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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Interestingly, my son and I only made it through 3 episodes of Andor before losing interest. And we’ve really enjoyed all of the other ones (except for maybe Boba Fett). What am I missing? Does it get better?
  2. I think Charlotte is also known as the Queen City.
  3. The Fenway robbery scene and the subsequent shootout between Jeremy Renner and the fuzz is epic. The Town is such a great flick.
  4. Top 3: Beatles Rolling Stones Led Zeppelin
  5. apparently they couldn’t find a trade partner…
  6. I think I heard about this family on Joe Rogan’s podcast. Some pretty wild stuff. I evaluated a HS girl here in Vermont last year that has a “bruncle.” Her 6 year old brother was also her uncle. Yes, her mother had sex with her biological father (the girl’s grandfather) and they conceived a child. It was amazing to me how candid she was in describing it 😳
  7. Being single isn’t a horrible thing. Especially if you have a billion dollars. If I take the billion does “single” mean I can’t have just casual sex with women? Ehhh…I’d take the billion either way 😆
  8. I guess my experience of Thailand was mostly at the resort, but I found the place to be absolutely stunning. I’ve been to many islands in the Caribbean, but Thailand was completely different in terms of being “tropical.” I can’t explain it. The food was amazing. The Thai people we did encounter (on and off resort) were incredibly friendly. Also, my folks paid for the trip as a wedding gift for us, but most things seemed to be relatively inexpensive. Beautiful culture and an even more beautiful scenery. Someone’s experience may differ if they spent a lot of time in the cities or if they completely immersed themselves in the culture…I don’t know.
  9. It doesn’t sound good for Kliff going to Thailand 😆, but as a person who has vacationed there before (with my wife 😉), it is absolutely incredible there.
  10. Maybe he takes a year off and enjoys his millions of dollars? That’s what I would do. The jobs will still be there for him when he returns if he wants one.
  11. If given the choice, I’d rather have Hyde back for the playoffs than Von Miller 🤷🏾‍♂️
  12. I think I’ve seen all I need to see from Craig Anderson. He is not even a serviceable backup goalie. His lateral movement once in his butterfly is terrible. Painful to watch him last night. A couple really soft goals. I guess we’ll see what we get from a healthy Comrie, but if UPL isn’t playing 2/3 of the games there is a problem.
  13. So, basically Rings of Power was awesome for anyone who isn’t a complete dork.
  14. I believe this THC-O stuff is different that what you’re thinking of, but yes…In my mind “synthetic” usually means stay away.
  15. Is it the ‘ol THC-O loophole? Synthetic THC. Stuff is not good, IMO. Took a bit of THC-O edibles on Saturday whist watching the Sabres game. Was not a good buzz. Just felt weird and stupid….
  16. TBH, I don’t think any of them are great, but UPL is def better than the other 2 and the team seams to have embraced him. UPL also started playing better when he started getting more consistent starts. I hope this “shift” doesn’t hinder our progress.
  17. I was betting MMA for a while, and I was tracking my bets. Allowed myself a $500 “bankroll” and tracked by units bet. I was doing pretty well, but had a couple bad “events.” About a month ago I gave up sports betting, or at least taking a break. Not bc I was losing loads of $, but bc I was investing too much time researching the fights. I did go on a hot streak live-betting NHL games last season though. I went on a burner one week and was up like $2200. Ended up cashing out ~$1300 when I quit betting.
  18. WTF?! UPL going to Rochester?? Comrie is low-grade garbage. This is not cool…
  19. I feel ya. My son has 1:30 & 3:30 hockey games on Sunday. Why aren’t the Bills playing in prime time? This sucks…
  20. Congrats on the break up. Which online dating dating service will you be subscribing to?
  21. No, no they shouldn’t. Thanks for asking.
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