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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Silly me. I should have known. Cool pics/video, man.
  2. That’s freaking awesome and hilarious!
  3. ? Are you the wrestler dude?!
  4. Going to see Barefoot Truth today up at Killington. Free show. Several VT breweries will be represented including Long Trail, Fiddlehead, and Otter Creek. $5 drafts. Should be fun. The stage is located right at the bottom of a ski trail. Amazing scenery.
  5. Dazed and Confused One Crazy Summer American Graffiti Caddy Shack Jaws Weekend at Bernies
  6. Yes. Provided there is a team of armed guards observing. That would ensure my safety, and also fulfill my exhibitionistic fantasies.
  7. Probably something by either Nirvana or Pearl Jam.
  8. And by the laws of classical conditioning, this horse will never, ever blink it’s eyes again.
  9. I just looked up some of her hard core stuff. Her vagina looks like she gave birth to a cactus. Jeepers...
  10. Looks like the bad old lady from The Goonies if she got smacked in the face 7 or 8 times with a piece of heavy mining equipment.
  11. In spite of the absolute abortion that is the OP, this thread is actually pretty entertaining. Bravo, TBD.
  12. ....but I thought every carbonated beverage in Texas was referred to as Coke...??
  13. Definitely Saving Private Ryan. The Burbs is one of his comedies that I really like.
  14. I was reluctant to click on that link, but I’m glad I did. Not a gruesome as I thought it might be. They should force Ms. Progeria to sift through her own doodie until she passes the woman’s nose, and then sow that puppie back on!!
  15. She looks like the first person to overcome Progeria.
  16. You twits obviously are not aware of commonly used TBD’isms.
  17. Her face is busted.
  18. Yes, they come in normal suppository shape, but teef likes to spice up the experience a little. To each his own....
  19. Max Creek doing a free outside show up at Killington Mountain Ski Resort on Saturday 8/28. I haven’t seen them since college, but caught about 6 or 7 shows back then. Great performers. Looking forward to it.
  20. Wha?? What is this then? https://www.google.com/amp/s/deadline.com/2018/01/kate-beckinsale-star-the-widow-drama-series-amazon-itv-1202234376/amp/
  21. Interesting. I believe I also saw it advertised on Amazon, but it had yet to be released. Kate Beckinsale is a hottie.
  22. When does your order of suppository multivitamins come from Thailand?
  23. Has this show even been released yet?
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