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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. I'm anticipating a tough year for the Orange. Very young team. A lot of talented but very raw guards/small forwards. Not much size. They will struggle mightily in ACC play. Next year will be much better.
  2. Good season overall, but a little disappointing. The sister episode was frustratingly dumb, IMHO. So much needed to happen before the finale. The ending seemed clumsy and hurried. Still a good show, however, and I hope (as others have stated) that this season is a build up to future seasons. Max's brother is annoying. Shouldn't Steve be dead or in a coma after the beating he took at the end? Perhaps the most satisfying moment of the season was watching Bob get devoured by the alien dogs.
  3. Cuse/Cornell tonight at 7:00. Boeheim versus Boeheim!! Love me some college basketball...
  4. Anyone know if there are still Mr. Shoes pizza joints in Rochester? I swear, my roommates and I kept that place in business while we were living in Seabreeze (Irondequoit). Great pizza and even better wings.
  5. Goodness...I clicked on your link and now my phone has AIDS. Great...
  6. Sometimes my wife will buy fresh fruit, like a bunch of green apples, for a table centerpiece in the summertime. She gets pissed if I eat one of the pristine apples before we have guests over for dinner. I should be able to have the apples in my home, and eat one or two If I want right? Have my apples and eat them too? After all, I make more money than her so those apples are more than half mine, right?!
  7. Ever more exciting than the most exciting event all year for bills fans???
  8. CGF...I have a good milk-steak recipe for you if you like boiled hot dogs. Delicious.
  9. Easy. Root for the Bills, but root for your brother to play well. You can have your cake and eat it too.
  10. EXACTLY! Let's panic when we see him on the inactives list. Players who are playing with soreness miss practices all the time.
  11. Naive, arrogant kids. Many of us were there at one point in our lives. It's sad that it's so easy to dislike the Ball kids because of their douche canoe of a Father. These kids won't face any serious consequences, although if they did it may be to their benefit in the long run. Although I disagree with the folks clamoring for caning and other extreme forms of punishment. That stuff ain't right, IMHO. Perhaps China could release them with the condition that they lose a year or two of NCAA eligibility. That would sting.
  12. This^^ Not to mention the defense was on the field for almost the entire game. Tough to maintain motivation when the offense isn't doing their part.
  13. Good idea! I'll bundle it with my toenail clipping that bears a slight resemblance to Benecio Del Toro, and my brother's front tooth which was knocked out by Cornelius Bennett in a bar fight on Chippewa Street.
  14. Interesting. A D-2 quality laxer from Louisiana. You must be a youngster. May I ask where you played? I did 2 years under Werhum at Herkimer CC, and then 2 years at Nazareth as a M/LSM. Coach varsity in Vermont now. and agreed...f hogan and the pats.
  15. You play with Chris Hogan by any chance?
  16. Hmmm...gingers don't have a soul. But a potato chip shaped like a ginger? Good question.
  17. Tried to but it freaked out! Something about how potato chips believe having their photograph taken steals their soul. Took me 30 minutes of diaphragmatic breathing to calm him down and re-gain his trust.
  18. He's deceased. That might be frowned upon. I was thinking this tonight at my son's hockey practice. Must be it... The chip chose me, Mead. It's the same shape, although it did get a bit soggy sitting near the sink. I have it in my trophy case now. Is he concerned? I need his take on this phenomenon. Weird! Is there an existing thread about food resembling Brees' face mole? Mods feel free to merge....
  19. So I was opening up a fresh bag of salt & vinegar potato chips yesterday evening, and what was staring right back at me? There was a small, burnt potato chip exactly the same shape and size as the mole on Drew Brees' right cheek! How am I to interpret this? Does this mean we are going to eat him up on Sunday? Does this mean he is going to chip away at our defense? Does this mean coach McD will be "salty" at his players come post-game on Sunday? Why couldn't I go for the pretzels? My normal snack food of choice is cheetos....but not last night! I'll admit. I'm beginning to become concerned here... help?
  20. Another horrible tragedy. It's fugged up that I can't even watch the news in the morning before work because I'm afraid my children will see/hear something horrible every 3 seconds. Sick freakin people out there. Think about your loved ones being in the path of one of these psychos...
  21. My wife is angry with me because my parents didn't try the butternut squash soup she made while they were visiting this weekend. How am I responsible for this? In response to the OP...we need to build a wall around TBD and impose immigration bans. The inmates are beginning to run the asylum.
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