here. Don't you have a Klan rally that you're supposed to be at? Nobody likes you, and your mother dresses you funny. Kick rocks, twatwaffle.
  9. Again, you double down with your racist sentiment. "I just believe that too many of these guys own firearms for the wrong reasons." Stop posting in this thread. Yeah, okay...
  10. Careful not to assume the worst. It appears, based on everything that has been reported, that AW's actions weren't all that egregious. Let's wait and see before we condemn the man.
  11. Yes. Flashing a 9mm will get you to the head of the line in a hurry.
  12. Thanks for the reassurance. Interesting little tid-bit re: Mittlestadt. My close friend's nephew, Jake Begley, won the Frank Brimsek Award (best HS goalie in Minnesota) this year. Casey won the Minnesota Mr. Hockey award. They are good friends and have played together and against each other a ton. I met Jake a couple weeks before the draft, and he was talking about how Casey was going to turn out to be the best forward taken this year. I told him I've never heard of him, and that I thought the Sabres would take a defenseman at #8. His reply was "Casey will be long gone before #8." To my surprise, I got a text forwarded from my friend (from Jake...I know that's confusing) saying "your Sabres just won the lottery!" FWIW...I thought that was kind of cool.
  13. Idiot. Hey, is Tom on vacation or something?
  14. Do you think he will stay all four years, and we'll end up with another Cal Peterson situation?
  15. Plax did not have a CCW permit in NYS, IIRC. His permit was in Florida. Plus, he transported the gun across state lines. What he did was totally illegal in every way. Nothing even close to this. Oh, without a doubt.
  16. Where do we see Middelstadt this coming season? Rochester?
  17. IF the gun legally belongs to him AND he has a conceal carry permit this is a non-issue.
  18. Dude has a conceal/carry permit, correct? He just failed to inform the officers that he was in possession of his LEGAL firearm. I agree. Nothing to see here other than poor judgment on Adolphus' part. He isn't going to be convicted of anything.
  19. Doubt he gets suspended at all. Charges will get dropped.
  20. So don't get married if you're young and still want to bone lots of women. Some day you may want to get married. Don't end up like my Uncle Joe. Getting thrown out of the mall for making sexually inappropriate comments to elderly female mall walkers.
  21. What a twatwaffle. Seems like you need to revisit your custody agreement in court. Get a good lawyer. It's worth it. Well, to be fair, chef's perception is based on JSP's posting record in PPP. So it must be legit.
  22. Awww, man. You regret having your kids, bro? No bueno. How old are they? Do you see them? What's the scoop here?
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