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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. I was spending 0$ for a few months. Quit per doctor orders due to cardiovascular "issues." I'm happy to announce that I have taken a swan dive off the wagon, and am blissfully pickling my body yet again! I don't work from late June to late August. This summer I've done 5 days in Maine, 7 days in Las Vegas, leaving tonight for 7 days in Myrtle Beach, and then am going on a 7 day fishing trip in northern Quebec in late August (with 7 other guys who really like to drink). I spend a s$&t ton of money on booze.
  2. Ozark on Netflix has been pretty good. I'm 5 episodes in.
  3. Sad but true. S1 was pretty good. S2 started well and then sputtered to the end. S3 was just bad. My wife made me finish it.
  4. Yeesh....tough luck. Wouldn't wish this on any player. Except Brady!!!'
  5. O'Charley's is wayyyyy better than Applebees, IMO. Mrs. 'Sticks and I used to go there quite a bit when we lived in Concord, NC. I used to get the chipotle BBQ chicken fingers every single time.
  6. Good for Corey. His play really declined last season, IMO. Wish him well.
  7. Anyone see highlights of Casey Middlestadt in the world showcase against Canada? Kid has unreal hands, and his feel for the game and patience seem to be off the charts.
  8. My grandmother gave me her recipe and I have tried 10-15 times to make it. It tastes pretty good, but I can't seem to make it nearly as good as hers. The tricky part is there is just a list of ingredients...no measurements. She just knew how much of everything from making it a zillion times. My grandma made her "tomato gravy" at least once a week always on Monday.
  9. Flying over the Alaska (Denali) range on the way from SEA/TAC to Fairbanks.
  10. Looks like Crossman is looking for a gunner with Andre Holmes and Leonard Smith playing big roles on offense/defense.
  11. Hinduism is in fact the largest religion in Texas. Sacred cows...
  12. How do you know he probably isn't good
  13. Yeah, how has the conversation in this thread strayed from anything but that outfit? I couldn't care less about Rodak...don't like him or dislike him. How do his friends let him get away with this?
  14. Ellen DeGeneres called and wants her outfit back.
  15. Serious question. Why is everyone assuming that these three people are disabled? I think that's ignorant. Do they have silly smiles on their faces? Yes. How can you all tell they're disabled?
  16. You're bad at posting. Did you have a good cry, and are now ready to re-join the group, fella?
  17. Lighten up, Francis. Don't let these clowns grind you down, man. You very humbly apologized, so now let these clowns who continue to pile on know that they can go pound sand.
  18. Disabled? I had no idea. They just look happy to me. They're gay!
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