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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. May I ask why you'd suspect this?
  2. Oh that's right! Yeah, Selmon started a couple movie review threads. Dog had a thread asking for relationship advice that was pretty hilarious, IIRC.
  3. Unfortunately they don't play Cincinnati every week. Let's see how big mouth and the brownies do this weekend when they travel to Houston and play a real team. JJ Watt and Clowney are surely going to introduce themselves to young Mr. Mayfield.
  4. Funny. But whoever threw the beer can is an *****, IMO.
  5. Xanax is a hell of a drug. Especially when mixed with booze. Rare pass for me. Her face is fugly.
  6. No way. I'm not catching Steven Avery's sloppy seconds!
  7. WWJAHDITS? What would Josh Allen have done in this situation? WWJAHDITS bumper stickers available here. They’re flying off the shelves!! Linky
  8. I wonder if Dorsey is cringing about this situation thinking that Baker’s behavior might actually deter some really sought after HC candidates from coming to Cleveland?
  9. Beards are cool. I grow a beard here and there just to change things up a bit, but my beard doesn’t really come in fully. It’s a little “patchy” up around my cheekbones. I usually keep it trimmed neatly and it looks good. At least my wife tells me it does. I rub baby powder into my beard after every shower until the itchiness subsides. Gibs has some nice products. http://www.gibsgrooming.com/beard-facial
  10. Here’s a horse that hasn’t been beaten post mortem.
  11. Wait a minute. Are you saying that I’m a douche for purposely misspelling Baker’s name in the thread title? I’ll hang up and listen to your response...
  12. I’m not fully on board with your assessment of the situation, but the bolded actually made me laugh out loud. Well done.
  13. I guess I didn’t think of that ??
  14. Okay...but I can think of a few reasons why not. I think they’re obvious.
  15. I don’t think any of the QB’s you mentioned would have handled that situation the same way...even as a rook. Fair enough, but the real issue here is not whether or not Hue deserved such criticism. It is more about Baker, the face of the franchise, taking the liberty to do so publically.
  16. My initial reaction was “this kid has no class.” Yet he’s a kid I guess. I don’t know. His behavior in that moment was classless. I don’t know that I’m ready to completely judge his character though.
  17. He clearly disrespected Hue Jackson in his post game interview for seeking gainful employment (after being fired) with a division opponent. There may be more behind the scene re: Mayfield/Jackson, but I thought it was uncouth of him to put Hue on blast on television. Thoughts? Edit:
  18. He got married man... So many young men have been lost. senseless...
  19. Wasn’t that sageagainsthemachine? Miss that dude...
  20. Dog90210’s movie review thread in which he reviewed The Smurfs movie was pretty darn funny. No linky though ?
  21. Yeah, teal is for girls dolphins players sure are fems they should wear short skirts
  22. Welp, I was born in '79, so my college football watching days didn't truly begin until the late 80's. I did watch the big bowl games, yes. My point is that it is better for college football (for the teams and the fans) to have more teams with a chance of taking home the nat'l championship. Call the individual games whatever you want.
  23. Call whatever you want. I'll take 4 teams with a chance of winning a national championship over just 2 any day of the week. It's a good start, but should really be expanded to 16 teams, IMO. All the rest of the bowl games don't mean squat. Yeah, it's fun to watch, but for the schools involved it means nothing more than money and a little national exposure.
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