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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Fair enough. So who/what is causing your childrens’ schools to be “cultural shitholes?” What factors, specifically, are being impacted? I’ll be interested to hear your response.
  2. I get your point EIL, but wouldn’t you say that what you’re experiencing (the societal ills) are more attributable to low SES and parent’s level of education, than race or ethnicity? Those two factors are the most highly correlated to intelligence and academic achievement. Not race.
  3. Melanzana is the Italian word for eggplant. Melanzan or “moolie” is a commonly used racist term (typically used by Italian Americans) to describe African Americans. To refer to a group of people as “eggplants”, and in this case it’s pretty obvious who the poster is referring to in the articles, is just plain racist and grossly inappropriate, IMO.
  4. You’ve really gone off the deep end, EIL. I worry for you.
  5. So has he been working out with the team or no?
  6. The way famous people are dropping like flies this week, maybe he knows something that we do not ?‍♂️??
  7. Some people are content to be ignorant jerks, Pooj. This appears to be one glaring example.
  8. A pet peeve of mine. I coach varsity lacrosse, and I have this one parent who calls me before every game. Actually calls me on the phone. To ask me if I can post (on Facebook) the address of the school we are playing at. She is sooooo annoying. I want so badly to do one of those “let me google that for you” things, but that would be pretty rude I guess.
  9. I am very similar. I am actually quite outgoing, and can “work the room” pretty well at any type of social engagement. The problem is, I don’t actually like too many people on more than a very superficial level. It doesn’t stem from feelings of superiority or narcissism or anything like that, I just find most people to be annoying in large doses. I have lived in Vermont for almost 5 years now, and I probably have 2 or 3 real friends that I would hang with. This sometimes is problematic for me, as my wife is SUPER outgoing type A personality. She is probably more popular than the mayor of the town we live in, and has a zillion close friends that she hangs out with regularly. She’s always trying to “hook me up” with her friends’ husbands/boyfriends after we go on couple dates ?. She’ll say “You should play golf with Dave some time! You guys seemed to get along great!” And my response is usually “Nah, Dave is a nice guy, but I don’t really think I want to be friends with him.” It is very frustrating for her.
  10. I hear the moon is rich with Unobtainium.
  11. ...and so could have Robin Willliams. What’s your point?
  12. I have long testicles, so I squash them sometimes when I’m sitting on the toilet. I **** my pants a great deal more than the average 39 year old male. Sometimes I fantasize about randomly pushing people down in public (grocery stores, restaurants). I image their reaction and it amuses me. I have no problem “scolding” poorly supervised/parented children who are being !@#$s while I’m at the playground with my children. I dislike squirrels. Rotten little bastards are just climbing rats with fur on their tails. Sometimes I kick cats that wander into my yard. Not hard, but just hard enough to show them who’s boss on my property.
  13. You’re....welcome?
  14. <cough> creepy weirdo <cough>
  15. Awww, no. I always thought you were a pretty riteous poster, Levi. You just went from Michael to Fredo Corleone in my book, brotha. Please take it back...
  16. The beginning of E1 was very frustrating to watch, but the way it ended left much to the imagination. I’ll probably binge the other 7 episodes this weekend. I love that apocalyptic theme. Little late to the party on this one ?
  17. I always found it to be interesting, given his history as a drug addict, that he continued to drink alcohol quite liberally.
  18. It’s not fake news, it’s just speculation by the author based on his perception of Buffalo’s need at linebacker. These guys have to write something during the offseason....
  19. Very sad. Having grown up in a restaurant, Kitchen Confidential is one of the most influential books I have ever read in my life. Such a wise man. This sucks.
  20. There it is. The EIL ripple effect. Folks would rather do a swan dive into the shallow end of the pool than listen to you chirp on about invasive aquatic species and man-made waterways. Poor Jay Peak lift operators. Do us a favor...steer clear of the green mountain state for a while until we recover. Deal?
  21. I don’t know. Perhaps the sharp rise in suicide rates here coincide with your last visit? Did you happen to speak to lots of people while you were here?
  22. Was just going to post the exact same thing. I just don't pay close attention to, nor do I care about the political stuff in sports. I don't care who kneels during the national anthem, and I don't care who is opposed to them doing so. I just tune that stuff out and enjoy the games. Why would this stuff be a deterrent from being able to enjoy sports like we always have? Not criticizing anyone who feels this way, by the way. Merely trying to understand.
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