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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Disabled? I had no idea. They just look happy to me. They're gay!
  2. There is a troll infestation at TSW. Worst thing you can do is feed them by acknowledging and responding to their posts. TSW is a different place since the BBMB shut down. Not to condemn all BBMB posters, as there seem to be some really good ones, but the overall quality of Buffalo Bills discourse has taken a real nosedive. Let's just face it, and continue to enjoy the posters who we all enjoy reading.
  3. Yes, but six days was too long in Vegas. I'm going back for a bachelor party for a long weekend in February. Will be a lot different than this trip...lol.
  4. Haha. I've never been burned, chief. See, they make these things called condoms. You should check them out
  5. Even for a cheap lay? Best thing for you to "get back on the horse." My friend and I used to share a house with a hot stripper back in the day. Fun times.
  6. Good post. Cutting Rags would be downright insane. I can't even believe that this is a 6 page thread.
  7. I'd really like them to work out a deal with SW early in the season if he performs well. Don't think Wood is going to be re-signed, however.
  8. By all accounts MD showed up to camp in the best shape of his pro career.
  9. I've been happily married for 8 years (well every couple has problems), but in my single days the "passive approach" always worked best for me. I definitely put myself out there, but never tried to hard to "connect" with females. I have heard several times from female friends that there are few things more unappealing to them than a man who "tries too hard." I wasn't implying that you are desperate, hemet. Just trying to steer you in the right direction. If she calls...great! If she doesn't then it's time to move on. Plenty of women out there, and you sound like a pretty good guy. Chin up...
  10. Yeah, I heard this exact "take" a couple weeks ago. That unoriginal caller should have cited their source.
  11. That's the best approach. Don't panic. Wait for her to contact you, John. Last thing you want is to appear desperate or needy, and scare away a beautiful baby. Just chillax, man.
  12. The chef at Aureole sent us to coma land last night. Seven or eight course tasting menu. I almost fell asleep in the uber on the way back to the hotel. Last day in Vegas. We're headed down to "old Vegas" tonight. I might throw some money down at the golden Nugget.
  13. Is this in the Dominican Republic? I recall landing similar to this when we went to Punta Cana.
  14. Oh good god, man! Those poor children...
  15. Make sure you work into the conversation that you are a fullonrapist, and that you are constantly seeking ways to improve the welfare of the less fortunate. That always works.
  16. In N Out Burger last night after a day of drinking at the pool. 3 double doubles and a couple order of fries. Sooooo good.
  17. It is conceivable that Peterman could win the #2 job in camp. Yates is just a good insurance policy.
  18. Holy jumpin jeebus! I love that ride. Poor people.
  19. He knows the Kubiak/Dennison offense. Could come in and start week one in a pinch if he had too. Peterman will likely take some time.
  20. Dimwittedly witty. Cheers!
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