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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. I've never had them check for my tickets on the shuttle bus.
  2. I don't think I would have had any issues if the guy knocked on the door and asked permission to check the place out. Hell, if he was nice I might have let him in for a tour. My real issue was the way he just split like that. Freaked me out. Yes, but I was also wearing my Jason Voorhees mask and carrying a machete. lol Actually, it was my wife's car. The kids were in the driveway on the side of my house. We have a little parking area in front for unloading groceries and stuff like that. It was ready to fly.
  3. Earlier this week I was making lunch for my kids while they were playing in the driveway. I'm making grilled cheese and looking out my kitchen window, and I see this creepy looking dude parked at the end of the driveway taking pictures of (what I thought was) my kids. I walked out the front door, down the steps, and calmly approached the car. He sped off as I got within 10 yards of his car. I yelled to him to stop, but he just kept going. I was flippin raging pissed and ready to throw punches. I ran inside and grabbed my keys and jumped in my car which was parked out front. I finally caught up with the dumb s$&t about half a mile down the street, laid on my horn and rode his bumper until he pulled over. I got out of the car with my fists balled up ready to throw. The guy gets out of his car and I say "care to explain to me why you were just parked in front of my house taking pictures, and took off when I came out of the house?" The dude was shaking. He quickly explained that his grandmother used to live in my house years ago (he mentioned her name and his story checked out). He was taking pictures to send to his sister to show her how the cedar trees had grown so tall...yada yada. He showed me all the pics he took, and again, his story checked out. I still don't understand why he took off like that.
  4. That's a tough call. My fav is Khaleesi.....drool.
  5. Looks like he just swam from Cuba to Key West.
  6. I could actually see this exact scenario playing out. Perfect set up for a re-match, although I wonder if McDbag would ever be able to fight in a sanctioned boxing match ever again after doing something like this? Tyson fought after the whole ear biting thing, right?
  7. Agreed, bad deal, but Clay a bust? Didn't he lead the team in receptions? Receiving TD's?
  8. Funny thing is...he's not even good at talking trash.
  9. I've been to camp every year for the past 4 years, and there always have been people handing out their extra tickets at the gate.
  10. I'd start up a collection for Gugny and his kayak/camping equipment fund.
  11. I bet it was the Tussin!!!!!
  12. Everything in this post, with the exception of Kevin James, is pure rubbish, IMO. Ever seen Caddyshack, Fletch, or Christmas Vacation? Larry David overrated? Wow.
  13. Yeah, it really sounds like you care about Gugny's dog. You referred to Gug's as "a deranged soul" who "deserves an infraction, NEUTERING and a time out in his crate." You doubt his sincerity when asking for advice about his ill dog? Well done, sir. Gugny, I am sorry that you are having to go through this hardship.
  14. Peace, peace frog, but that is just his persona. You didn't predict anything based on his body language at the draft. Talk to anyone who knows U. South Carolina football. He may have soured during his time here, but who knows. The guy just got a giant contract to play for the overwhelming favorite to win a NFL championship in 2018. Why would he not be excited and tweeting about this stuff?
  15. Who are you, and where did you come from? Not very nice.
  16. This post made me laugh. So true, and your John Ross/Bolt analogy was freaking hilarious. This fight is absurd.
  17. Also, Tussin. Got any Tussin? If you have a bottle with only a little left in the bottom...put some water in and shake around...more Tussin!! I don't know, Mead. Some of them sound like they have anger issues.
  18. Did you try a little Vicks Vaporub on her chest, and a few dabs under her nose?
  19. You must be kidding with both of these. What?! I find Tosh's humor to be immensely brash, but also witty and hilarious. I like how he's not afraid to ruffle feathers and over-step boundaries.
  20. Yikes! Some marijuana for you too.
  21. Most Bostonians would self-admit that they are aholes. That is the true test to properly identify those buggers.
  22. I got my money on Arya.
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